Over the past few weeks, interest in the Lii 15 baffles has been brisk to say the least ..... and I am currently waiting for a shipment of drivers (scheduled to arrive early in December) to complete orders in the build queue .....

However, I thought that the following is worth mentioning and consideration .....
There is no denying the amazing performance of the Lii 15 driver.
They produce a BIG sound, even in my low profile baffles .....

The sensitivity is pretty amazing and a two watt per channel Decware amplifier will light up even a large listening room with a pair of these speakers. Most importantly, they make music.
I have lost count of how many email inquiries received asking me which of the speakers I offer is my "favorite" ..... the original Betsy baffles, the Betsy alnico baffles or the Lii 15 baffles ?
To the surprise of many, my sincere and honest reply is "whichever pair happens to be in the system when I am sitting in my listening chair".
This answer is not a "cop out" ..... each speaker has its own strengths and they all make music and make me want to spend time enjoying my music library.
To verify that I have not become totally delusional, over the past couple of weeks I have invited a couple of audio buddies to join me in extended listening sessions using the baffle versions mentioned above.
Both of these friends are long time audio buffs who have owned a lot of equipment over the years and have excellent taste in music.
The unanimous conclusion concurred with my opinion as stated above.
The amazing value of the original Betsy baffles has not diminished in the least. They are capable of filling a good sized room with music using a two watt per channel Decware amplifier ..... and when paired with a ZROCK, an inexpensive powered subwoofer or an additional baffle with a larger driver (powered by a subwoofer amp) create a very satisfying full range music system. They are involving and have a ton of "finesse".
I am more than happy to sell whichever speaker version that a customer desires ..... but feel that a reminder is in order not to "sell the Betsy baffle short". That would be a mistake ..... especially considering the musical bang for the buck and satisfaction that these speakers provide.
Just something to consider ..... especially for music lovers with a "smaller piggy bank" .....
Happy listening,