After studying peoples reactions to the Big Betsy and Big Betsy Jr. baffles during the fest, and after talking with Randy of Caintuck Audio, we came to the realization that A) the Big Betsys are BIG. Not everyone can do big. B) The Big Betsy Jr, with the Crystal 10 are a nice size but are lighter in the bass and require a ZROCK2. The drivers are also nearly a grand more than the F15 drivers used in the Big Betsy. When you add both of those factors in, the price well exceeds a Big Betsy with the F15's...
We realized that we need a third baffle... the magic bullet, the best of both sort of thing that would actually cost a bit LESS than the Big Betsy, not a lot more.
So this weekend I am prototyping a similar size baffle to the Big Betsy Jr., but with an F15 driver !!!
If this works as well as we know it will, it should be by far the most popular seller of the three models. Since there are now going to be three models, it changes things. My previous model numbers, ZBOB and ZBOBJR, no longer make sense.
I have decided to make the Big Betsy with the F15 drivers the model ZF15L, (Zen F15 Large)
I have decided to make the Big Betsy Jr, with the Crystal 10 drivers, the model ZC10M (Zen Crystal 10 Medium)
I have decided to make the new baffle with the F15 drivers, the model ZF15M, (Zen F15 Medium)
This makes a lot more sense and leaves room for alternate drivers in the future that will go into either the Large or Medium baffles.
I am making this new "medium" sized baffle 2-5/8 inches wider than the Crystal 10 Baffle as well as a little taller. This will better accommodate the 15 inch driver.
I am anxious to hear how this compares to the other two as I'm sure you are as well so stay tuned ; )