Hi Rich, try these steps to post your images:
1. You need to upload your pictures to a "free" online host such as Photobucket.
2. Then go to your picture on the Photobucket website and (a) right click on top of the actual picture, (b) select Properties, (c) when the Properties window opens up highlight the Address: (URL) link (it will have a .jpg at the end of the address), (d) right click again on the address you just highlighted and select Copy.
Similarly, there are a set of icons above the picture on the Photobucket website (right of the Facebook, Twitter, etc. icons). There is an icon that looks like chain links called "Get link codes". By clicking that you can copy the Direct code and then follow the next steps.
Now that you have the Adress: URL path copied, you need to paste it over at the Decware Website, so the rest takes place on the Decware website.
3. The third button over is the Insert Image button, (a) click that button, (b) paste the picture's Address: URL (that you copied from Photobucket) in between [img
] paste Address: URL here [/img] (with no spaces).
4. Then click the Post button and that should be it ...
It seems like a lot of steps, but once you get the hang of it ... it only takes a few seconds.

It should appear something like this:
Notice that there is a space (highlighted in yellow), this space is only there so you can see what the code should look like, however when posting for real - there should be no space or it won't appear.