Hi again!
While I saved a couple hours of video from the feed, in putting it together I realized that the audio was more or less ruined for some unknown reason... laden with fake reverb and reduced bit rates. Just another side effect of the age of digital adolescence that we all live in. I know the feed didn't sound that way, and the pre-fest video I did of the egg speakers did not sound that way either.
I decided not to complete the video as it just isn't representative of the fest and would be more misleading than informative since it sounded like crap and only ever showed about 10 people at any one time despite the some 70 that attended. So I will try to describe the event instead.
I think it was Saturday that I held out until 7:30 P.M. to have a beer. Remarkably I was the last man out the door as Randy and I closed it down around 3:00 A.M. or so. Without realizing it I drank beer for 8 hours. It became painfully realized the following morning however : )
As result of being extra happy, I broke out the "top secret" stuff starting with the 6C33C mono's that I look forward to putting into production this Spring. After that I brought out the 6C33C OTL amp that few have ever heard and it easily handled the late night hours into a variety of speakers.
Over the three days we flipped the room many times as we listened to the Omega's, the ZOB's, the Imperial SO's, all of Randy's open baffle speakers, the HR-1's, DNA's and ERRx's. Additionally the DM947's aka Monoliths were played quite a bit.
The only speakers that I don't believe were played were the HDT's and I blame myself for that. I should have hooked them up to remind everyone how good they still are after 15 years of trying to be dethroned by all the other single driver designs!
Both Friday and Saturday saw a fair amount of rain which had no effect on the listening room or the activities in general. The only thing that didn't happen as a result is the well loved annual bond fire that we like to have.
Dan cooked a simply amazing dinner on Saturday for everyone and we are eternally grateful for that! Also Dave, a local audiophile, brought some very good chili, excellent wine, and 5 CD's of audiophile test tracks that were immensely enjoyed!
The new ZDAC2 aka Decware modified Teac DSD DAC fed the ZTPRE which in turn drove all the various amplifiers on the main end of the room, while the ZCD240 handled the other end with no preamp involved.
The ZROCK2 was used periodically at both ends of the room all three days but on bypass most of the time so as to not make everything sound better than it really is.
We also listened to Ed Pong's (UltraAnalogue Recordings) reel to reel tapes and spun a fair amount of vinyl this year which was nice.
In the build room, was a classic SE84UFO driving a double stack of Sansui speakers... that's 4 - 15 inch woofers, 8 midranges, and 8 tweeters total which comes in at over 100dB efficiency.
In the office area we set up our headphone rigs, using the CSP3 and the TABOO MK4 to drive a variety of great headphones including the ZMF Ori, Eikon, and Atticus.
Everything worked perfectly and sounded great, which is my main technical concern each year. This year I created a scalar wave generator to confuse Father Murphy into visiting the wrong address. It worked perfectly.

So until next year, happy listening and remember, we do listening appointments all year long so you don't need to wait until next October to visit! In fact during the winter months I even book appointments on the weekends.
Thanks to everyone!