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300B Tubes (Read 33008 times)
Seasoned Member

"Love without
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Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #50 - 03/30/23 at 12:03:02
Wow. You think that there's a baseline "that the artist creates?" given by the record companies? I don't. Progressively less so over the decades. Have you ever done any recording and mixing? Often what we have released has very little real input from the artist themselves. And even if the artist released the mix. . . the sound from any one system is going to be different from another. A Crosley turntable in front of a Crown amplifier is no more going to be a presentation of the artist's wishes than a high end turntable with an Audio Note tube amp. Each system is going to present the material differently, and who is to say which is even close to the source intention.

I would from my own experience with playing back tapes I made and mixed of bands I was involved with say that especially with Decware components one can get closer to the artists' intentions (which I'm pretty certain of, as I was involved with the performance and production) with tube-rolling more than any other method. With the flexibility a Decware system allows via tube-rolling and the contributions the tubes make in gain-riding one can get a sound that is closer to that intended (if one really knows the intention, as I can with tapes I made and mixed of performances I was a part of).

Honestly I would say if that is not evident with Decware components than more attention to power treatment and isolation may correct that. What you are endorsing goes against my experience with good tube equipment, beginning with my father's Dynaco system way back since '62.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 1489
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #51 - 03/30/23 at 12:15:41
So in a sense you been spoiled and tube rolling gets you closer to a norm? (Spoiled is not meant in a defamatory way)
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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #52 - 03/30/23 at 12:20:43
No. To use your words of "artist's intentions" tube-rolling gets me closer to the artist's intentions when playing back in the case of using these particular products in my system. Or further away. Tube-rolling and gain-riding shapes the entirety of the sound and brings it closer to the actual recording--or closer to what one can imagine the recording sounded like--or further away if that is wished (as in improving imbalances in the recording etc.). And if that can't be experienced in a Decware system something is in my opinon . . .amiss.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 1489
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #53 - 03/30/23 at 12:24:18
Now I am a bit confused. What am I endorsing?
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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #54 - 03/30/23 at 12:37:03
We're at odds on this. I've said my piece. If you hear tube-rolling as only "volume changes" all I can say is I definitely don't.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 1489
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #55 - 03/30/23 at 12:37:47
Maybe one day there will be time to tube roll. I do not see any urgency in doing it now. The system put together in the Charoit is giving much pleasure as is. There are some improvements in the making that are based on many hours of listening and pinpointing the area that will most likely get good results.

I really don't understand the herd mentality of tube rolling.

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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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Posts: 155
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #56 - 03/30/23 at 12:37:54
If you purchase a Sarah 300B, whether with tubes or not, you qualify for the 10% coupon which come with a unique code for each purchaser.

There is also a 10% discount on Cryotone tubes for Decware customers, which does help take a bit of the sting out of the ~$1900 Tube Bundle price.

I ordered mine without tubes with the intent of using the Cryotone Bundle and WE300B to start out...but because there is currently a delay for the Cryotones (supply woes persist), I ordered a set of the Decware tubes too.
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Paul Pang Quad Network Switch & Fiber
MSB Premier DAC
Zen Sarah SEWE300B
Cryotone Bundle
Tekton 2-12 Perfect SET Speakers w/ BE Tweeters and Cap & Wiring upgrades
Tekton 2-10 Sub
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #57 - 03/30/23 at 12:40:42
And I for one don't understand your viewpoint. As Kurt said "So it goes."
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 1489
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #58 - 03/30/23 at 12:42:16
Yes volume changes on my phone. Tone changes on my system with one pre tube A/B in the video.

Got to get going. Have way to much on my plate today.

Happy listening Lon.

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AMC CD8b>XO3>Cambridge CXN2>ZDAC>ZBOX>braided silver/occ> Zrock2>CSP2+>SE84 milflex copper 25th>9AWG silver/copper braid>lii Crystal 10 in Huijgen cabinets. Ortofon 2M Black>JVC QL-F4/Otari MX5050B2>ZP3. Isolation. AC filtering. Room treatment.
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 155
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #59 - 03/30/23 at 12:57:00
I really don't understand the herd mentality of tube rolling.

KBZen, I hear you.

I wouldn't consider it a "herd mentality". It is merely that tube amplifiers can be used as musical instruments. I can certainly understand the fascination with the change in sound creation that comes with each change of a tube.

Yes, that comes with a financial cost - one that is subject to tremendous inflation as the supply of true NOS tubes dwindles as well as the impact of geopolitics, global economies and manufacturing.

There is also the cost of time... critically listening to the same set of music repeatedly to distinguish the SQ differences of various tubes is a serious time sink for me...but I get why some people like it.

My preference is to develop my system to the point that I am able to hear the reproduction of music as the most realistic - subjectively based on my 54 years of experience as a musician and live music listener. Once there, I spend my time just listening in awe to track after track after track.
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Paul Pang Quad Network Switch & Fiber
MSB Premier DAC
Zen Sarah SEWE300B
Cryotone Bundle
Tekton 2-12 Perfect SET Speakers w/ BE Tweeters and Cap & Wiring upgrades
Tekton 2-10 Sub
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #60 - 03/30/23 at 13:02:26
But did you use tube-rolling to get to that point? I certainly did. And as other changes are made I revisit tube-rolling. And I have the same goal of realistic playback and spend long periods of time with basically the same complements.

Nor do I obsessively listen to things over and over to hear changes. What I do most is change a tube and listen for days as usual. When (as now) I have a component change (a DAC) generally the system needs tuning (including tube-rolling generally). I wish I didn't but I always hear improvements and find ways to make improvements and tube-rolling ends up in that mix.

Yes it can be an expense but in my case I have been doing it over 25 years and have tackle boxes full of tubes to visit and re-visit. And I don't drink or smoke or go out much so most of my mad money is spent on audio in one form or another. And I'm retired and spend more than five hours a weekday on my system.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2302
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #61 - 03/30/23 at 14:42:57
Posted by: BlackBess      Posted on: Yesterday at 21:26:37

Anyone planning to use the Elrog ER-300B for their Sarah?

I know many people (who own more 300B tubes than I own socks) who like Elrog best. I've seen them referred to as "300B compatible" tubes, because the thoriated tungsten filament creates a different response than the original WE datasheet. By all accounts they have a more dynamic, more detailed sound than more traditional 300Bs. What I can for sure is they look spectacular in the dark.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Posts: 155
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #62 - 03/30/23 at 14:59:06
Lon, yes, I certainly rolled tubes until I found the "sound", and will do so again with my Sarah. My only point was that my hobby is rolling to facilitate more listening, rather than listening to facilitate more rolling. Perhaps I'm in denial, as they say the first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem!  [smiley=lolk.gif]
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Paul Pang Quad Network Switch & Fiber
MSB Premier DAC
Zen Sarah SEWE300B
Cryotone Bundle
Tekton 2-12 Perfect SET Speakers w/ BE Tweeters and Cap & Wiring upgrades
Tekton 2-10 Sub
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #63 - 03/30/23 at 15:22:25
Well I feel I am doing the same thing, rolling to facilitate listening, to get the clearest and most present sound which tends to lead to the most "real" musicality. I often find the tube in the ZROCK2 and the rectifiers in the monoblocks to be the most pivotal as far as moving the sound in the right direction.

And to do that often when there are other changes. I  am currently experimenting with the amazing noise-canceling properties of this new DAC--I can "life the ground" (galvanically isolate) the input and output on this DAC. I started off after about 100 hours lifting the input, and now about 200 hours in lifting the output and the "shell" of the XLR as well. It's like shedding three silk veils off the sound. And proving to me that I now have an excellent tube complement in place that just gets better with these noise removals.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 3062
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #64 - 03/30/23 at 18:04:33
I guess I have not been hanging on different parts of the forum where perpetual or obsessive seeming tube rolling is happening. I never even liked the phrase "tube rolling," making it sound casual and sort of perpetual, not the way I see it, more an amazing tuning tool for me. But why wouldn't it be a big topic here since many of us love Decware tube amps in part for the tune-ability.

John, I would say that tube changes are like anything else, more obvious in more resolving systems.... I get that a bad setup can contribute to the desire to tune with tubes when the main problems are elsewhere, trying to make a rough setup better. But this does not mean tube tuning is necessarily a bad way to balance and enhance (to a point) room or system issues if that is one's choice.

Obviously for the deepest and most complete presentation, more than just tubes need to be addressed... But this does not mean tubes aren't good tuning tools. I can say absolutely that here they are.

I guess I change tubes pretty often now that my system is more refined and complete, but I went for many years with the same basic tubes, and though some had to be replaced, tried hard to keep the sound balance the same since it was my reference base for modifications. It was a tube set I knew well after years of exploring tubes to get there, and settling on the set's types used, individual tubes within the types, and the combined sonic complexity of the whole. So I knew it gave me all I love in the musical balances in pretty complete and neutral ways, highly engaging, and revealing parts changes well... I would regularly cross check modification changes I settled on, using tube changes to get variations on this sound, musically pushing it in different directions, just to be sure I was staying on track with balances... but mostly I used my base set for years.

Now though, it is fun to play with finding different variants of the beauty to help me hear/feel the music better. I have a number of baseline tubes type-wise that I prefer, and some of these I change more, and others less. They all matter in notable ways, but for each position tube type choices have gotten pretty narrow for my favorite balances. And some, like my VRs, tend to stay very close to the same. But even so, I can make, to me, pretty profound changes within this narrowed down window to shake things up. Different variations of beautiful can be a really nice wakeup to the senses for me, taking me into different layers of the musical experience.

And I know the general feel of each of the tubes I have (a lot of them after so many years of exploring this or that tube trail of discovery), so my tube changes happen fast. Like I want to pull a little more mid bass edge without losing bass complexity... or it feels like one tube position adjustment might open the whole set up a bit and articulate edges and space of the whole... or a very neutral tube with a touch more power and great dynamics... or I might want more complexity and less focus... or less forcefulness with more dynamic complexity.... more or less open warmth....more or less extension... more or less fine detail and space...soften the whole without detail or articulation or speed loss, but making the set more nuanced, more complex textures and harmonics, less concentrated... and on and on in the vast potential for tuning with these very complex things, tubes.

Then, with luck, the real magic. Having a number of tubes, amazing new information can be found, sonically close shifts where a little different combinations can reveal something amazing and unexpected. Finally, the combination of all our tubes defines our particular tube sound. And how they influence each other carries the basic sonic values of the given tube type to the rest, but the rest also influence that tube type...and each individual tube within the type is generally family, but also pretty distinct sonically... Even the same very high quality tube from the same factory, same construction, etc, but a few years apart, can be similar, but different enough to choose one.

Take some common inputs for Decware amps, ECC88, ECC189, E88CC, E188CC, PCC88, PCC189, all different, but close electronically, and in many ways, sonically. But each has characteristic influence on sound that makes one or another "better" in a given setting. And each individual tube within these tube types are usually different enough that we can often identify this clearly once we get to know tubes. But some cross each others lines, so not cut and dried... likely pointing to why some NOS tubes are so sought after... they rise up high for the type, sort of going beyond type. But as much, this points to tube types within a relatively close range being useful in tube tuning, AND each tube within a type will influence the sound in its own ways.

Finally though, if using good tubes in a resolving system, whatever variations a particular tube of a particular type brings to the sound is real. And the combination of how they influence one another is calculable with experience. But the final experience is the combination of how they influence each other, often showing new things and new beauty that would be difficult to calculate. Especially when that combination is extraordinarily captivating, it teaches us about the potential for tubes to help us get into the deeper and more compelling magic we sometimes find... This part is it beyond my abilities to fully anticipate, so really fun to discover when it shows up.

So for me, no doubt that tubes have a pretty big effect within realistic musical limits. They all have to sound good to me, the "better" ones for me, revealing decent balances in extension that do not muddy the bottom or harden the top, macro and micro detail and micro and macro dynamics, plenty of the very fine detail qualities in spacial information/decays/ambience, and with this finer information, textures and harmonic complexity, "shimmer" and air.... etc etc.... These are all things each tube tends to do differently. And for me, with so many tubes, 5 positions in the Torii, 3 positions in the CSP3, and one in the Zrock, that is a lot of tubes to utilize in seeking complex and nuanced refinements and synergy toward the particular flavor of presentation I am loving at the time. With all those tubes I can tune about any musical parameter within useful limits. And having a lot of them allows complex variations for incredibly fine tuned music if one wants to explore that.

That said, a lot of tube positions aren't needed to prove this process has meaning in Steve's components. Even one tube in a system can be really powerful for tuning. Like a range of 12AU7s and variants in the ZRock2, some tubes are more similar, but it seems many more good NOS tubes from different makers and times offer us a lot of sonic variation. Depending the balances from all else in the system, this one tube can be quite powerful for system tuning. If someone who knows tubes were to pick a nice variety of say ten 12AU7 variants, and setting the ZRock2 gain for each at unity or a touch above (so that the Zrock circuit is barely "on"), this alone can tune the whole system if it is resolving and balanced, and would very likely change any conceptual ideas about tube changes not being a real tool. With a nice selection of tube variants, and ZRock2 only, it would shock me if anyone with a resolving system would not find one, or two to three of the ten that just make that system/room more right, make the music more real feeling across recordings.... just one tube in a component that uses tubes for sound tuning, like Decware, can be meaningful for slotting in a more complete sound for a system/room, and for us.

And as Lon suggested, as a system changes, changing tubes can help get the most from those refinements. Equally, adjusting other things in the system can prove/enhance a tube compliment, or open doors to playing with tubes to refine that set to better utilize the improvements of the new component, or cable, or whatever. In this example of a ZRock2, other system changes could make one prefer some of the 12AU7 variants that were originally rejected, and/or find some of the original preferences to potentially be off in some ways.

It is awesome though when the tubes one has are really satisfying. But especially if they are stock, and therefore somewhat limited due to needs for a maker to have a lot of tubes of a type, and not have them be extraordinarily costly unless as an upgrade, I would suggest that loving the stock set does not mean one couldn't love variations on that set better from introducing the right NOS tubes or really nice new tubes.

Anyway, back to the "tubes don't matter so much" video John. I feel sure in your system/room, and with your listening discernment, you would hear tube changes better than that video example implied. Maybe his amp is not as revealing of tube changes as ours, or room issues, or even the particular tubes he chose "to make his point," or who knows what. But with my Decware, way aside from minor volume shifts with tube changes, you can adjust about any kind of musical parameter you want with tubes, at least within reasonable limits. Tube adjusting can be a supple and powerful tool for potentially very complex refinement in finding all the things we crave for a more "real" presentation... and in my case, across most recordings... so everything needs to be pretty right.
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All Modified: PSA-P5>DIY Strip/Shunyata Defender>RevolutionMacMini/Amarra-KTE Singxer/Gustardx20pro/ZBIT/ZR2/CSP3>LaoChen 300B/845>Omega SAHOMs/AudioSmile Tweeters,SVS Micro3000>Pi PCs and DIY PCs, ICs, USB, I2S, Speaker>SR and aluminum w ball bearing feet +
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Seasoned Member

children sleeping

Posts: 174
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #65 - 03/31/23 at 04:48:32
Wow, I think I might be choosing tubes based on looks. My wife pointed to the halo glow of 0A3 tubes & wondered aloud “why don’t 300B’s look that pretty”. Does anyone know the difference between the Elrog ER300B & the ER300B-Mo besides moe money. BTW that’s a cutie IMO.

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KEF LS50 wireless 2 w/KC62 sub
Analog Ethos select series 2a3>Decware HDT-v2
Dennis Had Inspire 6FLV-v>Fyne Audio F500
Shanling STP10>Klipsh forté IV
Dennis Had 300PSE>Decware DNA 2
IPad mini>Audio Quest Dragonfly cobalt>Focal Clear
Willsenton R300>Bose 601-
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2302
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #66 - 03/31/23 at 23:05:00
Posted by: BlackBess      Posted on: Yesterday at 20:48:32

...Does anyone know the difference between the Elrog ER300B & the ER300B-Mo besides moe money...

Yes, Mo-Money fur sur. The conventional wisdom is the Mo is the 300B on steroids. Same sound signature, but more detail, more dynamics, more frequency extension. Basically Mo-Elrog.

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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Ex Member

Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #67 - 04/01/23 at 01:14:26
I’m enjoying my $145 pair of Guiguang tubes immensely in the Otomon 300B amp, pure heaven. I have next to no desire to spend more.
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Ex Member

Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #68 - 04/01/23 at 18:47:49
Elrog Mo. $3380 a pair. Yay!!! That there is some real funny shit

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Posts: 302
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #69 - 04/01/23 at 20:56:23
Brad, do you find the price of hi-end 300B tubes funnier than $5K cables, $300 fuses and any number of other “tweaks” for lack of a better word that some find value in? It’s just different strokes, like much of life.
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Ex Member

Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #70 - 04/01/23 at 21:25:32
I absolutely do find a pair of $3,380 300B funnier than hell. Even funnier than a $1700 or $1500 pair. I’m telling no one what to do, if they find value in it then that’s fantastic. I can still laugh out loud and I do…..hell, this one is worth months if belly laughs.

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children sleeping

Posts: 174
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #71 - 04/01/23 at 21:46:35
Beauty is in the ear of the beekeeper. You should see how much $ I spend going to Pirates games each year. Now that’s worse than funny.

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KEF LS50 wireless 2 w/KC62 sub
Analog Ethos select series 2a3>Decware HDT-v2
Dennis Had Inspire 6FLV-v>Fyne Audio F500
Shanling STP10>Klipsh forté IV
Dennis Had 300PSE>Decware DNA 2
IPad mini>Audio Quest Dragonfly cobalt>Focal Clear
Willsenton R300>Bose 601-
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Seasoned Member

"I've run every
red light on memory

Posts: 2302
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #72 - 04/07/23 at 15:25:43
FYI/FWIW here is a mini-review of the EML, WE and Elrog 300B tubes by Zack of ZMF headphones. In the context of headphone amps, but interesting none the less.

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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25309
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #73 - 04/07/23 at 16:18:50
Interesting. Thanks.

I can't wait to try out my Sophia Electric 300Bs.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Posts: 302
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #74 - 04/28/23 at 01:33:39
I’m currently running WE300B tubes but usually keep backup tubes for all slots. What’s the consensus for backups. Takasuki’s or etc. or what? Obviously there are all brands of cheap 300B’s available but I wouldn’t be looking for less than the WE’s.
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"I've run every
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Posts: 2302
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #75 - 04/28/23 at 02:24:59
My sources (who own more 300B tubes than I own socks) say the top 3 are Elrog, WE and Takatsuki. I have Tak and couldn't be happier. The conventional wisdom is they are a little more linear than WE in the high and low end where as the WE is more midrange centric and they still have plenty of that yummy 300B goodness. The Elrog is the consensus choice of my online friends who say they sound bigger and more detailed and dynamic than the others and sweet but a little less warm. I've posted this before but the best comparison I've seen is:

WE     -> Etta James
Tak     -> Ella Fitzgerald
Elrog   -> Whitney Houston

IMO the Elrog would be the biggest changeup from the WE, the Takatsuki would be similar but different enough to be interesting. I'd love to hear your impressions if get either. FWIW the more I listen to the online chatter the more tempted I am to get a pair of Elrogs.

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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
STR-1002 -> Woo WA22 -> 2x UFO25s, balanced monos
Omega SAM , Hifiman Arya, Audeze LCD-XC
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Posts: 714
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #76 - 04/28/23 at 04:52:18

Nice, to the point review of some 300b tubes with conclusion similar to CAJames.

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SEWE300B | STR-1002 | ZBIT | Sonore opticalRendu| Denafrips Terminator DAC | Denafrips Gaia DDC | SDFB-Graphene Slugs | Decware I/Cs | Decware Pwr Cbls | ZWIRE Speaker Cbls | Omega SAHOM & KEF KC62 | Furman Cond l GIK Room Trmt
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Posts: 571
Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #77 - 05/01/23 at 01:19:29
Hey Tony,

Thanks for posting this. I can't speak about the higher-end tubes, but I have both the Black Treasures and the Gold Lions. The review comments on both those tubes match my experience with them. I'm itching to try better tubes (probably Western Electric for the made in USA factor), but it's a $$ stretch for an old retired guy.

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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #78 - 05/01/23 at 16:48:11
FWIW my amp came with (used) Gold Lion 300Bs and I wasn't impressed. I don't want to make too much of it because of their unknown provenance but my cheap Chinese tubes were better in every way. The Chinese tubes are perfectly listenable, my only actual complaint is a little bit of sibilance/hardness in the high end and I could deal with that with other auxiliary tubes. But once I heard TOTL 300Bs there was really no going back. JMO/FWIW/YMMV and all that.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #79 - 05/01/23 at 22:53:56

You said, "But once I heard TOTL 300Bs there was really no going back".
That's what I'm afraid of. I'd say that ignorance is bliss, but in this case there are just too many guys whose opinions I respect on this forum who are knocked out by the high-end 300Bs to ignore. Budget be damned, I guess, otherwise I'd always be wondering what I was missing. Thanks for your input - on this and all the other subjects that you post about.


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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #80 - 05/01/23 at 23:35:40
You're very welcome Randy, I've been fortunate to receive a bunch of help and advice with audio over the years and I'm pleased that I can pay back a little bit of it.

What you describe is pretty much exactly my thought process as well. I got a sweet deal on my amp so I wound up spending as much on 300B tubes as the amp itself. I also rationalize that a high end 300B tube is literally a once in a lifetime purchase at this point...
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
Sumiko Pearwood -> Mapleknoll Athena -> Luxman SUT -> Mapletree Phono 3E
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #81 - 08/04/23 at 16:20:11
I've been running my Sarah 300B with the WE 300B and Stock tubes from Decware for a few months now.  The 300B is driving my pair of Pearl Acoustic Sibelius (87db) speakers and has no issues driving volumes into the 90db range.  Which for me is loud and prefer levels between 75-85db for long listening session.  I can't say enough of how well this combo sounds.  The sense of scale and realism is almost unbelievable and the 3D soundstage wraps my listen position as if I was at the recording.  To say the least, this system will be with me for life.  

I recent put an order in for the CyroTone 12AU7-WCL Long Plate, ECC88-WC, 0A3-WC and 5U4GB-WC tube set to pair with my WE 300B's.  And WOWSERS!  Everything is better, realism, soundstage depth and width.  The bass is significantly better, more weight and faster attack.  And for a guy running a pair of 87db speakers, I'm getting an extra 3-5db at the same volume settings.  Overall, super happy and don't feel the desire to tube roll to find out my preferred combo.  High recommend you take a look, better yet a listen if able.  

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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #82 - 08/04/23 at 16:24:52
Thanks for weighing in! I've not had a positive enough experience with Cryotone tubes to try more, at least not yet, but I do think my tube-rolling from what I have on hand (lots of applicable tubes) has gotten me incredible sound without going  there.

Glad to know that months in you're still excited about the amp and sound. I think I will be too.
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #83 - 08/05/23 at 05:02:42
Hey JAudio441,

I’m running my 300B amp with a similar tube combo—two WE300B output tubes, two Cryotone 6SN7’s as drivers, and one 6SN7 as input—and I find these two brands to play together extremely well.  Glad you’re enjoying your new Sarah so much…..wish I had one!
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #84 - 08/06/23 at 15:32:13
The WE300B and CyroTone combo is special and gets me to sit down and listen.  My cup of coffee this AM at 6 in front of the rig turned out to be a 3.5 hour session and three hungry kids wonder where Sunday breakfast was.
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #85 - 08/06/23 at 16:48:57

Hey JAudio441,

Best Sarah review of the month! Smiley

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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #86 - 08/11/23 at 03:44:30
Thanks JAudio441 for your impressions and feedback on tubes used.

Up until a few weeks ago, I was 100% sure I was getting the WE 300B in addition to the stock Chinese tubes Sarah will ship with.  Ghostship took a hammer to that wall of confidence when he sold his WE opting to tango with the Cryptone 300Bs instead.  And with multiple folks claiming good results with Cryotone tubes, I am going to need to take a closer look at what they are offering.  Here’s what I am considering:

Option 1): WE 300, the new Sophia Electric 274b rectifier, and the rest stock tubes

Option 2): Get the full bundle from Cryotone

Option 3): WE 300B and the rest from Cryotone—the most expensive option
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #87 - 08/11/23 at 03:49:53
Actually, a follow-up question JAudio441:

The Cryotone bundle for Sarah includes

One 12AU7-WCL Matched Sections
One Pair ECC88-WC Matched
Three 0C2-WC Voltage Regulators, Matched
One 5AR4-WC
One Pair 300B-WC Matched

Was wondering why you opted for the 5U4 and OA3 instead?
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #88 - 08/11/23 at 15:10:07

Hi Kamran,

Welcome back from your travels, but with your pictures and posts, it is almost like you took us with you Smiley

Two questions.  You referred to.

"The Cryotone bundle for Sarah includes:

One 12AU7-WCL Matched Sections"

I cannot find an explanation of "Matched Sections." What's that?

Also, in another post you refer to the "new Sophia Electric 274b rectifier."    I found it on their website.  Is this 274b a better fit with the Decware 300b Sophia?
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #89 - 08/11/23 at 15:25:50
Posted by: Tony      Posted on: Today at 07:10:07

...I cannot find an explanation of "Matched Sections." What's that?...

All the Decware input tubes like the 12AU7, 6922/6DJ8, 6N6P etc. are actually two triodes in the same tube (a vacuum tube integrated circuit if you will). Matched Sections mean both triodes are "matched" (whatever that means...).

Posted by: Kamran      Posted on: Yesterday at 19:49:53

...Was wondering why you opted for the... OA3 instead?

I feel like that is a typo, 0A3 is an octal tube and not compatible with Sarah.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #90 - 08/11/23 at 23:19:58
Hey Tony!

So CA James perfectly explained the matched sections. I especially loved his vacuum tube integrated circuit analogy!

As far as the Sophia is concerned, this all came about when Lon’s Aqua arced and blew a fuse on Sarah. So I reached out to Sue from Sophia Electric and got confirmation that their newer Aqua II (darker shade of blue) is a better fit.  I am reproducing her response below:

“If I understand correctly, your future 300B amplifier is a single ended design, both channels share one 5U4G rectifier. If this is the case, the original Aqua 274B (rated: max 160 ma)  may not have enough current capacity, as a result, it blows the fuse. Good news is we have a new Aqua II 274B (rated: max 220 ma) tube available which should solve the problem that the original one has.”

For more information regarding Aqua II 274B, check out here: https://sophiaelectric.com/collections/frontpage/products/new-sophia-electric-aq...
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #91 - 08/11/23 at 23:38:04
I'll bet that is a great tube. I do want to reiterate though that I put in another, brand new Aqua 274B very shortly after that first one arced and I had NO problems with arcing or other problems of any kind with it since, and it's the best rectifier of a dozen or so I've tried.
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #92 - 08/17/23 at 18:21:24
Ok humor me on the Cryotone.  Not that I’ve necessarily decided to go this course, but if I were to slowly secure the Cryotone bundle over time, what is the optimal sequence from the following list:

The Rectifier tube

The Driver tubes

The Voltage Regulator Tubes

The Input Tube

The Power tubes

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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Same Old DD
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #93 - 08/17/23 at 18:46:21
I do not own a 300B amplifier, so my comment should be taken with a grain of rock salt.

I have played around for years with cryo'ed tubes. Trying to find more of the magic, I have done a few of each.

I find that the rectifier makes the most immediate difference, followed by the power tubes.

With my experience, simple things remain more constant than complicated things, regardless of what other changes you make.

I would recommend rock solid rectifiers to start and go from there, no matter the amplifier platform.
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #94 - 08/17/23 at 20:24:31
Posted by: Same Old DD      Posted on: Today at 10:46:21

...I find that the rectifier makes the most immediate difference...

In general I agree with that. But in this case I think since 300B tubes typically take a really long time to break in that is where I would start.
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[FOOBAR2000 | Jay's CDT2 MRK3] -> Denafrips Terminator 2 + Gaia
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #95 - 08/17/23 at 21:28:05
Thx guys—noted.  

One of the (subliminal) reasons I had placed the power tubes as last on my list is because I’m really torn on that one.  I just don’t see myself not gunning for the WE when I upgrade from the stock Chinese tubes.  Based on reading the entire Cryotone tubes thread, I’ve warmed up to (no pun intended) for the rest of their allotment.  

Ghostship’s eloquent review (coupled with Steve’s recommendation for an alternate tube) is the only reason I’m even on the fence.
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #96 - 08/17/23 at 22:07:26
It all depends on so much... everything in a system and room adjusting how we perceive ideal tubes in a setting. And even then, even small seeming changes, like the VRs, or some more resolving cables, or room treatment adjustments, or whatever, can change the whole complexion of the rest.

And what are we after... some like a punched up hifi sound better... some like a more natural sound better... some are "warmth" and bass biased.... So I guess we have to read these things into each advisor's appearance of  preferences, and make assumptions based on their room and gear to really begin to get a feel about how a tube applies to us and our setting. And even with that, tricky in my book.

In all my amps, I would say all the tubes matter, and I utilize all in synchronicity to get the balances I love in this room... but agree, the rectifier is foundational, and effects them all. They all matter notably to me though, and change the sound.
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #97 - 09/04/23 at 13:32:21
Apologies for my late response, I've been out with my family most of August before school picked up again.  Now that it has, I'm back into a normal routine.  

Posted by: Kamran      Posted on: 08/11/23 at 03:49:53

Was wondering why you opted for the 5U4 and OA3 instead?

I have to admit that I'm a bit embarrassed, I did typo and I'm leveraging the OC2-WC, not the OA3.  Long story short, kid interruption when bouncing back and forth to the CyroTones site to make sure I grabbed the correct product number.  

In regard to why I opted for the 5U4, in chatting with Don from CyroTone he had mentioned he was going back on forth with Steve and making some changes to what they thought sounded better.  They have far more insight than any of us, so my response was to send me that they thought would sound best for my system.

Since my original post, I got a lot more time on the tubes and continue to be very happy with the combo.  The correctly stated combo I'm running is the WE 300B's with the CyroTone 12AU7-WCL Long Plate, ECC88-WC, OC2-WC and 5U4GB-WC tubes.
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #98 - 09/07/23 at 15:31:29
Thx for the clarification. Yea, I also noticed that they now have a new version of the rectifier tube.  Do you (or anyone else) have Don’s e-mail address. I wanted to contact him to explore my options and gauge if he’s coming to Decfest again next month.
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Re: 300B Tubes
Reply #99 - 09/07/23 at 15:39:27
You can contact him here:

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