Hey, I'm glad you're excited about the amp and if his writing helped that's fine and dandy.
Have to say though I've gotten messages and feedback from people who have looked into Decware because of my use and talk of it who are turned off by the web pages and the way Steve presents his products. They buy Marantz or Jolida or Manley instead. Wasting their money in my opinion, but presentation and first impressions are important.
And we are looking for different types of sound reproduction and it appears to me that the Mystery Amp is more the detailed sound type that isn't as helpful to the recordings that I listen to as the more flexible Torii Mk III. I don't like a very detailed, forward sound, I have the kind of sound I like. And I don't need the power and if I ever am able to afford a space where I would need it, I'll have enough money then to buy the Mystery Amp Mk XXV.

The truth of the matter is that I'm set with my systems now and I'll play around with cabling and isolation etc. for fine-tuning but I don't need to read what comes off to me as hype about new amps. I really don't even need to appear here and post every day over and over. Part of me wants to stop, and I may taper off.
The waiting for these Mystery Amps is going to be hard! I hope they come in a month or so and I'm looking forward to reading the impressions I know you two won't be able to keep to yourselves when they arrive.