Torii III? We eat Torii III's for lunch on this Thread. You must be lost? Or, confused?!

;D ;D ;D ;D
Further sonic pleasure improvements (Zen Mystery Amp & CSP3) have been Tube Rolling:
NOS/Platinum/Ediswan's CV2492/6922 /Inputs = ZMA are breathtaking.............. .
*Also: Cryoset 6H23N-EB's, rotated in and out of Inputs/ZMA*
(Way different internal guts/halo/getter...they are NOT 6N23P-EV's)
NOS/Platinum/Telefunken 6922/E88CC for Input Tube/CSP3 ~ not taken for granted neither......... .
NOS/Platinum/Ediswan's CV2492/6922 /PRE Outputs of CSP3, running into ZMA Inputs with Ediswan's = revelatory!
Furthermore, customizing my Acoustic Zen Adagio's:
Acoustic Zen Adagio's x-over's Modified/Full Range with Mundorf MCap Supremes-single Cap to each Tweeter/4.5k cross
(Gutted: 3kHz/18dB/Octave, Linkwitz/Riley Crossovers....with all crappy parts = gone)
Especially when the Adagio Drivers are equipped with underhung voice coils and Neodymium magnets – a short voice coil in a long magnetic gap allows to eliminates most of the distortions and coloration.
......then with the Transmission Lines.....magnificent overacheivers!
PS: Goals in 2016/for my System:
1) Three more choice/select/NOS/Platinum pairs of 6922's from Upscale Audio.
2) I'm bringing in a PASS LABS XA 30.8 (used/demo/seasoned in), to challenge my Zen Mystery Amp. Yes, the XA 30.8.....not the XA 30.5.
(I'll probably end up keeping the 30.8 & the ZMA will be going nowhere~it stays/period).
3) Kimber Internal Silver wire or Duelund, inside Adagio's...and Upgrade Caps to Mundorf Silver Oils.
Listening Room:
Room Treatments from Michael Green & Home Brew
Sony as Transport (DVP-NS57P)/Sandwich weighted for Isolation
Illuminati D-60 Digital Coax IC
Shunyata Research Ztron Alpha Digital Power Cord to ZDSD!
Decware ZDSD DAC / Recorder
W/Steve's Output Transformer's/kicking to the curb quite a few superb DAC'S!
(@ -20 Ref Level, 0.0 Input volume and @ 16/192)
WBT-0102Ag RCA Kimber Select KS1030
Decware CSP3 w/Jupiter Caps
(NOS/Platinum/Telefunken 6922/E88CC for Input Tube~NOS Platinum Ediswan Cryogenic 6922's for Output Tubes & 5U4G-C Rectifier)
10 of 10 for Input tube & *9* of 10 voltage for Output tubes
Volume adjustment usage at 25% to 55% from 0
WBT-0102Ag RCA Kimber Select KS1030
Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier
~BIASED at *60* mA~
(NOS/Platinum/Ediswan's CV2492/6922 in my A12 an B12 positions~6N23P-EV's for Inverter Tubes~JAN Sylvania 0A3's & Tung-Sol KT66's)
ZMA adjusted at 20% to 30% from 0
Kimber Select KS6063 Speaker Cable 8ft WBT-0681-Ag Spades
Acoustic Zen Adagio - Black Pearl (Modified)
Acoustic Zen Adagio's x-over's Modified/Full Range with Mundorf MCap Supremes-single Cap to each Tweeter/4.5k cross
(Gutted: 3kHz/18dB/Octave, Linkwitz/Riley Crossovers....with all crappy parts = gone)
XLO Pro Power Cords to CSP3 an ZMA
PS Audio P3 Power Plant / Pangea AC-9SE from wall to P3
(Transport, ZDSD an CSP3, Regenerated/*122*~ Multiwave off...ZMA on High Current Output)
PS: NOS/Platinum/Ediswan's CV2492/6922 /Inputs = ZMA are breathtaking.............. .
*Also: Cryoset 6H23N-EB's, rotated in and out of Inputs/ZMA*
(Way different internal guts/halo/getter...they are NOT 6N23P-EV's)
NOS/Platinum/Telefunken 6922/E88CC for Input Tube/CSP3 ~ not taken for granted neither......... .
NOS/Platinum/Ediswan's CV2492/6922 /PRE Outputs of CSP3, running into ZMA Inputs with Ediswan's = revelatory!