Nice Jeff! Looking forward to your impressions!
I was inspired by Vyokyong too, but didn’t start making it real until the summer of 2016, starting by replacing my Torii MKIV Jupiter HTs with Jupiter Coppers. This followed with many months of changes. Though a different amp, I hope my experiences might help in your path.
Comfortable with soldering, I could let changes settle to better hear what was happening with each before more. I really like this for learning and understanding, but it has created a protracted process!
After several months of Jupiter burnin, having a bunch of small value caps around from speaker cap bypass experiments, I started exploring bypassing power supply caps. In the Torii, though now using total values of 0.15 uF to 0.33 uF bypasses on each of the original 47 uF electrolytics, even a 0.1 uF cap (1/470th value) clearly shows the character and influence of the bypass used. In my amps, the sound improvement potential seems as much or more from power supply bypasses as from coupling caps!
So, in the Torii and CSP3 anyway, the power supply may as well be called the signal path. Maybe the giant caps in the ZMA have such a powerful influence that bypasses are not as clear there? I don't know the tech, but here power supply bypasses sound fully interactive with the signal, rather than linear, like the motor analogy.
As I explored I realized I could keep Steve’s basic voice, but progressively refine it. I also learned I could subtly tune that voice, solving something I was always able to adjust to, but that was an inherent issue for me with the MKIV. Especially with louder playback, I heard it as signal compression/saturation that was a bit over the top for me...perhaps an aspect of how the signature portrayed "density?" So, as I went, I kept in mind pushing the signal a little less while creating easier flow.
By late January last year, I had a beautiful power supply balance, but being so fun, I continue tuning even now. I could easily have stopped back then, having reached a great place that was hard to beat, but then I broke through, and it is the best ever!
Doing the CSP3 along with the Torii, the Torii’s five power supply caps per channel now have 8 bypasses, only Jupiter HTs used twice...and the CSP3, 2 different power bypasses, and bypasses on the Jupiter HT coupling caps. Mixing and matching remains fun, fine-tuning value and types to refine tone, timbre, texture, speed, flow, macro dynamics, etc. The balance of qualities of each cap in the whole really has to be right with the others, but best I can tell, if balanced, using a variety of complimentary caps adds pretty amazing potential for natural musical complexity, also making all recordings more enjoyable.
Though the Torii was quite fast with the right tubes, cables, etc, I like it being a little faster as long as the tonal balance is rich and full enough to carry the speed. Also carrying each electrolytic a bit further in value with better caps can create greater definition that resolves congestion. But too far, rather than improving complex passages, it begins to dissect the signal too much and make it too forward.
The Torii power supply has a 3.3 film cap related to the input tube circuit along with four electrolytics per channel. I started replacing the 3.3 with a Mundorf Supreme I had used for my speakers. With a clearer/faster bypass, it did all the right things, but I kept hearing a compressed thickness that was unnerving, the cap sounding intellectually correct, but not naturally so. I heard this same thing with Mundorf Supreme Silver Oil as speaker bypasses.
The 3.3 Supreme with a 0.1 Jupiter HT bypassing it in the Torii was quite good though....the HT's spacious texture and “sparkle” really bringing it out. But in this prominent position, I still heard a bit of that Supreme “thing.” Wanting to explore more caps, I replaced it with a Jantzen Silver Z cap. Being clearer/more transparent than the Mundorf, the Jupiter bypass was too much, so I traded it for a 0.1 Audyn True Copper Max. The Audyn was slightly warm in a more neutral and less characterful way, less "sizzly" while still having good balance, harmonics, definition, and textures. Nice.
Though I found Obligatos compelling, I could not make them work...too clear and hard on too much music, even when carefully tuned with more textured and spacious caps with better fine detail.
Like you, I also replaced connectors….IECs with fused Furutechs, Rhodium in the Torii and gold in the CSP3, WBT nextgen copper/gold RCAs all around, Cardas silver plated copper with a rhodium flash binding posts, TDK 2511 potentiometers, all notable individually and collectively.
I also replaced a few strategic resistors in the Torii to chill the signal intensity and open things a bit, and for the same reason, replaced 0.1 Jupiter Copper coupling caps with 0.082 Miflex Coppers, hoping reducing the value a bit might subtly tone down signal intensity/saturation. I liked the Miflex right off... rich and complex, but with a bit more definition. However, they were new. Burned in now, I need to compare the Jupiter Coppers directly and see who wins, but the Miflex are so good that comparison is not a priority. The flow has become easier, less pressurized from these changes, but I think equally, from using more transparent and faster connectors and potentiometers all around.
Anyway, I considered using Clarity TCs, or the Mundorf Films you chose to replace electrolytics, but the sound was so amazing from bypassing with film in the Torii and CSP3, I never went there. The tonal complexity from mixing decent bypasses is difficult to balance, but can be very, very good...perhaps an area to explore one day if you get an urge after burnin...good bypasses on the Mundorfs???
I talked with Steve a few times in this process, and he said he would not mess with the wires, but this is hard for me, having explored making cables a lot, and finding the wire used super influential. Knowing I could put the Mogami back in, I had been thinking of doing a similar thing Steve did for you, in my case, using Dave Cahoon’s (Zenwave Audio) Neotech silver/gold, or Neotech UPOCC silver, or a combination for signal wires, and making the shield with Neotech UPOCC Litz. Maybe next!
But, speaking of wires, my amp work is on hold for now, in the midst of serious IC exploration using different high quality wires, connectors, geometry, damping, etc…..amazing sound! Also demanding attention is integrating a Mac Mini server I have had, but that was transformed by an Operating System developed by Eric Hider (Tranquility DAC), and fast memory ...As I learn it, it appears to be truly amazing, blowing any idea of “just 1s and 0s” so far out of the water it is absurd.
Over 200,000 lines of Mac OS code removed, the 1s and 0s getting to the DAC appear to have seriously transformed my previously extremely good front end. I thought I had a good handle on digital, Decware tube implementation helping. But this sounds like a different level altogether, like a real blend of the good things of tape, and the good things of digital, and all this improvement created before the DAC!!! A lot like modifying Steve’s amps, the basic character can remain close, but refining the signal in all areas of subtle to very subtle qualities can create a vast change in facilitating musical immersion! It blows my mind, every change that stands up to careful listening making the sound the best ever.....and then it gets better, and better, and better...
I think this indicates how really good stuff has potential beyond itself. Like how good Decware amps are to begin with, but also, how much they can be refined with thoughtful and careful tuning that is verified by serious listening! Or how upgrading with a quality system component or cable can make other very good system/room components way better!
Archie, cant recall exactly, but I thought Steve was in on the development of Jupiter beeswax caps???