Sounds fun Jeff. I look forward to hearing about these highly respected resistors burnt in!
Seems we are a similar track. Resistors are amazingly influential little things, so wanting to get to know them I finally bought quite a few popular samples to compare, though didn't go there on the new version Audio Notes. Probably should have gotten a few.
My last resistor foray was basic, maybe a year and half ago in the Torii. I tried Takman metal and carbon films, Kiwame carbon film, Arcol carbon, and PRP metals, .5 and 1 and 2 watt. I like the carbon caps Steve uses, but wanted to see what other resistors could do. The areas I was working then, stock metal films were nicely upgraded with TC50 PRPs from soniccraft, quick and easy. Jeff at soniccraft said they are better sounding than more typical TC100s, and having done a little test a long time ago, I recall agreeing. I find the PRP a straight forward and natural sounding metal film resistor. The rest from that test I found interesting, but more demanding due to having more obvious “signatures,” and whether I liked them depended on location and often on mixing them in series to get value while combining sonic traits. But the PRPs were innocuously clear, dynamic, extended and neutral, with a smooth and not overstated warmth… easy.
Then the last few months, having improved CSP3 connectors and volume, found bypass synergy for the power supply, and bypassed the coupling caps, I finally dug in to wires (signal and power), a challenging balancing act, ending up with variations of OCC silver, pure silver and copper, and OCC silver gold. Then I started in on resistors, the CSP3 a good place to explore being simple and lightweight!
I now have a small selection of Shinkohs, two types of Amtrans, two types of Caddocks, Vishay naked Z-foils, TDK 2W metal, and PRP along with the Takmans and Kiwames I found interesting, but generally a little too “flavored.” Speaking of which, .75 Amtran's Carbon Films are quite “flavored” too, but pretty compelling in moderation. Quite warm, even dark in the wrong settings, or with too many, the balancing toward bass can cause the top to sound "rolled off." But with more open company, they show really nice fine detail complexity in space, so far making their dark character worth adjusting around. We'll see. I wonder (hope) the bass, fine detail, and all will more fully resolve as it does with many things with burnin.
Experiments are mostly the same resistance, a Mills 12W replaced a Dale 6.5W between the 2 - 47uF power caps, .5W carbons changed to .75W Amtrans Carbon Films (AMRG) to the input grids, .5 carbon to .75W Caddock MK-132s to the input plates (also wired to G2 of the output tubes), an 840R series combo (PRP 510R + 330R Shinkoh) from input cathodes to ground (was 920R marked metal film measuring 900). I wanted to open the input tube a touch and get in the clear and complex Shinkoh sound with resistors I had, so made one. 2W TDKs replaced .5W carbons to the output tube P2s (also the coupling caps), a Takman 1W 160R metal film replaces parallel .5W 330R carbons (165R) between output tube cathode and plate, and a Shinkoh .5W 12K replacing a 10K carbon between the silver/gold output signal wire and the WBT nextgen copper/gold RCAs out. I seem to like a little more resistance there than stock. I think I do like slightly bigger wattage resistors, and maybe much bigger (2W) at least with those I am trying, but not sure yet on this one. With wires, bigger can clarify and solidify, but within a given balance can shift things toward bass also, and this seems a factor here too. Lots of variables.
Anyway, with a few of them having only 10 hours on them, others with just 30 or so, and some ~50, they sound good. Though clearly green, better in ways than previous subtler departures from stock that I thought were improvements. Too dark/dense for me now, but we'll see in time. As with bypass caps, I think I am finding that a synergistic blend of nice resistors may more fully give complex beauty than one or two. This may not be the ultimate, but a good way to explore the traits of a number of choices. Once they settle I will do some resistor rolling.
First impressions as these went in….the Amtrans, quite warm/dark, spacious and complex; Caddock 132, BIG, deep and dynamic, a little dark...too pressurized and dense at first, but intersting enough to want to clarify with others; TDK also big, but seemed neutral and transparent in this postion; Takman metal, not liking it as much as PRP in general, in this cathode to plate job it is pleasantly warm and nicely complex; Shinkoh, really nice balance, space and micro detail...revealing and transparent, making all the rest sound more complete...But then...they all need time I suspect to really hear them. The Amtrans Carbons are pretty big resistors, in an aluminum tube, and with gold plated copper wires...a lot or material, and they have refined over a couple weeks. As I listen today the blend is becoming more clear, complex and defined, together creating a nice balance that I suspect/hope will get a lot better.
Anyway, since you have moved to resistors, thought this might be intersting.
BTW, we have speculated about the efficacy of film power caps versus bypassed electrolytics. Trying Jenson electros in the Torii now, clearly not all electros are the same, nor are bypass caps, or no doubt film power caps. And combinations of bypasses and any of these clearly change the story in a big way....making it a little tricky to guess for me. Soooo, since the CSP3 has only two 47uF electrolytics, I decided to try and settle the questions to some degree. I got two Mundorf electros (same look and case as Jensons) to try in place of the stock F&Ts. And I got some 45uF Clarity TC films to try also, though they are bigger than spec, and with the bolt connectors, bigger! So I hope I can figure a way to get them in there. I will start burnin on the caps with my Frybaby to make the evaluation easier. They always need music time to sort out, but the burnin rig gets them through the hardest parts of burnin.
So I am hoping to try the Mundorf with the bypasses I now like, the Clarities by themselves, and Clarities with bypasses.