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ZLC User Thread (Read 7179 times)
Seasoned Member
Posts: 1222
ZLC User Thread
03/28/19 at 18:20:56
I posted this thread so owners could share their impressions of the Decware Zen Line Conditioner (ZLC). It appears many early adopters have received one recently.
I am considering a purchase for my preamp and source equipment, coupled with a high quality 8-10g power cord. I would like to know your impressions, particularly if using a ZLC results in changes to your systems SQ - positive or negative. I'm particularly concerned with possible loss of dynamics, treble and/or bass roll off/softening, and loss of soundstage dimensionality.
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Nottingham Interspace TT > Modwright PH 9.0XT phono preamp OR MWI modded Cambridge CNX V2 > CSP3-25th Ann. preamp > STL STR-1002 Super > ZMA-25th Ann. amp > PI Audio UberBUSS > Caintuck Audio Lii15 Magnum speakers > SDFB's > SA AUVA's > SRA & ZenWave cables
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 2731
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #1 -
03/28/19 at 19:43:35
I think I have more density and a solid "base" to the music. I'm still using the stock power cord since Decware ran out of their fancy cords when mine was shipped.
I don't have any regrets and from what Steve says about increased dynamics (maybe that's what I'm calling density?) I'd make sure your amp also runs through it.
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Technics 1200G TT w/ Ortofon Jubilee MC cart
ZP3 (25th A Mods)
ZR2 (25th A Mods)
CSP3 (25th A mods)
ZMA (25th A mods)
Homemade Big Betsy Speakers (F15s)
Silver Cabling
DIY Isolation platforms under amps & TT.
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Seasoned Member
"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick
Posts: 25309
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #2 -
03/28/19 at 20:03:09
HK I hope you've seen the impressions on this thread?
Personally I haven't seen a huge leap in sound quality, a minor improvement, but no diminishment of any sound factors. In comparison to the power regenerators I've used. . . I prefer them. But this is a very nice product and is useful in my most recent system, a headphone based audio/video bedroom one.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 2731
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #3 -
03/28/19 at 20:19:30
Lon, are your impression based on ZLC vs other power conditioners or ZLC vs direct to outlet?
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Technics 1200G TT w/ Ortofon Jubilee MC cart
ZP3 (25th A Mods)
ZR2 (25th A Mods)
CSP3 (25th A mods)
ZMA (25th A mods)
Homemade Big Betsy Speakers (F15s)
Silver Cabling
DIY Isolation platforms under amps & TT.
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Seasoned Member
"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick
Posts: 25309
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #4 -
03/28/19 at 20:22:55
Both. It's better as far as I'm concerned than components plugged into an outlet, not as good sound quality improvement wise in comparison to power regenerators in my systems.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 1222
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #5 -
03/28/19 at 20:40:36
Thanks Lon and Archie. I appreciate your insights and I have scanned the other comments. I am glad to hear no diminished SQ using the ZLC and can see a benefit to stabilizing voltage to the sources. I'm looking for no/very little change in how my systems sounds.
Having just spent big $'s on 25th Anniversary modifications (with ZMA to come), I just want to make sure I will not lose any of the significant improvement I've realized in my system SQ.
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Nottingham Interspace TT > Modwright PH 9.0XT phono preamp OR MWI modded Cambridge CNX V2 > CSP3-25th Ann. preamp > STL STR-1002 Super > ZMA-25th Ann. amp > PI Audio UberBUSS > Caintuck Audio Lii15 Magnum speakers > SDFB's > SA AUVA's > SRA & ZenWave cables
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Posts: 37
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #6 -
03/28/19 at 20:51:40
Mr. Archie, I see that you have a complete Decware setup and yet, you say that the ZLC provides more density and a solid base. Wow, how much more dense can anything possibly get? Your system is amazing.
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 359
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #7 -
03/28/19 at 21:14:47
I would agree with the “dynamics/density” improvements and also add my entire system is still evolving with the Anniversary mods and upgrades, they are all coming together nicely. There is no question that the ZLC also cleans up you ac noise. Even with a dedicated 10g run from my breaker box and additional earth ground my dishwasher and ceiling light dimmers were still getting through, that noise is all but eliminated and there is nothing but beautiful black silence when the system is idling or there is a null in a passage. It is definitely a very useful piece in the DecWare assortment.
(How does anyone get along without a ZROCK2)
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TORII MKIV-25th,ZBIT,ZROCK2-25th,ZTPRE-25th,ZLC,DNA2's,REL Sub,Technics SL1300G,Nagaoka MP-500,Ortofon Concorde,Teac PE505
MyTek Brooklyn DAC+,Sonore ultraRendu LinearPS,sonicTransport APi7 4TB Woo WA6, Sennheiser HD660s RoomTreatments DHC1
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 2731
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #8 -
03/28/19 at 21:34:03
I have always been satisfied with my sound, even before Decware came into my life. Nonetheless, each "upgrade" has been an improvement. It's almost like contemplating Infinity. More and more but it's still all infinity before and after!
(How does anyone get along without a ZROCK2) Smiley
Hear, hear!
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Technics 1200G TT w/ Ortofon Jubilee MC cart
ZP3 (25th A Mods)
ZR2 (25th A Mods)
CSP3 (25th A mods)
ZMA (25th A mods)
Homemade Big Betsy Speakers (F15s)
Silver Cabling
DIY Isolation platforms under amps & TT.
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 1222
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #9 -
03/28/19 at 22:00:27
Glad to hear, you've got a great system. Thanks for sharing your ZLC observations.
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Nottingham Interspace TT > Modwright PH 9.0XT phono preamp OR MWI modded Cambridge CNX V2 > CSP3-25th Ann. preamp > STL STR-1002 Super > ZMA-25th Ann. amp > PI Audio UberBUSS > Caintuck Audio Lii15 Magnum speakers > SDFB's > SA AUVA's > SRA & ZenWave cables
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 433
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #10 -
01/11/24 at 16:59:03
What is the bolt size used on the feet of the ZLC? I am considering using some aftermarket feet with my unit.
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Seasoned Member
Posts: 433
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #11 -
02/11/24 at 22:05:40
Hi all.
I have reconfigured by ZLC with some stuff that I had laying around instead of buying more stuff in the short term. I am happy with the results. I hope to try Stillpoints at some point when funds allow.
I added some older model Mapleshade Micropoint Heavyfeet. They are not version 4. I do not remember there being versions when I purchased them many years ago. Anyway, I put three under my ZLC. I also put them under my PS Audio P20 at the same time. I unplugged and reconfigured my system this morning in anticipation of watching the Super Bowl.
I am using the ZLC for my amps and subwoofer. I use the P20 for everything else.
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Seasoned Member
"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick
Posts: 25309
Re: ZLC User Thread
Reply #12 -
02/11/24 at 23:45:49
Welcome back to posting J! Great system.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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