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Decware Audio Forums
02/10/25 at 10:24:39 

Most recent 50 posts

1  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: Today at 01:43:46 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by Steve Deckert

Note to self,; on the 6GM8 unit I got 4 good hours out of the AA battery and 1 poor hour.  

Will have to work on that : ).  

Low battery light that comes on at the exact point the sound is not 100%.

2  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / SE84UFO2 / Viable rectifiers for UFO2
 on: Yesterday at 22:16:57 
Started by whynotnothing | Post by whynotnothing
I was wondering if something exotic like Valvo G4004, Telefunken RGN4004 or Telefunken RGN 2504 are viable rectifiers for the Zen?

RGN 4004 heaters require 4 amps at 4V, so it does stress the ps more than 5U4G

There are also more options to be considered - for example the RGN2004 - which is double the heater current and dc output of rng1064 - which I know is viable and has been used already in ufo

Anyways thought I'd bring these rectifiers up - might be interesting to hear what others think - perhaps it ends up similar to the thread of 80 rectifier types

3  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What Have You Been Listening to lately???
 on: Yesterday at 20:53:33 
Started by Geno | Post by Lon
You're right, not something I listen to.

4  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What Have You Been Listening to lately???
 on: Yesterday at 19:41:11 
Started by Geno | Post by JBzen
Probably not this one either.
Opening track has Jimmy's haze.

5  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: Yesterday at 19:31:52 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by 4krow
In a sense this reminds me of working with the 3S4 tube used in a simple preamp circuit. Despite the fact that it is microphonic, almost every facet of the sound improved with this simple design. So that is what reminds me of this approach to phono pre-pre stage. The fact that looks to be adjustable is the answer here. Each cartridge is going to change the setting. The tube phono pre that I built sounds wonderful, but just as you stated, the gain is somewhere in the 40 Db range. So then for a preamp that had too much gain for other sources, it became almost the opposite problem with phono. Ugh.

6  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / FS: Townshend Audio isolda speaker cables
 on: Yesterday at 19:16:44 
Started by Clev | Post by Clev
Townshend audio isolda speaker cables great phenomenon sounding cables for the money they are over 2k read the reviews.
650.00 includes fedex shipping conus

7  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What Have You Been Listening to lately???
 on: Yesterday at 18:52:27 
Started by Geno | Post by Lon
Not my cup of tea, that music. What I'm listening to now instead.

8  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What Have You Been Listening to lately???
 on: Yesterday at 18:23:51 
Started by Geno | Post by JBzen
How about Dire Strait's "Brothers in Arms" Remasters! A change in tubes could never match a fresh laser and caps. Amazing!

9  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What Have You Been Listening to lately???
 on: Yesterday at 17:14:55 
Started by Geno | Post by Geno

Hendrix - The Cry of Love and Rainbow Bridge. What else would you listen to on a Sunday morning Wink


10  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Trying to reach litefootdan (Dan Trefz)
 on: Yesterday at 17:14:05 
Started by HockessinKid | Post by HockessinKid
Got it. Thanks Donnie.


11  AUDIO FORUMS / Member's Systems Picture Gallery / Re: Flick's Chariot
 on: Yesterday at 16:25:36 
Started by JBzen | Post by JBzen
Another disgarded battery box project completed.

This will be used on the CXNv2 balanced outputs to supply the Zkit1 in the office. Trying to figure out how to route the wires now. The easiest would also be the longest route. There is 50' of 22 gauge signal cable connected now all sprawled out on the charoit's floor. It measured a resistance of .9 ohms. The sound is strained during transients with the pre out on streamer volume set at 85%. At 50% it is better but shows signs of conflict at times. The streamers preamp is also used to feed the whole house system using unbalanced rca outs. So, it's going to be the hardest way as usual 😪. That will cut the cable length to about 20 feet. But, there is 4 conductors in the jacket. Tying those together will effectively up the gauge to 19. I think in the interest of CXNv2 preservation a short route with 19 gauge will have to be.

12  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Trying to reach litefootdan (Dan Trefz)
 on: Yesterday at 14:47:56 
Started by HockessinKid | Post by HockessinKid
Hey Decware. forum members. I left a PM for Dan to send him some tubes. Seems he doesn't check messages very frequently. If someone who knows Dan or has his email address, please ask him to check his forum messages. I need his mailing address to send the tubes. Thanks.


13  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: Yesterday at 12:07:49 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Time for some Ellington.

Duke Ellington "The Private Collection (Volume Five: The Suites New York 1968 & 1970)"

14  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: Yesterday at 11:03:46 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
On to

Ted Nash and Still Evolved "in the Loop" Palmetto cd

The same excellent group except Wynton Marsalis is not on board for this one.

15  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: Yesterday at 10:49:09 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Listening to this Ted Nash cd again, "Still Evolved." This is very good and the sound is excellent. . . showcasing the strength of my new ZROCK3 and what it will bring to my system when it is fully seasoned in. I powered it down for 5 hours overnight and THAT helped it to reach a new level, especially evident in soundstage depth. I have the t-shirt denoting that I am a member of the "One Year Club" now and it was worth the wait. Darned glad the wait is over though.

16  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / SE84UFO25 / Re: UFO25 as monoblock
 on: Yesterday at 05:03:43 
Started by Herbert Kelly | Post by CAJames
Hi Herb,

Here are a couple of my thoughts. I have a pair of UFO25s configured as balanced monos and they are absolutely positively amazing. So, on the one hand I want to give you an unqualified, unhesitating recommendation to go for it. And if the only difference between your two UFOs is the stepped attenuator vs. standard volume pot I don't necessarily think that is a problem. But more on that below.

But, your situation raises some questions for me, starting with why do you want two? If you want to run them balanced then I totally understand, and see above for unqualified, unhesitating recommendation. But I'm guessing if that were your plan you would have mentioned it. Do you just want a couple more watts? Klipsch isn't my thing but I'm pretty sure the La Scalas are crazy sensitive, yes? So sensitive that a single UFO25 ought to be plenty of watts to give you all the sound you want. And if they don't, another UFO25 (or swapping the '25 for Sarah) is only going to get you 3 dB. Is that really the difference you're looking for?

And the other question is do you know that the volume pot is the only difference between the two amps? i.e. do they have the same caps and resistors? Also, while the sonic difference between the stepped attenuator and pot is probably pretty small, the issue would be if you use volume control on the amp for your main volume control. I think the steps on the stepped attenuator are probably too big to be useful for you main system volume control. I have stepped attenuators on mine, but use my preamp for volume control. You can always send one or both back to Decware and get them matched (and the warranty transferred) but that is another layer of cost and complexity to consider. And of course 2 amps means you'll need twice as many tubes going forward as well.

Hope this helps.

17  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / Decware Ultra Preamp $3,995
 on: Yesterday at 03:04:37 
Started by Connelly | Post by Connelly
Link to eBay Ad: https://www.ebay.com/itm/306100268436

I recently purchased this from the original owner and wanted to use it in our movie room. Because of our set up and having to re run wires in the attic that is difficult for me to get to, along with compatibility with my current/complicated system,  I just decided to abort mission and sell. I’ve listened to it all week as a two channel and it sounds FANTASTIC!! I have true NOS tubes in the left and right position as well as the mix and the four AO3 tubes. The Amperex 7308’s sound REALLY nice!!
Unit will come fully tubed (with 8 true NOS tubes) along with shipping in the original box. Functions as new with no issues. Super clean preamp!

Here is the ad from the original owner:

Posts: 77
For sale: Decware Ultra Pre-amp, upgrades $3750.00
12/09/24 at 04:35:14 I am selling my Ultra Pre-amp, original list of $4245.00 with the following upgrades:
1. Stepped attenuator- a $500.00 option
2. Upgraded sockets-a $150.00 option
3. Most importantly-Steve installed 12 beeswax caps on all channels which was a $900.00 upgrade. I have documentation of all of the upgrades.

I am selling this pre-amp because I am receiving Steve's 25th. Anniversary pre-amp.
The functions that this pre-amp can perform are too numerous to mention here but they are of course explained on The Decware website.
This unit is in perfect sonic and physical shape and comes with the black figured base.
I have the original packaging and boxes from Decware.
If you need tubes, we can discuss all of the nos tubes that I have for this unit.
Yes, if you want to pay for warranty transfer, I will ship it back to Decware
for you.

18  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / SE84UFO25 / UFO25 as monoblock
 on: 02/08/25 at 21:35:48 
Started by Herbert Kelly | Post by Herbert Kelly
Hi Folks,

I LOVE my UFO25 and recently upgraded from my Klipsch Forte IV's to La Scala AL5s

I am toying with the idea of getting a second UFO25 and run them as mono blocks but I am wondering if there will be any issues if they are not identical. I saw one for sale but it has the stepped attenuator which mine does not have. I am assuming this will make a pretty massive impact but have not tried it would love to hear folks input.

Another option is to go for a Sara which will mean a lot of waiting (again haha) wondering if anyone has tried both or have any insights to share.


19  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / ZROCK / Re: Anyone compared the ZROCK2 and ZROCK3?
 on: 02/08/25 at 20:21:54 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Yes, the VR tube will likely last the life of the unit, or your life. If it fails I'm sure Steve will replace it, wire a new one in. But VR tubes last for a long long time.

You may not develop the habit of tube-rolling, especially if you just have this one tube and one tube component. Sometimes I wish I had never developed the habit, but it sure has been a lot of fun.

20  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/08/25 at 20:16:16 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Ted Nash "Still Evolved" Palmetto cd

21  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / ZROCK / Re: Anyone compared the ZROCK2 and ZROCK3?
 on: 02/08/25 at 19:46:40 
Started by Lon | Post by ozark1
I also got the "loaded" version. Will the "VR Tube Mod" tube last the lifetime of the unit?

I'm all new to tubes, learning as I go. I don't see myself as a tube roller but you never know. It sounds like a hobby within a hobby but I figured if I go down that rabbit hole I only have one tube to roll!

I'm really glad to have a component in my system that is made in Illinois, my home. I plan on picking up my ZROCK in person, I don't live that far away.

22  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / Re: FS: VeraFi Audio Piggy Tail PC $60
 on: 02/08/25 at 19:28:20 
Started by HockessinKid | Post by Lon
You won't regret that. I have four. . . and the first one is the big JUMP, but the others incrementally made a difference for the better.

23  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/08/25 at 19:26:08 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
John Coltrane "Live at the Village Vanguard" Impulse Japan SHM-SACD

24  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / FS:Decware Taboo mk2
 on: 02/08/25 at 19:03:08 
Started by Clev | Post by Clev
For sale Taboo mk 2 beutiful sounding amplifier like all the Decware amps I have owned 1275.00

FedEx shipping incl conus

25  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / ZROCK / Re: Anyone compared the ZROCK2 and ZROCK3?
 on: 02/08/25 at 19:02:08 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Hey Jon,
Yes, I got all the expensive options--"audiophile caps," Level 2 Anniversary mods, voltage regulation. Gulp. Not a cheap proposition, but my experience with the ZROCK2 led me to believe that they are worth it as they improve the sound.

The feet are stick on feet. I remove them, I am using Stack Audio EVO feet under all my components now.

Tube life. . . well I have used a number of tubes over the years, in my three ZROCKs (all 2 until Thursday) and I can't really say how long one particular tube will last but I believe Steve when he says that the tubes in the ZROCK will last twice as long as elsewhere. That's a long time!

I don't know if you'll need "extra fuses." You'll get a spare with the unit, and I've never had a fuse blow in the ZROCK2, and I've had some expensive ones in there. This year I got a Swiss Digital Fuse Box with a Graphene Sluggo for the ZROCK2 this is replacing. I really like what the Swiss Digital Fuse Box and Graphene Sluggo do--I have four in the system now.

As for tubes--this component will show you the nature and characteristic of each tube you place in the ZROCK. Steve will send you a good one--he has always sent a fully tested and interesting NOS tube with the component. Of the five ZROCK2 I have bought (I sold one a few years ago to Will) each tube Steve has sent has been different and quite good sounding. So don't be suprised if you find yourself tube-rolling. . . or not, you'll have a great tube right off the bat.

26  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / ZROCK / Re: Anyone compared the ZROCK2 and ZROCK3?
 on: 02/08/25 at 18:30:16 
Started by Lon | Post by ozark1
Thanks for the report, Lon. Did you get all of the options (Signal Caps, A-Mods and VR Tube Mod)?

Also, what kind of life have you been getting from the tubes in your ZR2? I plan on ordering a spare tube & couple extra fuses when the time comes. Maybe the DHC2 power cord, haven't decided on that yet.

Are the feet just stickied on or are they screwed/bolted into the frame?


27  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: 02/08/25 at 17:40:04 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by CAJames
Posted by: Steve Deckert      Posted on: Yesterday at 20:22:27

Approach #2 would be to find a friendlier tube that is less microphonic, and ideally a dual triode to simplify the circuit not to mention make finding tubes twice as easy...this would turn out to be an ECC86 / 6GM8 tube.

I picture you on a vacuum tube dating site: swipe left, swipe left... wow the 6GM8 looks good, swipe right.

28  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: Classical Music Thread
 on: 02/08/25 at 17:18:59 
Started by CAJames | Post by CAJames
Mendelssohn wrote 6 string quartets, but after he died an intrepid publisher put together 4 short pieces he wrote for string quartet throughout his life and published it as his "7th quartet." These days it is more properly called 4 Pieces for String Quartet and is rarely recorded, but fortunately it is included in the Mandelring Quartet's collection of Mendelssohn's chamber music for strings.

16/44 FLAC Download.

29  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: 02/08/25 at 15:45:23 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by JD
I've been reticent to jump into MC carts and step up transformers, this might be my answer. Looking forward to seeing what comes of this.
Great work Steve.


30  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / No Longer Available: VeraFi Audio Piggy Tail PC $60
 on: 02/08/25 at 14:38:42 
Started by HockessinKid | Post by HockessinKid
FYI, I decided not to sell the piggy. Sorry for any confusion. Thinking about adding yet another SDFB to the system.


31  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/08/25 at 14:00:15 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
"Zoot Sims meets Jimmy Rowles" Pablo cd

with George Mraz and Mousey Alexander from 1977.

32  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/08/25 at 13:43:57 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon

Duduka Da Fonseca & Helio Alves featuring Maucha Adnet "Samba Jazz & Tom Jobim" Sunnyside cd

This is a fantastic recording and performance and is showing just how wonderful my system is right now.

33  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / CSP3 / Re: CSP3+ tube rolling
 on: 02/08/25 at 12:53:17 
Started by HockessinKid | Post by HockessinKid
With the recent addition of the STR-1002 I thought I'd do a little tube rolling in the CSP3. I replaced the RCA GSN7GT smoked glass tube (front position) with a vintage Russian Melz 6N8S/1578 metal base tube. Just popped it in and  will let it warm up a bit, but sounds excellent right out of the box.


34  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/08/25 at 11:47:49 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Dave Holland "Not for Nothin'" ECM cd

35  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / ZROCK / Re: Anyone compared the ZROCK2 and ZROCK3?
 on: 02/08/25 at 11:25:11 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Well, it's silly to make any specific comments after 38 hours of use perhaps, but I really do like this new ZROCK3.

It has what I really like in the ZROCK2 as well as important changes.

The new caps sounded different immediately. Their nature seems to sit comfortably between the Miflex and the Jupiter. Not quite as "big" sounding as the Jupiter, nor as "tight" sounding as the Miflex. There's a richness that I like, just a touch, I always like a touch of richness. Steve told me that this would have a "vintage" tone. Perhaps . . . that might be one way to describe it. I like their overall sound so far.

I am sure the new transformer, wiring, layout, removing the bypass switch et al are making important contributions. I have to say that the ability to adjust the gain SEPARATELY from the EQ is a boon. Applying just about two thirds of the gain that the ZROCK2 would have coupled with the EQ gives a touch more clarity and dynamics, eliminiating the touch of "mud" that I got so used to with the ZROCK2 when the EQ is at the most extreme ends of the "Green Zone' where I tend to need it for frequency reasons.

The ZROCK2 is great--though I just sold one I still have two in use. The ZROCK3 is proving to be just as great with differences I am enjoying.

36  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: 02/08/25 at 11:23:25 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by JBzen
Great to see this progressing forward into a fall-in-place fashion. When that happens one knows that it is right, I find. Love the battery approach....hate batteries. I do understand the value of pure DC power.
I know it is still early in development, but do you think this might be also offered as a kit?

37  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/08/25 at 11:05:46 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Lon wrote on 02/07/25 at 20:11:44:

Starting off the quiet and still morning with this one again. It sounds so good! It is showing me how the new ZROCK3 is doing.

Bob Dylan "The Shadow Kingdom" Columbia cd

38  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: 02/08/25 at 04:22:27 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by Steve Deckert

Approach #2 would be to find a friendlier tube that is less microphonic, and ideally a dual triode to simplify the circuit not to mention make finding tubes twice as easy.

This would turn out to be an ECC86 / 6GM8 tube.  This tube has a 6.3v heater like any of the signal tubes we use, but other than that it is designed for low voltages and will work with as low as 6 volts on the plate and as high as 12 volts.  

Since it is a 9 pin tube, we could probably use our ZBOX/ZSTAGE chassis, so I have been working on that prototype the past couple days.  This one just dropped together like it was blessed, worked perfectly the first time, and took very little voicing to get right.  ZERO microphonics.

The simplicity of this and the performance make it seem like a giant step up.  The sound is so close I would have to A/B.  Suffice it to say it is extremely good and literally stone quiet.

Things are getting interesting : )

So far all three units that I have tried have the commonality of being the great leveler.  I am rotating between 7K, 5K, 700.00 cartridges at the moment, and enjoying them all equally.  Prior to this gain stage, that wasn't the case.  The $700 one was pleasant and ideal for casual listening to take some of the wear and tear off the more expensive units. The $7K one was not enjoyed as much as the 5K unit because it had 2mV less output so it didn't slam as hard or have as much presence.

Now I like the $7K better but just barely.  The $700.00 unit is dreamy good now, so it is getting more than double time compared to before the gain stage.

The fact that slam and density is now adjustable for all three cartridges in my opinion doubles or triples their enjoyment.  I notice, I have the gain set different every night which is another unexpected discovery.

That means I am adjusting the cartridge to change its sound, nightly.  All of them.  The only way you could normally accomplish that would be to have many different cartridges for each tonearm.

It's a value multiplier -- which is why I am so excited about designing this.

39  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: Classical Music Thread
 on: 02/08/25 at 04:07:35 
Started by CAJames | Post by CAJames
Another great sounding Antal Dorati recording. Actually, one of the great recordings of all time: legendary performance of fantastic music in world class sound.

DSD rip from SACD

The Starker/Mercury/Dvorak Concerto is on everyone's (mine included) short list of the best recordings of anything ever, but to do it justice your system really needs to swing the entire dynamic range of a symphony orchestra. From whisper quiet to blow the roof climaxes, you've been warned.

40  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: 02/08/25 at 03:47:59 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by Steve Deckert

It will look like this:

This would go into our existing switch box chassis and it is designed so that it can be made with or without a variable output level control and with a single set of inputs or up to three.  That way you can handle the tonearm switching and gain in a single box.

While waiting for this board(s) to arrive, I have gotten to work approach number #2...

41  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Re: New product for MM cartridges
 on: 02/08/25 at 03:41:32 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by Steve Deckert

To find a way to accommodate these 7 pin tubes, I made a circuit board that mounts on the center conductor of the RCA jacks.  As I was building it I  realized that the only way it was going to work is if I mounted the tube sockets to the wrong side of the board so I had to scrap it.  Sadly I didn't figure this out until it was done and wouldn't pass a signal.

So now we wait for a new board full of improvements so that I feel good about screwing up the first one.

42  AUDIO FORUMS / Vinyl / Steve's Design Notes MM cartridge amplifier
 on: 02/08/25 at 03:33:25 
Started by Steve Deckert | Post by Steve Deckert

Getting back to the design process - I have been happily listening to the first working and fully voiced prototype of the tube version for several weeks now and the sound is very compelling.    

It is using the 1L4 directly heated pentode, one per channel.  This is an interesting 7 pin tube in that it works with a heater voltage of 1.4 volts and a plate voltage of 24 to 90 volts.  It is wired in Triode with no feedback.

Having no way to mount the tubes I used a piece of wood and soldered a bunch of batteries together.  The 9 volts batteries in this version may last for 13,000 hours, while the D-CELL would go around 240 hours.

The negatives so far are that these tubes are prone to microphonics and the prototype is pretty sensitive.  If you touch it you can hear it.  We just don't touch it.   The only other negative is the tubes themselves are hard to find, and harder to match.  I had to purchase at least 10 tubes to come up with a matched pair, and the gain of the tubes varries a lot.

That said, the sound of this thing set the bar pretty damn high.

43  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Space Tech Lab Super Tube Rectifier Arrived!
 on: 02/07/25 at 23:24:27 
Started by GroovySauce | Post by GroovySauce
CAJames, My bad, I do recall you having the Woo Audio unit. The photo got a laugh out of me for sure. If anyone has money burning a hole in their pocket I’m still available. Tongue

HK, That is a fantastic description and the heart of the matter of why I love hifi!

Kamran, CAJames has inspired me with recalling the meme you created… Get a tube rectified DAC so you can you buy a STR for that!

 on: 02/07/25 at 22:11:19 
Started by s3steve | Post by Karl
These were my favorite tubes in my Torii MK IV for a long time. I purchased a matched quad from Viva-tubes. They cut the right balance of clarity, bass extension and being totally silent.  A friend swears by them in hi Marantz 8b.
I had to switch them out with some mellow KT-66 while breaking in a pair of Zu speakers that sounded too hot. That process is complete so I will put them back in soon.  
I would have no hesitation to try out these EL-34s even though they are more expensive than the standard PSVANE EL-34.

45  AUDIO FORUMS / Member's Systems Picture Gallery / Re: Flick's Chariot
 on: 02/07/25 at 21:26:11 
Started by JBzen | Post by JBzen
The way that ZH sounded last night it made me wonder how Steve could ever talk about it so well. It was pure crap. Over the years I’ve learned to take his comments at face value, like in the park without BS. So what did I do today? Put in the 10k resistor and led power indicator. Guess what, the ZH is performing very well now albeit a bit hissy. Those two components are definitely needed. Those pulled the sound out of the murky waters. Makes me wonder about the other issue with miss marking of resistance or old part list conflict.

Going to play some albums for the next couple of days with the new ZH to see how she evolves.

46  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / ON HOLD ZROCK2, Jupiter beeswax caps
 on: 02/07/25 at 21:02:06 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
The ZROCK2 is sold.

47  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/07/25 at 20:11:44 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
A nice video, but a nice stand alone cd as well.

Bob Dylan "Shadow Kingdom" Columbia cd

48  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: 02/07/25 at 19:13:32 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Tania Maria "Outrageous" Concord cd

Oh yes, she's outrageous. She's a force of nature!

49  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Solid state curious
 on: 02/07/25 at 19:08:00 
Started by Donnie | Post by Donnie
My amp is pure solid state.
AGY does make some preamps and integrateds that do have tubes in the preamp section.
But in saying that there are tubes in the pre section is kind of misleading. They mix the tube and solid state together and you are able to vary the amount of "Tubieness".
It is kinda cool, kinda weird.
If anything, Angela-Gilbert approaches amplification with a different mindset.  

50  AUDIO FORUMS / Classifieds / SOLD       ZROCK2                
 on: 02/07/25 at 18:37:28 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
I have a ZROCK 2 for sale, this is from the original invoice:

ZROCK2 / Decware Tube EQ Stage      1,009.00
                        Select Voltage: 110~120 Volts

Signal Capacitors: Beeswax caps Type II - adds $130

Custom: Silver RCA Jacks - $100

Includes a Synergistic Research Purple fuse.

Condition I'd say 8.5 out of 10, a top no longer pristine. I am the original owner, in use for seven years! Functions perfectly, sounds great.

I will include several 12AU7 tubes and a brand new stock power cord from Decware.

$800 including postage within the US. If interested PM here or email me at lonjazz@yahoo.com Thanks!