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Posts: 16
- Hi Beerfab , per Geno's recommendation I sent a Personal Message to Palomino asking about the different drivers and I thought I would post his reply here so you can read it too -
-- Sender: Palomino
To: hallcon83
Subject: Re: Need advice on speakers please
Date: Yesterday at 17:18:36
-- Its been a while since I heard both sets of speakers. I loaned the F15s to a friend before covid and haven't seen them since!
That said, I should tell you what I have for my C10 speakers now. They have evolved a bit in recent years.
The Crystal 10s are in a Baltic birch rectangular open baffle along with Acoustic Elegance LO15 full range drivers. I have also added an upfiring tweeter on each baffle and a sub. Basically the tweeters provide some air, the C10s go from around 15Khz to about 160 Hz, then the LO15s go to about 30 Hz and the sub covers the low end.
In my opinion the C10 based speakers need low end augmentation. The F15 baffles can use some as well but not as much as the C10s. I know Steve add a piece of hardware to up the low end on his C10 based baffles and it helps, but still left me wanting for more bass. I can listen to the F15 and the bass that's there is very tight and detailed/musical.
Back before I added the tweeter and sub, a friend described the difference between the two speakers as the C10s were more "audiophile" and the F15 baffles as more "hi-fi". Basically, the F15 are more forgiving. The C10s are more detailed. Both produce a great soundstage although the F15s soundstage is bigger. Both image well.
I was never fatigued with the F15 after hours of listening. I have experienced some fatigue with the C10s, but only after extended listening.
If I ever get the F15s back from my friend, I will be tempted to try them with the up firing tweeters to give them a little more sparkle in the high end.
As you can see in my current C10 description, I think they need more to augment them overall. After all my tweaking, I prefer them to the F15s. The F15 are more - out of the box - ready.
Hope this rambling response helps.
i7 Mac Mini with LPSU/SSD running Audirvana 3.5, Uptone Audio Regen on LPSU, Mytek Brooklyn DAC+, Ven Haus DIY Silver ICs, 25th Anniversary Zen, PS Audio P5 Power Supply, PS Audio Power Cords, Zen Styx Speaker Wire, DIY Big Betsy and Crystal 10 Open Baffle Speaker