I've been working with Open Baffle in a similar size room as yours. In my case I have twin 12" OB's augmenting the low end for my Omega Alnico monitors.

One nice thing about the OB's is that it's almost impossible to "Over Load" this room with low frequencies causing rattling as you describe. The OB's are somewhat "Omni-Directional" meaning they tend to disperse sound evenly throughout the entire room.
Some things to consider. If items on the right side wall are rattling, it would be natural to assume sound waves are travelling through the air, impacting the wall causing the rattling. When I had twin, down firing subs I discovered what was really happening. The subs were exciting the floor and that vibration was transmitted through the floor to the side wall. I put the subs on Isolation platforms and problem solved.
Also found with the subs on isolation platforms if I placed them 12 inches or less from the front wall the drivers close proximity would excite the front wall causing vibration and this would be transmitted to other room surfaces.
Sounds like you have the OB's out away from the front wall a couple feet? If this is the case the wave off the back of the drivers should not be able to directly excite that wall. Also suggest they not be too close to the side walls.
Other question would be are your OB's coupling to the floor, exciting the floor which in turn transmits vibration to other room surfaces. Even though you have carpet & pad that can compact under the speaker over time and we know the Baffles tend to vibrate.
Just to frame the problem differently. If any of the above are happening in your room, then no amount of Bass Traps will solve the problem. Just thought these would be a few things to consider based on my actual experience.
Good Luck.