Steve wrote .....
Quote:It will be interesting to get peoples impressions during DECFEST2019. I know one thing... Randy is going to get tired of hearing people refer to the Betsy baffles as the "baby ones" or the "tiny ones" but will have no issues keeping face throughout the event when the "baby ones" sound big and the cost is small.
When I first listened to the Big Betsy I felt some panic thinking ahead to what these will do to not only Randy's speakers, but Bob's and all of my own. Sadly for Bob and myself, there is probably no silver lining to that cloud, but for Randy, having the same thing with both the size and price scaled down is going to be very appealing to a lot of people.
Hi Steve,
I am really looking forward to hearing your creations in October.
In between building and shipping speakers over the past few days, I have spent several hours listening to music in my "audio he shed" switching back and forth between the Betsy baffles and the new baffles with the Lii F-15 driver.
Truthfully, they are both so good in different ways that it seems like an "embarrassment of riches" to have both of them in the same room .....
As I mentioned in the
"Sacrilege" thread in the Betsy Open Baffle forum, I have a "tiny" inexpensive powered subwoofer sitting in the left front corner of the room.
It's so small that it hides behind the left baffle and is not even visible ..... but when I turn it on there is no lack of low bass, and integrating it to the point of making it "seamless" was pretty easy using the crossover and volume controls.
I fully expect that Decware Fest 2019 will result in three things .....
1 - Folks with the DIY spirit and a woodworking shop will be building big baffles.
2 - Decware Audio will have a ready market for whatever you and Bob decide to offer to the public.
3 - I will continue to stay as busy as I want to be offering Betsy baffles and Lii 15 baffles to music lovers who appreciate killer sound at a reasonable price .....

Oh yeah ..... there is a #4 .....
Many orders for Decware Audio 2 watt amplifiers .....

41 days and counting .....
