One week, not even enough time to break in the Integrated, not even close. I'd be willing to bet, at the end of a month or more of break in, the Integrated, with stock tubes, VS the Almarro with the NOS tubes would be beat by the SE34I.2 Just listen to the Integrated, then give it a go.
I don't think you have anything to worry about, I've finally had the chance to listen to the SE34I.2 with a brand new pair of HDT's and it was exactly how Steve described, synergistic as all get out. I've been listening to the HDT's with the Torii-II or Taboo, I thought that was pretty awesome, the Integrated bested that combination IMHO!
If I had a choice, I'd much prefer to receive my amp first and speakers second, the amps take a roller coaster ride that leaves you thinking, What have I done? The speakers do have a break in period especially ours with a tweeter, as it seems the tweeter takes the longest to break in, but its not the roller coaster ride the amps go through!
Steve isn't a guy that ever toots his own horn, trust me, sometimes trying to get any info from him is like trying to trim my cats claws, ask Devon, she'll tell you, what I can't believe is how many high end dealers there are that "Secretly listen to Decware gear in there homes".

The HDT's and SE34I.2 are on that list!!!
Bob, not afraid to toot the Decware horn,