Lonely Raven
Seasoned Member

Jack of all Trades, Master of None
Posts: 3567
I have some personal (Redhead) things to deal with, and I have some actual *work* work to get done and submitted to my boss before the end of the day, but I'll chime in briefly and upload photos tomorrow.
It was great seeing Donnie - his big OB speakers really look amazing! And sound just as good as they look! Good job my friend! Hearing them right after Palomino's OBs though, it was clear his bass, while full, was a bit less controlled. I'm betting if you get an outboard amp like what Pal has, you could dial that in and not need to mess with the crossovers.
Palomino's room sounded great - I've heard it sound better, but only by a hair, and back when that was the focus (room and imaging). Right now the room just sounds good with everything! Every speaker we put in there sounded great, and we all heard stuff in familiar recordings we'd never caught before. Hell, after Donnie left, we played around with some tubes and played some tracks from a couple of my recent favorite albums (ALT-J An Awesome Wave) and introduced Pal to Bon Ivers first couple of albums, which I've been listening to a lot lately, but the room treatment brought out so much detail, instrument separation, and layering that I'd never heard before in these well worn albums. Donnie seemed pretty blown away by what room treatment can do, and I think he's been converted. ;)
As for the Rachel....I've always liked the Rachel, and always felt she sounded silky smooth and (as Steve would say) doesn't suck. But with all the tweaks Palomino has put into his system, and the tube choices, and cabling, room treatments and everything, I swear the Rachel was in the realm of the ZMA. While surprising, it kind of wasn't a surprise at the same time. I'm betting that the Rachel with UFO transformers would squeek out the detail that the Rachel is lacking in comparison to the ZMA, and make that amp even more amazing (see how I'm trying to spend your money?). We've had days where the ZMA just didn't sound head and shoulders above everything else, but it has never sucked...this latest listening session, everything sounded awesome...which I guess is a good thing, because having such a great setup with a well treated room...if something sucked, you'd know it!
My Betsy speakers really surprised me that the big room filling sound carried over to Pal's room. We could pretty much drop them anywhere and they sounded silky smooth, and HUGE...but after hearing Donnie's and Palomino's speakers, it was clear how much top end the Betsy baffles were missing compared to the much more expensive full range drivers they were using. I hate adding anything to a full range speaker, because the whole point is pulling out detail and not having time/phase smearing with a crossover - but I'm hoping I can get away with a supertweeter with nothing but a cap on it and bring these budget OBs up to a much higher level...they already punch way above their price range.
We really need to get some more local guys over for CDApS meets. This was great sharing and showing off, and having extra ears to help dial in and verify what we're hearing and doing. We just can't expand our knowledge and improve our systems in a vacuum.
Oh yeah, and I think those 807 tubes were a hit! I left a quad of ceramic base military 807, and a quad of 40's vintage NOS 807 with adapters at Pal's house so he can play with them in the Rachel. They really brought out the smoothness in the Rachel, but kept all the detail and grunt that made the Rachel sound like a mini-ZMA!