I couldn't be more pleased to hear your positive impressions of these new amps! I didn't let them leave the building until they got me excited in my own listening room. This is the fourth pair I think... and they are really consistent. They have a certain "IT" that as soon as you hear it you know you are there. So far each pair has sounded exactly the same and that's a really good thing because the sound is at the very top of the Zen Triode ladder, and the consistency gives me confidence. Your impressions give me even more confidence as I've learned to trust your hearing over the years.
Also good to hear you feel the difference is justified even in a real world listening environment which the vast majority of audiophiles live in!
I admit I was worried. I tested them on the HR-1's for a day or so before they left and in my fairly dead room which is about -2dB from what it was before I put carpet in it, I felt somewhat robbed. I needed that 2dB. I knew it would fall right on the line at your place and I was uncertain as to which side of the wall Humpty would fall

You are right, they don't have more power than the Taboo. The reason they are creating more "usable power" can only be attributed to the speed. We have learned that density is a watt multiplier, and now we are learning that speed is also a watt multiplier. Can you honestly imagine a 2 watt amplifier sound this complete...as if it were 10 or 20 watts? It's crazy right?
God Bless you for choosing the Type 80 rectifier with adapter. If I could that would absolutely be my choice for the the stock rectifier for this amp. The 274B is still the best sounding in current production that's affordable. That said, a real type 80 globe rectifier is magical and highly recommended.
I have to almost laugh when I hear you describe the sound of the Taboo compared to your new un burned-in monos. The same thing happened to Joe and myself when after listening for several hours we put in the TORII JR and the sudden contrast created a comparator that suggested the same thing. It was the first time in Decware history I heard one of my own children sound a little off.
You and I both are in love with the Taboo MK4. It's so damn good. Even without lucid mode the pentode output stage and floating ground brings something to the table that is truly special. To make that sound, well, bad, is a real accomplishment don't you think?
Can't wait to see how these amps unravel your head in future posts to see if there are any parallels to my own euphoria!
Happy listening and God's speed.