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02/12/25 at 22:50:49 

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busterfree’s listening room(s) (Read 22046 times)
Seasoned Member

Posts: 433
busterfree’s listening room(s)
06/10/18 at 20:32:43
I figured that I should start a thread about my listening room instead of inserting those pictures into a another thread. So hear goes. It is a work in progress, and I welcome all feedback.

Just to give perspective, this is my room today.

The DAC is a PS Audio DirectStream that I upgraded from PW II DAC. I use the Bridge II input, JRemote, and JRiver on a laptop in another room. Controlled by iPad or iPhone. This is feeding a ZBIT. The other ZBIT is a spare.

The preamp is a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 with external power supply and upgraded cord, two inputs, no remote, and NOS 12SN7 and 6201 tubes.

PS Audio AC12 power cords for DAC and SE84UFO3s. Signal Cable silver cord feeding preamp. Better cables silver balanced cable between DAC and ZBIT. Copper interconnects from Signal Cable to and from preamp.

All feed from a PS Audio P10 with AC12 cord feed by a Zero Surge.

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Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #1 - 06/10/18 at 21:06:34
Speakers are Klipsch Forte II. I bought them new in 1992. The original bases were destroyed when a water heater busted when I was on vacation. In 2000 or so, I bought custom bases from Sound Anchors. Currently, they are just sitting on the carpet with no spikes.

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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #2 - 06/10/18 at 21:08:56
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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #3 - 06/10/18 at 22:09:44
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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #4 - 06/11/18 at 03:12:20
Very nice! I imagine you are getting some great sounds.
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VPI Classic Signature | Urushi Black | Sky 20 | ZP3 | SDFB
DirectStream DAC (APS nickel transformers, Vocm mod)
Omega Super 3 HO XRS | Deep 8
Zenwave D4 | PCR-11 | PI Audio Uberbuss
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Posts: 571
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #5 - 06/11/18 at 09:21:08
Hey Busterfree,

I have some of the same component stream in my system: Directstream DAC into a ZBit into a Linear Tube Audio MZ2 pre. From there I go into a 10W 300B amp, out to 94dB Omega speakers. I know your speakers are more efficient, so I'm guessing that you don't have a problem getting to a satisfying sound level, even with less watts. I'd be interested to know where you set the MZ2 in your setup. I get good, full sound starting around 9:30 - 10:00 on the dial. I don't think that I've ever gone above 12:00. How about you?

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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #6 - 06/11/18 at 10:33:14
My MZ2 volume is at one o’clock position. ZBIT is all the way up. Amps are 12 clicks into the 20 stepped attenuators. I control the volume of my DAC via JRemote on iPad. With speakers, I listen at 70-80. Headphones around 50. Sometimes, I will set the DAC at 100 and use the volume of the MZ2. It depends.

My speakers have sensitivity of 99dB SPL with one watt at one meter.
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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #7 - 06/11/18 at 16:49:06
Lovely set up! Mono's, treatments etc...Hmmm, nothing left but to immerse into the sound.
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SE84UFO25, ZP3, Zstage, ZR2, ZSB, DM947, HERESY iii
VPI-Traveler2 +SS Zephyr MKIIIes.
Cambridge CXC. Schiit Bimby DAC
IC's Audio Envy, Decware, RAC-PC's, Mapleshade Dbl Helix+Spkr wires & jumpers
Blue Circle PLC FX2X0e, Herbies, GIK, PI Audio DIY treatment
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Steve Deckert

If the 1st watt
sucks why continue?

Posts: 6369
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #8 - 06/12/18 at 05:23:53

Great room!  So much potential in dedicated listening spaces!

I am curious about what would happen if...

With the speakers set with zero toe-in you're listening off axis which is normal, especially for speakers with high articulation.  So right now if lets guess the angle off axis is 20 degrees to your head you would be listening to the left side of the right speaker and the right side of the left speaker.  What would happen if we reversed that?  Toe both speakers in 20 degrees + 20 degrees so you are listening to the same off axis angle but on the other side.  I would love to know what happens to the sound stage because all the side wall reflections will be changed as well as the rear wall reflections.  Is it better, worse, or just different?

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Posts: 359
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #9 - 06/13/18 at 01:37:46
Great looking room, very nice...
I’ve not got one of “work in progress” deals going on too, lot a fun.

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TORII MKIV-25th,ZBIT,ZROCK2-25th,ZTPRE-25th,ZLC,DNA2's,REL Sub,Technics SL1300G,Nagaoka MP-500,Ortofon Concorde,Teac PE505
MyTek Brooklyn DAC+,Sonore ultraRendu LinearPS,sonicTransport APi7 4TB Woo WA6, Sennheiser HD660s RoomTreatments DHC1
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Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #10 - 06/13/18 at 02:22:12
Toe in position is an interesting question. I will have to experiment on a weekend. This set up draws me to just listen more. Yet, there are changes and improvements to make.

Definitely a work in progress.

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Seasoned Member

Posts: 571
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #11 - 06/14/18 at 03:49:57
Hey BF,

Thanks for the info. I also run my ZBit just below wide open, with my dac at 100%. My amp is at 3/4 full, and I control the volume with the MZ2. Pretty happy with the sound that I'm getting. It's great that you are only at 1:00 on the pre with only 2.7 watts. Good case for running high-efficiency speakers.

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Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #12 - 06/17/18 at 22:10:05
Since my SE84UFO2 has not sold, I thought I would use it to biamp my other set of speakers (Forte III). It was a bear to move the Forte II downstairs especially with the heavy Sound Anchors bases, but I guess I needed a workout.

System is essentially the same. I moved the DAC off to the side and used my long XLR cables to feed the ZBIT. Amps and preamp are powered by a PS Audio P5.

I think the system’s sound is essentially the same. Maybe a little more ease to the presentation, more air, and a blacker background. It is really hard to say. I still get a toe tapping experience when listening. It is hard to pull away.

Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads out there!
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Verified Member

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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #13 - 06/22/18 at 16:10:30
I really like your set up, busterfree. Why did you try to sell your SE84UFO2 btw? Were you looking to get something else instead?
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Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #14 - 06/22/18 at 22:45:47
I was/am trying to sell my SE84UFO2 because I have too much gear. Two watts are plenty for my efficient speakers, room size, and listening levels.
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Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #15 - 06/22/18 at 22:47:22
Also, I have a SE84UFO25 in the queue. I keep telling myself that I am done, at least for a while. I hope.
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Lonely Raven
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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #16 - 07/19/18 at 20:20:11

Beautiful setup!

You'll love the 25th amp. If you thought the UFO amps were engaging, the 25th is something different altogether. I get completely lost listening to my Pre-Prototype, and yours is going to be even better!

Did you notice any imaging improvement when you got rid of the tall rack in the middle? I had a nice slow slung metal and glass rack in the middle of my room, figuring it was too thin and low slung to really make a difference, but I was really surprised how much more focus my sound had without that rack there! I now have my gear on maple blocks similar to yours, but...cheaper and not as pretty. LOL
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WWW Lonely Raven   IP Logged
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Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #17 - 08/11/18 at 13:55:09
I prefer my setup with no rack between the speakers.

I have also toed in the speakers a bit, and I have been living with them that way for a while. I like what I am hearing. I think there is more work to do in this area, but I would rather spend my free time listening to music. If I only had more time...

Also, I feel that there could be some improvement with room treatment behind my listening position. I am not ready to invest time in measuring my room, and I need to recover from my latest audio purchase.

The SE84UFO25 arrived yesterday. I listened for a couple of hours last night, and I am listening now. I am happy. I find it to be engaging even though it has low hours. I don’t know how much of that is buyer’s bias, but I don’t really care.

The fit and finish of the amp is first class. A picture is worth a thousand words, so...

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Seasoned Member

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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #18 - 08/11/18 at 13:56:30
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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #19 - 08/11/18 at 13:58:21
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Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #20 - 08/11/18 at 14:00:10
last one for now...
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25304
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #21 - 08/11/18 at 15:00:22
Looks beautiful! And I bet it sounds great. I know it will keep sounding better and better. My Monoblocks-25 are seasoning in and surprising me week by week. Amazing machines!

I hear you about the time. Time is the variable I wish I had more of. And I'm retired! It's just these systems grab both the attention and the imagination of the listener and one hates to turn them off! Steve has introduced magic into our listening lives.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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Verified Member

Posts: 27
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #22 - 08/13/18 at 18:33:26
Nice system busterfree. I bought a pair of Forte IIIs in distressed white oak back in March. Great speakers. I sold them recently because I bought a pair of klipschorns. If not for that, I would still have the FIII.

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Seasoned Member

Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #23 - 05/22/19 at 00:25:23
Updated photo of main system — I added five pair of Decware diffusers to the room. Great results so far. Better imaging and i can hear details more clearly if that make sense.

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Seasoned Member

Posts: 465
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #24 - 05/22/19 at 02:17:46
Vey nice! Bet it sounds great!
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VPI Classic Signature | Urushi Black | Sky 20 | ZP3 | SDFB
DirectStream DAC (APS nickel transformers, Vocm mod)
Omega Super 3 HO XRS | Deep 8
Zenwave D4 | PCR-11 | PI Audio Uberbuss
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Seasoned Member

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would be a mistake.

Posts: 2189
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #25 - 05/22/19 at 11:42:57
Awesome Buster!  I’ll bet that really transformed the sound.  I had a pair of Forte’s for over 30 years. Loved em.
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(2)SE84UFO(Balanced Monoblocs) OR Sansui AU222
Cambrge Audio CXN(ModWright)
Crown XLS-1002
SL1210MK5(KAB Mods) Soundsm Aida MKll cart • Darlingt.Labs MP8b
Otari MX5050-Bll2 R2R
ZLC Power Cond
Lii Audio PT-10 OR F-12 OR Betsy Alnico 8"/ W-15 in Open Baffle
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #26 - 02/11/24 at 22:16:42
Hi all.
Much has happened since my last post in 2019.

Different state, different room, and mostly same gear. How about some new pictures?

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Seasoned Member

Posts: 433
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #27 - 04/01/24 at 03:09:41
Hi all.
Documenting some recent additions to the system. Thanks

New DAC - PS Audio DirectStream DAC MK2 with Mount Massive - sources are optical from smart TV or (stock) Bluesound Node with Nordost Silver Shadow Digital cable

New input tube - General Electric 6SN7 tube with 6SN7 adapter and 9 pin socket saver

New Zen Torii JRv2 amplifier

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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25304
Re: busterfree’s listening room(s)
Reply #28 - 04/01/24 at 10:03:31
Nice additions Juan! I totally enjoy my DSD DAC Mk II.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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