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Year End CDApS Meeting (Read 89202 times)
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Year End CDApS Meeting
12/29/16 at 11:51:32
This Friday between 12:00 and 1:00 El Presidente will call to order the final CDApS meeting of 2016.  Special guest Donnie will be in attendance.

We will be listening to three open baffle speakers - my biamped, Tang Band 1808/Augie combo, Donnie's crossed over Tang Band/double Emminence Alpha combo and El Presidente's recently acquired/built Betsy Baffles.

We'll also have my DIY monoliths to compare the OB systems to box speakers with a horn kicker.

We'll have at least three amps: Jupe'd, non UFO Rachael, copper jup'ed Torii III and El Presidente's ZMA,

I will be looking for feedback on my treated room and how other members feel about upsampling to DSD in Audirvana.  I feel that combo improves the sound of my OBs and would like a second opinion there as well.

All hail Donnie who is making the trek from the frozen farmland to the south and slepping his OBs to face the music (so to speak) of the CDApS crew.

Should be a good time.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #1 - 12/29/16 at 15:04:34
This could turn into an epic road trip.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #2 - 12/29/16 at 16:44:51
I also just got my Christmas Present - a new (used) Mac mini with an i7 quad core processor so dsd upsampling should not be a problem. Sounds pretty good even without the linear power supply installed.  Not sure I will try that install before tomorrow.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #3 - 12/30/16 at 04:03:05

So, I'm bringing the ZMA?

Anything else?

I could bring the monster 18" I just built...but I might need a hand bringing it up and down from your audio den. LOL

See you guys around noon then!
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #4 - 12/30/16 at 12:39:01
Also bring the Betsys and some music.

Not sure how we will prop the Betsys up. I'd like to hear them.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Why does it hurt
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #5 - 12/30/16 at 14:21:41
I'm leaving this frozen cornfield around 9:30 with a Jeep full of speakers and maybe a DAC or two.
If my navaguessing is correct, I should arrive a touch after the noon whistle blows.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #6 - 12/31/16 at 00:57:45
I'll write more later but we had a good session today.

We ended up listening to Rachael and the zma plus my Monoliths, my OBs, Donnies OBs, and the Betsys plus a few input tubes and Eric's vintage 807 power tubes.

In summary we gravitated quickly to the OBs and Donnie's looked and
Sounded great.   Not sure why but they had better treble extension than my OBs even with the same primary drivers.  My bottom end was tighter with the Augies.  Overall though, came away impressed with the bass from Donnies double woofer design given he is not bi-amping.

On input tubes, Steve's cheap Chinese tubes were richer than the more expensive 6n23ps.  For me, the funky 807's power tubes stole the show.  A good match for single drivers.

Betsys won the size of soundstage award but I think we all came away with the opinion that they needed a super tweeter or more up top.  Still silly good for the money.

Thanks to Donnie for making the long drive.  
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Why does it hurt
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #7 - 12/31/16 at 01:53:57
I am still at a loss for words for what I heard today. My room here at home sounds terrible, not even worth talking about.
Palomino's room is phenomenal, it drags music out of thin air.
Everything we played today sounded great, some even more than others.
This was a great day!
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #8 - 12/31/16 at 17:05:39
It was a combination of factors but this was the first time that I heard Rachael and the ZMA back to back where I didn't feel the ZMA was leagues ahead of the Rachael.  There were still more details and grunt in the ZMA but I didn't leave with as much amp envy.  Don't know what that is worth other than that's it's a testimonial to achieving pretty good sound with any decware amp.

Another comment about the day is how good this 2012 Mac mini sounds compared to my 2010.  The 2012 has a ssd drive and 8gb of ram but so does the 2010.  Even without a LPS like I have on the 2010, it's significantly better sounding.  The quad core i7 also chews through DSD conversions without breaking a sweat.  I am not feeling the need to do any mods right now.

I hope Eric and Donnie will post some pictures.

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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Why does it hurt
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #9 - 12/31/16 at 20:38:02
Here are the few photo's I took:
Tom's OB's:

These speakers sound just wonderful, the bass control is superb.
We ended up toeing them in maybe another 10 degrees from their normal position and gained some treble extension.

Eric's Betsys

What great sound from so little money. There is a good possibility that I will be making something with these drivers.

And my extremely heavy OB's( nicknamed Angies) :

I have a lot of catching up to do to run with these Big Dogs. A lot of work in room treatment and I need to study crossover design. The bottom end from the Alpha's sound just a touch flabby and uncontrolled. But the upper extension is just outstanding, we don't know if it is my baffle design or maybe I just got a good pair of Tang Bands.
As I told everyone yesterday, I have no background in the math or design of speakers, I just listened to what others said to do (thanks Lin). My background is in making things, so I approached it with that kind of mindset. I really tried to make them pretty though.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #10 - 12/31/16 at 20:47:24

I have some personal (Redhead) things to deal with, and I have some actual *work* work to get done and submitted to my boss before the end of the day, but I'll chime in briefly and upload photos tomorrow.

It was great seeing Donnie - his big OB speakers really look amazing! And sound just as good as they look! Good job my friend! Hearing them right after Palomino's OBs though, it was clear his bass, while full, was a bit less controlled. I'm betting if you get an outboard amp like what Pal has, you could dial that in and not need to mess with the crossovers.

Palomino's room sounded great - I've heard it sound better, but only by a hair, and back when that was the focus (room and imaging). Right now the room just sounds good with everything! Every speaker we put in there sounded great, and we all heard stuff in familiar recordings we'd never caught before. Hell, after Donnie left, we played around with some tubes and played some tracks from a couple of my recent favorite albums (ALT-J An Awesome Wave) and introduced Pal to Bon Ivers first couple of albums, which I've been listening to a lot lately, but the room treatment brought out so much detail, instrument separation, and layering that I'd never heard before in these well worn albums.  Donnie seemed pretty blown away by what room treatment can do, and I think he's been converted.  ;)

As for the Rachel....I've always liked the Rachel, and always felt she sounded silky smooth and (as Steve would say) doesn't suck. But with all the tweaks Palomino has put into his system, and the tube choices, and cabling, room treatments and everything, I swear the Rachel was in the realm of the ZMA. While surprising, it kind of wasn't a surprise at the same time. I'm betting that the Rachel with UFO transformers would squeek out the detail that the Rachel is lacking in comparison to the ZMA, and make that amp even more amazing (see how I'm trying to spend your money?).  We've had days where the ZMA just didn't sound head and shoulders above everything else, but it has never sucked...this latest listening session, everything sounded awesome...which I guess is a good thing, because having such a great setup with a well treated room...if something sucked, you'd know it!

My Betsy speakers really surprised me that the big room filling sound carried over to Pal's room. We could pretty much drop them anywhere and they sounded silky smooth, and HUGE...but after hearing Donnie's and Palomino's speakers, it was clear how much top end the Betsy baffles were missing compared to the much more expensive full range drivers they were using. I hate adding anything to a full range speaker, because the whole point is pulling out detail and not having time/phase smearing with a crossover - but I'm hoping I can get away with a supertweeter with nothing but a cap on it and bring these budget OBs up to a much higher level...they already punch way above their price range.

We really need to get some more local guys over for CDApS meets. This was great sharing and showing off, and having extra ears to help dial in and verify what we're hearing and doing. We just can't expand our knowledge and improve our systems in a vacuum.

Oh yeah, and I think those 807 tubes were a hit! I left a quad of ceramic base military 807, and a quad of 40's vintage NOS 807 with adapters at Pal's house so he can play with them in the Rachel. They really brought out the smoothness in the Rachel, but kept all the detail and grunt that made the Rachel sound like a mini-ZMA!

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #11 - 12/31/16 at 21:03:09

For inexpensive bass experimentation, I highly recommend this Crown amp. this is the newer version of what Tom has...I have its much higher current big brother, but I got it more for home theater use with big 18", big excursion drivers.


It has a built in crossover so you can dial in your subs how you want them. It literally took me about 2 minutes to figure out and setup. I blended in my giant 21" driver with the little Betsy's, just for grins, and it worked out well.

The other option is an Behringer iNuke DSP amps. The DSP in these is way more versatile, so you could even bi- or tri- amp your setups with the DSP processing (they even have some parametric EQ!)....but of course, they wouldn't even be in the same galaxy of sound quality as our Decware amps, so I would only use them for subwoofers.


I believe either one of these amps would be an inexpensive way to add subs to any system....maybe even your garage system.  :)
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #12 - 12/31/16 at 22:25:41
I hadn't ever thought about a sub for my garage stereo. That would be pure evil. Maybe something that would thump at about 120 db! I would be the scourge of the area!
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #13 - 01/01/17 at 13:17:21
As Eric suggested, the extension could be due to something as simple as the thickness of your baffles or their closer placement on the baffle and a more direct line to the listening position.

Have you ever flipped them to see what the soundstage would be like with the tang bands on the outside?  And does that take away from the extension.  

One thing we should have done while you were here was wire your Alphas directly to the crown.  It was a pretty big difference when I switched to the crown.   I do think Darrel did some nice things to the Augies that help like the cast frame and the magnet size.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #14 - 01/02/17 at 02:20:16
Did you guys do any comparisons between PCM and DSD upsampling in Audirvana?  I am in the same boat as Palomino having recently upgraded to. 2012 Mini.  In my case, DSD upsampling has proven to be a big benefit.
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #15 - 01/02/17 at 05:35:53
We didn't toggle back and forth during the session but I have in the past and I much prefer the dsd.  Also, i now understand the pickup when you got the 2012.  Much better SQ.  Not sure it needs the lpsu.  I may put it in tomorrow to see.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #16 - 01/02/17 at 19:00:01

I'm just throwing some pics up - not much time to comment much.

Slightly off-kilter pano of the room. You can see all the diffusers.

Just getting settled in.

In another thread we were talking about tube storage, and I said Palo had this plastic thingy he holds tubes in so they don't roll around, but I didn't know what it was....turns out, it's a staircase from a Barbie house! LOL

He also stuck his "spares" in left over foam cutoffs from his diffuser builds...I like seeing them all out.

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #17 - 01/02/17 at 19:02:49

Donnie's great looking Open Baffles with the same full range drivers that Palomino uses. He can chime in more about them...here they are staged, when deployed the full range drivers are on the inside of the speakers. The subwoofers are doubled up with a second baffle. I really liked the way these looked!

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #18 - 01/02/17 at 19:12:13

My slapped together Betsy speakers in 24" x 24" x 3/4" MDF panels, roughly cut and nicely routed so the drivers are almost flush mounted. Palomino had me pull my cheesy monster zip cord off so we could use his Western Electric (or whatever it is) copper speaker wire to try and keep everything same/same between speakers.  I think we all liked how these sounded, and all missed the high end extension. They certainly don't suck!

Swapped back to Donnies

Sorry for the use of flash - but we were doing some low light listening.

These are the sexy Canadian made Westinghouse 807 speakers with Chinese made ceramic adapters. These tubes were true NOS from the 30s or 40s.  Steve mentioned them in a different thread, and I think he had some out during the last DECFEST. I did a little research, and the 807 is the predecessor to the 6L6, with an anode on the top. So with these adapters, they are easily useable in most 6L6 amps.  We had two sets of these, the set pictured, and a milspec ceramic base that were a little gassy, but solid (supposed NOS). I found a quad in Spain and jumped on them, hoping for the best. They are really nice in the Rachel!

Palomino's backwall diffusers - these are a fractal type, which work OK, but I still think more complex QRD23 would perform better.  ;)
(also - lineup of tubes stuck in foam at the bottom)

Rachel, 807 tubes, Donnie's speakers, and Pal's MAC setup. It was a great day of listening! I was there from about Noon till 6pm I think.

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #19 - 01/02/17 at 19:30:10
Wow, some near field listening if there ever was one.  

I've had interest in OBs but don't have the room to get them space in back.  My MG944s sit right on the wall and they work fine but other than something like that is out for now.
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #20 - 01/02/17 at 20:06:11
I've had interest in OBs but don't have the room to get them space in back.

Yep, you have to give OB's room to blossom.
I take LR's comment about the looks of my speakers as a real compliment. I spent a huge amount of time and effort to make them look at least passable to me.
I also got lucky in listening to others in this forum so I could pick out quality drivers and where to put them in my baffles.
As I have said before, it was a real eye opening trip. Palo's room and equipment really showed me what is possible. I'm still in awe.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #21 - 01/03/17 at 00:04:29
Yeah my room is 16'6" by 12'6" with only a 7'8" ceiling. It sounds bigger because of the diffusers.

The listening triangle 7'2" from center to center of the tang bands and then 7'2" to about where my ears are.

I have 4' behind the OBs. When I went less than that I didn't have the sound stage.

I think Ravens comment about the fractals is correct.  QRDs give you more bang  for the real estate.   But I got those fractals really cheap and I thought it was worth a shot.

So far the biggest bang for the buck is the foam based QRD 23's.  I would have to add it up but I am pretty sure those cost less than $60 each.  They took less time than the all wood QRD 13s (about $110 each) and more time than the QRD 7s (around $40 each).  The only ones I am proud of from a build quality standpoint are the QRD 13s.  Baltic is such great material.

I am really pleased with my soundstage now.  It's mostly a combo of room treatment, single driver mains, Augies biamped on the low end and DSD upsampling on the 2012 Mac mini.  
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #22 - 01/03/17 at 00:19:31
sorry.... whats "CDApS"?
secret club
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CSP3 25yr, CAD 120s MKII, Sunfire Signature600, Sota Star Sapphire, SME309, Hana SL, JC3+, Schiit bifrost multibit, CXC, MG1.6QR w/ ext xo & mye stands, OB Augies. herbies iso, VH audio flavor diy pwr cords, Beden 8402 & Dueland IC's,
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #23 - 01/03/17 at 01:26:03
Palomino, I gather only one person can enjoy the music at a time, correct?
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #24 - 01/03/17 at 01:30:22
Sorry.  It stands for Chicago Decware APpreciation Society.   Our mission is furthering the dark art of high fidelity with Decware products as the foundation of our learnings.

It was founded after Lonely Raven and I met at Zenfest a few years ago.  We live about 20 minutes from each other in the Chicago burbs.

We meet on an irregular schedule throughout the year.  Guests like Donnie are welcome any time. Usually we announce each meeting here on the forum.

No set agenda but typically we have a few things in mind for each meeting and equipment comparos are the norm.   It is my personal feeling that these meetings have been instrumental in the development of my room/system.

We rotate meeting location but lately most have been at my house because of my room treatment which is pretty revealing.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #25 - 01/03/17 at 01:35:44
Yeah the room was setup for one person but at meetings we bobsled with another chair directly behind the listening chair.   The sound is a little different there but still pretty good.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #26 - 01/04/17 at 02:11:11
thats a great idea.  while i have several audio friends that we get together for sessions, we are not into the same type of gear or sound of.  i find the decware gang are more similar in this respect.
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CSP3 25yr, CAD 120s MKII, Sunfire Signature600, Sota Star Sapphire, SME309, Hana SL, JC3+, Schiit bifrost multibit, CXC, MG1.6QR w/ ext xo & mye stands, OB Augies. herbies iso, VH audio flavor diy pwr cords, Beden 8402 & Dueland IC's,
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #27 - 01/05/17 at 14:51:15
Thanks for sharing all the info on the latest meeting.  Quick question on the Betsys and high frequencies.  These drivers can beam a bit and if you don't have the center of the driver pointing at your ear, you'll lose a lot of high frequency information.  Did you guys play around with rake angles to try and ameliorate this effect?

That said, the high's aren't reference quality on this driver, but for the money, they are very good.

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Mini Torii, SE84UFO, Quicksilver Horn Monos, ZStage, CSP3 Omega Super3XRS, Omega SAM, Omega Junior 8xrs, Cambridge CXC, Shiit Bifrost 2, PS Audio P3 Powerplant
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #28 - 01/05/17 at 15:05:45
Haven't played with that at all. They are literally just speakers countersunk into 3/4" MDF - not even a real base on them or anything, so they were leaning up against other speakers for support.

Now that I know they sound good, and are worth putting an effort into, I'll probably double the thickness of the baffle, and put a base on them that allows me to quickly tilt adjust the angle on the fly.

Thanks for the info about them beaming - that will help me figure out what I'm aiming for (literally LOL)
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #29 - 01/05/17 at 15:07:11

Also, thinking about these speakers, and another woodworking project I had in mind...you guys would laugh if I follow through with the baffle idea I just came up with! I won't give it away now, but I've got to try this idea now that it's in my head!

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #30 - 01/05/17 at 16:00:25
yeah we didn't play with angle which could have been a factor.  BTW, these drivers also produced impressive bass!
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #31 - 01/05/17 at 17:29:15
The secret is to make the baffles thick!
Of course that does make them a little hard to cart around.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #32 - 01/05/17 at 17:30:45
I am thinking of making some prototypes out of MDF to see what that does for me when I mount my drivers in there.  You were 1.5" right?
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #33 - 01/05/17 at 21:28:28

I was assuming they were 3/4 + 3/4 - or 1.5" +/- .05 for Donnie.

So, does CDApS and the extended Decware family want to go in on a higher quality measurement microphone? I was speaking with some of the guys at AVSForums about integrating subs, and one of them recommended this over the UMIK-1 that Pal and I have.


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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #34 - 01/05/17 at 21:30:51
They felt at least that heavy.

Not that interested in a new mic.  I have tubes to buy (wink wink).
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #35 - 01/05/17 at 21:38:07
Well then, maybe that will help *me* buy the measurement Mic. LOL.

I still need to re-learn how to use REW.  I keep saying "this next weekend I'll hunker down and figure it out" but something else keeps coming up.

On a positive note - the DSP in the iNuke amp, and the simple digital crossover in the Crown really make integrating subs easy. I hooked up the 18" sealed box to one channel on my DirectStream (sub on RCA - Zen amp on Balanced) and had some low thumps going along with the MG944. It was fun, especially when some random track came on with Electronic Dance Music like bass and suddenly the room started shaking!

So because of that, I have high hopes for good integration of subs with the Betsy, MG944, or Home Theater.  Hell, now that it's this easy, it makes me want to start churning out subs for people again! I'm probably putting my Ashley and older (non-DSP)  Behringer up for sale soon.  I still have lots of bills to pay down, so I have to be really, really careful about any further spending for a while.

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #36 - 01/05/17 at 23:08:31
My speakers are made from two .75" thick 4'X8' sheets of MDF glued together.
That means that the material weighed in just under 200lbs!
I roughed out the pieces when they were still .75" thick and doweled the parts together so that they didn't shift when I glued them together.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #37 - 01/06/17 at 00:18:58

The secret is to make the baffles thick!
Of course that does make them a little hard to cart around.

Just like my women!

My speakers are made from two .75" thick 4'X8' sheets of MDF glued together.
That means that the material weighed in just under 200lbs!
I roughed out the pieces when they were still .75" thick and doweled the parts together so that they didn't shift when I glued them together.

That's clever, I like the dowel idea.

Pal, or anyone else local that might need a hand with something like this - I have a biscuit joiner - sorta along the lines of Donnie's dowel idea. Plus special router bits to make duplicating or smoothing doubled up baffles like Donnie's easier to make.

Donnie, I don't envy all the cutting and sanding you went through to make those look so good.

How I get da sexy smoove and flush curves like dis.

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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #38 - 01/06/17 at 00:53:14
LR, which Ashley?
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #39 - 01/06/17 at 01:02:51
L.R. That is some nice looking work.
Now you need to give me that box so that I could go crazy with paint, veneer, and shellac for a couple of weeks.
6 coats of primer and 6 coats of paint for the body, some nice Red Gum veneer with around 20 coats of shellac for the "pretty" face. I will need around 200 sheets of sandpaper of different grades to pull off the look!
I sometimes might go overboard with finishing. Lol
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #40 - 01/06/17 at 02:18:50


I've plugged it in only to verify it works. While it's got nice horsepower - I'm enjoying the built in DSP of the CLASS-D amps...if not the sound.

Donnie - that would be awesome - feel free to hire me to build you something...I'd love to see how you finish it. But for me, I'm just going to Duratex them.


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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #41 - 01/06/17 at 03:42:47
I was hoping a crossover.

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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #42 - 01/06/17 at 05:00:49
Nope, just straight horsepower. Way better sounding than the D-Class amps, but it needs a processed source, or full range speakers.
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #43 - 01/06/17 at 11:32:01
Since you guys were here I have made a few changes.

First, In my hunt for what was causing some low level hum right before you guys got here, I pulled the power cord to the Crown and replaced it with a stock cord and a cheezy one at that.  I forgot to put my AC10 back in and the bottom end has tightened up since I did.

Second, I took apart the 2012 mini, pulled the stock switching power supply and put in filter adapter so I could run my external power supply.  Not as big a change as I had hoped but it smoothed things out and increased the size of the soundstage.

So the combination of the new mac mini, better power cord, the 807 tubes, Donnie's residual positive energy and the LPSU have given me the best hard hitting and crisp bass I have had plus the smoothest top end to date.  I think I have had a larger sound stage, but what I have now is acceptable.  I'm still a little haunted by the soundstage size of the Betsys.

Eric, that "sense of room" concept you and I talk about is better and really very good, but still not as I remember it.  I don't know if it was the monoliths, how I had the room configured back then or what, but that was pretty magical.

Do I really want to bring in 200 lbs of MDF and dirty up my garage again in search of Donnie's top end??
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Lonely Raven
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #44 - 01/08/17 at 07:36:59

I don't think it would be 200# of MDF really. Hell, if you bring your OB panels over here, we can do the work in a couple hours in my garage, and I've got a dust collector!

I think your amazing soundstage, really *hearing* the room had something to do with how the monoliths project sound, and how you had your diffusers setup. I'm not sure you can get that same thing with the OBs without *more* diffusers....which you should be doing anyways.  :)

I'm glad to hear your front end is working better - I figured you'd get that sorted out again.

Speaking of diffusers...so I was going through the basement where I had piles of acoustic insulation material stacked up...and in the pile of stuff I found another pair of  foam diffusers in the box! I must have stashed them down there when Michelle moved in (temporarily) got so wrapped up in building diffusers that I forgot how many foam ones I had! So I have yet another pair (non-fractal ones too!) that I need to build a frame for and setup!!

We both need to get crackin on more diffuser builds!
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #45 - 01/10/17 at 19:54:53
I am not hearing the "room sound" with the monoliths either, so I am now tweaking audirvana (you can impact decay, etc) and diffuser position.

But I am not working too hard at it.  I have been digging my new mac mini and exploring in Tidal.

BTW if you want to breath in some formaldehyde this weekend, I received clearance from high command.  Not sure of how big my time window is but at least long enough to get some MDF to your place.   I'll bring my van and my mask.
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #46 - 01/10/17 at 23:14:41
I'm betting that one 4'X8' sheet of .75" thick MDF would be more than enough material for your baffles(only 97 pounds!). Cut them out first, it makes it a whole lot easier to handle. Use Tightbond 2 to glue them together. I used a paint roller and hit both sides. I also figured out where the cutouts were going to be in the finished part and used those areas to screw the pieces together in the middle. Don't forget to pilot drill clearance holes on one side or the screw won't pull the pieces together.
I also drilled .375" holes in diagonal corners on my two plys and used some wood dowels to keep the material from floating around while drying.
Are you thinking about offsetting your drivers?
My goodness, what a stream of thought post.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #47 - 01/11/17 at 01:10:24
Thanks for the tips.  I was thinking I could get by with one sheet as well.  

I am thinking of doing some offset. Is there a magical offset formula??
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Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana Studio, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Ann. Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio/DIY Power Cords, GR Research Speaker Wire, Lii Audio P10 based OB speakers
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Why does it hurt
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #48 - 01/11/17 at 01:39:40
The magic numbers are:
Baffle 24" wide
Alpha's on the centerline and 14" up from the bottom
TB's 6" over from the centerline 34" up from the bottom.
All dimensions are to the center of the drivers.
I really don't know if my radiused top helps or not.
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Owner of the infamous RED TORII and Dan the Redheaded Amp
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Re: Year End CDApS Meeting
Reply #49 - 01/11/17 at 02:16:15
Are the magic numbers...offset from centerline or the baffle width for the different drivers?  Or both?
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