So, I've been busy with work, life, health stuff. But I never really got a chance to post about my visit to Decware a few weeks ago, and listening to the 25th Anniversary prototype.
First off, for those that don't know (long story short), I have an original Zen amp from 1998, I think I'm serial number 47 or something. I wasn't fully happy with it and brought it to Steve to "do whatever he wanted", since he knows me well enough what I like. It seemed a serendipitous nudge, as my early Zen Amp reminded Steve of how things started, and he was able to meld 25 years of knowledge into my old amp and bring it up to date. After the sticker shock of the upgrade (I did tell him to do whatever) I settled down to listen to the amp and it is really something special. I'm currently listening on a pair of 91db "El Camino" speakers, and I also have a pair of MG-944 speakers that I haven't used for a few months.
So I stopped into Decware to return the Tape Tour kit since the VHS deck died, and I said to I hear it?? (nodding towards the listening room and the 25th Anniversary prototype).

Now, my past few visits to check something out Steve was working on...well, I didn't like what I heard and I said something. Steve's always told me to trust my gut, and if I hear something that sounds off, say something.
So Steve warmed up the amp, and I sat down for a listen. It immediately sounded like my *just* like my amp, but I wasn't as drawn in as I am with my little Zen. I thought it was the music so I hopped on his computer and dialed up a couple tunes. Nope still the same. It was driving me nuts, it was so close, but not quite right. So I spent like 5 minutes rambling in circles trying to describe what I was hearing and explain to Steve in hopes he would figure it out. As I'm rambling he casually in his slow and thoughtful way starts walking around the shop, moving stuff around picking up tubes, putting them down again and nodding on occasion. Finally he finds what he's looking for, walks over to the prototype and swaps a regulator tube.

I resume my position on the comfy couch, cuddling with the cat, and the music starts. Then holy hell, it was like my amp, plus, plus, plus. It was so fast/sharp that it felt like I went from a half-step removed from the music to pressed right up against the squeaky clean glass. By comparison it was maybe too much, to fast, too....I kind of likened it to when you have a transistor amp that measures .000001% perfect in everything - it's amazing, but sharp to the point of being lifeless.
It was a weird experience - Steve explained it that when you change the regulator tube, it changes the voltage, and we went from dreamy soft/slow to max voltage hardness/speed. He seemed to like the really dreamy sound, but to me while it did make things comfey and smooth out rough edges, I felt it was not as engaging as my amp. Then the other end of the spectrum was like having the speaker wires connected directly to my was just a bit too much. We kind of laughed at this and decided a regulator tube in the middle of the two would probably be perfect for my listening style.
So now, not only can we voice the amp with the tubes, but with the regulator tube we can voice the *speed* of the amp! This is just flat out amazing to me, and not subtle mind you.
Now, this is completely my speculation/opinion after spending many, many hours with my modded pre-prototype Zen, then spending maybe an hour with the prototype Anniversary Zen (I hear in my head calling it Anni); I believe that 90% of the sound is the voicing Steve has done with the UFO transformers and speed adjustment by reworking the power supply, as well as the kick ass caps in the amp. I felt that the prototype has the same sound-DNA as mine, which pleases me greatly as I truly believe it's the pinnacle of this amps voicing. That last 10% is what the regulator tubes bring in cleaning the power and making the amp sound more DC battery like vs 120v hash. Add to that you can dial in the speed of the Anniversary amp and maybe it's an 80%/20% thing - but still, I didn't feel like my amp was lacking and I needed to sell everything to get the 25th Zen. To me, that means he's got it right!
Thinking a little more about this as I'm typing it all out - it reminds me of when I first got the PS Audio P-10 Power plant. When I put my Mystery Amp on it, I was like...meh, maybe I hear a 2-3% improvement...maybe. But then I put my little Zen amp on it and I'm like damn! That's quite an improvement! So maybe my P-10 is helping me bridge the gap between mine and the 25th and the regulator tubes. But you all don't have to spend an *Extra* $5500 and get even more filtering and versatility baked into the amp!!
So yeah, I'm very pleased with what I heard. It sounds like my amp and then some. If you are considering purchasing the 25th and it fits what you need - I wholeheartedly say go for it, you will be very pleased.
The Lonely Raven