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10/22/24 at 13:37:59 

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YaBB Help Center
Welcome to the YaBB Family
YaBB is one of the world's leading providers of free, Perl-based message board systems for webmasters. Our innovative system allows people to get and stay connected in an easy to use, easy to understand format. Come see what hundreds of thousands of webmasters and millions of registered users already know!

For a more complete manual, please visit The YaBB Codex.
For support and troubleshooting, please visit YaBB's Support Community

This help section will get you up to speed on the functions of this YaBB forum. Inside, you will learn how to register an account, login, edit your profile, post a message, and much more. If you would like to skip ahead to a section, please use the menu to the left.

Since the last release of YaBB, new features have been introduced, so take your time reading this HELP through

Getting started
Register an Account
Since this forum is powered by YaBB, registering an account is so simple, you'll be chatting in no time!

Step 1: In the menu above, you will see items titled "Home", "Help", "Login", "Register", etc. Click on "Register".

Step 2: On this new page, you will see a form where you can choose your username and password (if the administrator allows) and enter you email address. Fill in the boxes with your information.

Step 3: If enabled by the admin, you may need to fill in the characters presented in the visual confirmation (captcha) box.

Step 4: Check the box to agree to the User Agreement.

Step 5: Click on the "Register" button at the bottom of the page.

That's it! The administrator may require you to validate your account before you can post. If this is the case, an email will be sent to you containg your password. Now you"re ready to log in and post!

Log Into Your Account
Now that you've registered an account, it's time to sign in.

Step 1: In the menu above, you will see items titled "Home, "Help", "Login", "Register", etc. Click on "Login".

Step 2: On this new page, you will see several options.

  • Username or email address - Enter in the userID or the email you registered with.
  • Password - Type in your password.
  • Logged in For - Choose how long you would like to stay logged in for.
  • Forgot Password - If you can't remember your password, click this button to have it resent. (Full directions below.)

Step 3 Once you have everything filled out, click the button in the form titled "Login".

Congratulations! You are now ready to participate in this community! Note, if you do not see the "Login" button in the menu, you may already be logged in. This can happen on some boards set up for instant registration.

Log Out of Your Account
When you are done posting, it is a good idea to log out of your account so others using your computer will not have access to your information. To do this, find the menu item titled "Logout". Once you click this button, YaBB will log you out of the forum. You must log in again if you wish to post or access member-only functions.
Forgotten Password
If you have forgotten your password, YaBB can resend it to the email account you have given in your profile.

Step 1 In the menu above, you will see items titled "Home", "Login", "Register", etc. Click on "Login".

Step 2 On this new page, you will see a button titled "Forgot Password". Click this button.

Step 3 A new page will load with a single box. Enter your username or the email address you registered with.

Step 4 Click the button titled "Send".

User CP and Profile
User CP
YaBB's User CP (Control Panel) is a combination of your user profile with favorites, personal messaging and Buddy List.

When you enter the 'User CP', you have multiple choices of what to do:

  • On the left side pane, you see an element with a menu containing 'Messages', 'Profile' and 'Posts'.
  • In Messages, you are controlling all of your personal messages, you can sort them in your folders (if enabled) or send new messages as well as search for a particular message.
  • In Profile, you can check your profiles appearance and edit it's contents. As a new item, we have a tool called 'Buddy List', which you can use to quickly check your friends online status, send messages to them and check their details.
  • In Posts, you can check & update your notifications and favorites as well as consult your own latest posts.
  • On the right hand pane you'll see part of your profile as it appears in the display posts page, your buddy list and info regarding your online/offline appearance and how new notifications get delivered to you.

Profile Overview
YaBB allows you to fill out a profile which tells people about you. You can have your name, age, instant messenger information, personal avatar (picture), and more!

Step 1: To change your profile, click the "User_CP" option in the forum menu above. Then click "Profile" in the tabbed menu below the main tabbed menu. This will bring you to the View Profile page.

Step 2: On your View Profile page, you will see several links that allow you access to each part of your user profile, which is divided into five sections: Edit Profile, Contact Information, Options, Buddy List, and PM Preferences. Click one of the links to access that part of your profile.

Step 3: For security reasons, you will then be asked to enter your password. Do so, then click "Confirm Password".

You now have access to all of your account settings and options for this YaBB. For details on each of this, please read on below.

Edit Profile
The Edit Profile section gives you quick access to your basic profile settings for you account on this YaBB forum.

If you wish to change your password, you may do so by filling in this box. It is highly recommended that your password be at least 6 characters and use a combination of letters and numbers.

Verify Password
In order to change your password, YaBB needs to know that you'll remember it. You can do this by entering your new password again in this box.

This is your Display Name. This is the name everyone will see throughout this YaBB forum. Most forum systems display the username you login with, but this is not the case with YaBB!

Optional. If you want others to know your gender, you may pick "male" or "female" from this drop-down box. Keep in mind that this forum may have boards with access only allowed to certain genders.

Optional. If you would like others to see how old you are and have a special icon in your profile on your birthday, please enter it in DD (day), MM (month), YYYY (year) format.

Optional. Filling in this box will display where you live, where your from or anything else you choose.

Contact Information
If you would like other members of this YaBB community to be able to contact you, this section will allow you to provide this information in your profile.

This must be a valid email address. It is used for system notifications such as a forgotten password, topic notifications, and forum emails.

Hide Email from Public
Check this box if you do not want other YaBB community members to view your email address. Note: this does not hide it from Admins.

If you have an ICQ account, you may enter your UIN here.

If you have AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), you may enter your user name here.

If you have Yahoo! Instant Messenger, you may enter your screen name here.

If you have an MSN Messenger address, you may enter it here.

Google Talk
If you have Google Talk, you may enter your address here.

Website Title
If you have a website, you can enter the title here. This will be the text the URL (below) will attached to.

Website URL
Here you can enter the URL to your website. Note, this must be a full URL. (i.e. include http:// )

The third section of your YaBB profile allows you to edit forum settings that relate to your account.

YaBB allows you to define a small picture (called an avatar) that will display under your name next to your posts. This forum has a number of avatars already installed, and you may pick one from the list. If you have your own avatar, please see the option below.

I have my own pic
If you have your own avatar and would like to use it on this YaBB, you may enter the URL here.

Personal Text
This is a small line of text that will display under your avatar.

Your signature is displayed at the bottom of every post you make and in your profile.

Preset Time Format
This option allows you to change how the dates and time are presented to you throughout this YaBB community.

Custom Time Format
You may also create a custom time format using the special codes here.

Time Offset
Since your time may be different from the server, you can enter your correct time zone to adjust it correctly.

If the webmaster of this YaBB forum has other templates installed, you may choose one from this box.

Here you can select your native language to view this community in if it is available.

Buddy List
The Buddy List section of the profile gives you the ability to add other members that your frequently contact to a list that will show in your User CP view. Your Buddy List will display each name, their Online/Offline status, and link options to send the user a PM, an e-Mail, or visit the link to their website.
  • Add users to your Buddy List by clicking on the link below the Buddy List display box.
  • Delete users from your Buddy List by double-clicking on their user name inside the Buddy List display box.

PM Preferences
The final section of the profile gives you the ability to customize how you view and receive personal messages from other community members.

This function allows you to ignore other members and prevents you from viewing any personal messages they send. Additionally, you may disable all PMs by checking this option.

Notify Me of New PMs by e-mail:
If you would like an email when a members sends you a personal message, this options allows you to enable that feature.

Enable Personal Message Popup?
Checking this box will display a small popup window to notify you of any new personal messages.

PM Popup shows PMs in new Window?
If you have PM Popups enabled, checking this box will open your PMs in a new window. Otherwise, it will load in the current one.

Note:: The following features are options selectable by the Administrator. Some or all of these options may not appear in your PM Preference screen.

Enable the "Preview" Button for the PM Posting Page:
Checking this box adds a button below the PM screen that allows you to preview your PMs just as you can with posts.

View Message Text In List View of Personal Messages?:
Checking the box enables viewing the first line of message text in list views. To view only the sender/recipient and date etc., leave this box unchecked.

Enable the "Active" Preview Option on the PM Posting Page:
Checking this box adds a button at the top of the PM screen that allows a live preview of your PM as you type it.

Set Posting Alerts To Be PMed When You Are Online:
Checking this option will allow you to receive posting alerts by PM while you are online. If you want all your posting alerts to be by email, leave this box unchecked.

NOTE: if you have "Notify Me of New PMs by E-Mail" set to "Yes", you will not receive an email notification of these PMs while you are online.

Starting a Topic
After you have registered an account, you will have the ability to start new topics. To do so, navigate to a category you would like to begin a conversation in. Make sure that this is the correct category for the subject of your post. Once you're inside this category, search for a link or button titled "Start New Topic" and click it. The exact location of this button will vary depending on which template is being used, but it is often near the top of the list of topics.

This will present you with a new page where you can begin to type your post. Below you will find a description of the items on this page.

Subject: This is the title of your topic and is what will be shown on the category page.

Message Icon: If you would like to add a special icon to your post, you may choose one from this list.

Add YaBBC tags: YaBBC tags give you the ability to format the text in your post. To add, simply click on the button of your choice. See below for a complete reference.

Add Smileys: Personalize your post by adding an emoticon, or smiley. Just click on the one you want and YaBB will automatically put it in your post.

Attach: If the Administrator allows, you may be able to add a file to your post by clicking on the "Browse" button to find the file on your hard drive to upload. Pay attention to the allowed file types and maximum file size.

Post/Preview/Reset: These three buttons do exactly what you would expect. Press the "Post" button if you're ready for the community to view your message, press "Preview" if you would like to see what your post will look like first or press "Reset" to clear all of the boxes and start again.

Replying to a Post
In addition to posting new topics, you can also reply to existing posts or topics quickly and easily. When you find a topic you would like to comment on, look for the button or link titled "Reply" or "Quote". Using "Reply" will take you to a post page much like the one described above. Quote does exactly he same thing, however, it will add what another user has said to your post in a special box like you see below.

This is a quote

Posting a Poll
If you have a question you would like to ask this community, YaBB gives you the ability to create a poll along with your topic. This is a fantastic way to get a good idea of what this community feels about your question. To post a poll, find the button titled "Start New Poll" from the category view and click it. The exact location of this button will vary depending on which template is being used, but it is often near the top of the list of topics. On this special post page, type in your question and options in the respectively labeled box, then fill out your message as described above.
YaBBC Reference
For security reasons standard HTML code cannot be used in posts. Instead YaBB allows the use of YaBBC (YaBB Code) for formatting. YaBBC is similar to HTML, but safe and standardized for bulletin board use. To use, you can either click on the YaBBC button of your choice on all post pages or manually type them in. Below is a listing of each tag and it's function.

What is YaBBC?

YaBBC is a set of tags based on the HTML language. It allow you to add formatting to your messages in the same way as HTML does, but have a simpler syntax and will never break the layout of the pages you are viewing. Most YaBBC tags can be wrapped around text, by first highlighting the text, and then clicking on the YaBBC button with the desired formatting.

URL Button Insert URL, Link
[url=http://www.yabbforum.com]YaBB Forum[/url]
YaBB Forum
  • Type URL and text: www.yabbforum.com YaBB Forum
  • Highlight all of it: www.yabbforum.com YaBB Forum
  • Click the button: YaBB Forum
The [link] YaBBC tags work in the same manner as the [url] tags, with the exception that the [link] tag (there is no insertion button for this tag) will open the clicked link in the present window, whereas the [url] tag opens the clicked link in a new window.

FTP Button Insert FTP

Image Button Insert Image


Email Button Insert Email
[email=myname@domain.com]Click to email me[/email]
Click to email me
  • Type mail-addr. and text: myname@domain.com Click to email me
  • Highlight all of it: myname@domain.com Click to email me
  • Click the button: Click to email me

Add media files Insert multi media files
[media]url to flash file[/media]

Table ButtonTable Data ButtonTable Row Button Insert Table - Column - Row
Syntax: [table][tr][td]text example[/td][/tr][/table]

Horizontal Rule Button Insert Horizontal Rule

Teletype Button Insert Teletype
[tt]text example[/tt]
text example

Code Button Insert Code

[code]<script language="Javascript">
alert("Hello YaBB 2!");
</script> [/code]

<script language="Javascript">
alert("Hello YaBB 2!");

Quote Button Insert Quote
[quote]Hello YaBB 2[/quote]
Hello YaBB 2

Edit Button Insert Edit
[edit]This was edited in YaBB 2[/edit]
This was edited in YaBB 2

Superscript Button Insert Superscript

text [sup]example[/sup]

text example

Subscript Button Insert Subscript

text [sub]example[/sub]

text example

List ButtonInsert List - List Item

[list][*]item 1
[*]item 2
[*]item 3[/list]
  • item 1
  • item 2
  • item 3
You can create 2 or 3 level lists by including a list inside another list.

[list][*]item 1
[*]item 2
[list][*]subitem 1
[*]subitem 2[/list]
[*]item 3[/list]
  • item 1
  • item 2
    • subitem 1
    • subitem 2
  • item 3

/me Button/me
/me loves YaBB 2
* loves YaBB 2

Move Button Insert Marquee
[move]text example[/move]
text example

Timestamp Button Insert Timestamp
07/17/05 at 13:19:22

Bold Button Insert Bold Text
[b]text example[/b]
text example

Italic Button Insert Italic Text
[i]text example[/i]
text example

Underline Button Insert Underline Text
[u]text example[/u]
text example

Strikethrough Button Insert Strikethrough Text
[s]text example[/s]
text example

Highlight Button Insert Highlighted Text
[highlight]text example[/highlight]
text example

Font Face Selector Change Font Face
[font=Courier New]Courier New font[/font]
Courier New font

Size Selector Change Font Size
[size=14]14 point font[/size]
14 point font

Color picker and the palette Choose a text color
You can either use the quick color picker to choose a text color from the palette containing 12 ready made color tags or open the palette to create a custom color tag.
[color=#ff0000]red colored text[/color]
red colored text

Preformatted Button Insert Preformatted Text

[pre] this is preformatted text [/pre]

 this  is
preformatted text

Left Align Button Insert Left Aligned Text



Center Align Button Insert Center Aligned Text



Right Align Button Insert Right Aligned Text



Personal Messages
Personal Messaging
YaBB is about community and communication. And there are plenty of ways to communicate: Posting on the boards, Personal Messaging, E-mail, ICQ, AIM, YIM, MSN, and Gtalk. Of course, all methods of communication are only available to members. An exception is when the Forum Staff decides to allow guests to post on the boards: in this case all unregistered users are NOT allowed to do is viewing the Member List and sending Personal Messages to members.

As a new functionality, we now offer the possibility for guests to send a PM to the admin of the forum. If there is a problem with your account or with the registration, then use this to contact the forum owner.

Another brand new thing is that you can send messages much more like emails. You can send carbon copies (cc) and blind carbon copies (bcc) and the receivers can also respond directly to other original recipients.

You have the possibility (if enabled) to create additional store folders for your messages and if the number of messages is large, you can find individual messages by using the search.

Forum staff have the possibility to communicate to each other by sending broadcast messages. You can select the recipients to be all moderators, all moderator groups, all global moderators, all admins or all of those together.

While e-mail is a good way to correspond privately with members, it has several drawbacks: You must open your e-mail application to write and send the message; the recipient must open his/her e-mail application; check his/her mail and your message will mixed in with all the other mail and it can take sometimes several minutes to an hour for mail to reach the recipient.

As an alternative to e-mail, YaBB offers a faster, more private method. Personal Messaging on the forum provides instantaneous delivery to the recipient's private mailbox. The mail is sent and received entirely through YaBB, so neither you nor the recipient have to open another program or leave YaBB. Personal Messaging also gives both the sender and recipient greater privacy: no one's real e-mail address is revealed. Personal Messages show only the username and name of both parties.

If a recipient isn't online, Personal Messages wait in the member's PM box until the next time he/she logs in and manually reads and/or deletes them. Should you for some reason need to call back the message before the other party reads it, you can.
YaBB Personal Messages is basically a self-contained, highly private e-mail system.
