Well, I may have unintentionally just sold a pair of HDT's for Steve and possible and CSP to boot. Steve, where my commision?

My buddy Steve and I had a mini listening session. He already had my CSP hooked up to his Art Audio Carissa amp. I brought my HDT's over his place today and left the for a while. We gave a listen to a few disks on different combination of equipment. The disks were good quality recordings, not awesome, but just good. I forget the album names but Steve pulled out Natilie Merchant, Aimee Mann, while I had brought some of my current favorite Marcio Faraco (Brazilian jazz) 'cause I thought Steve would like him, which he did. We had limited time so we focused on changes in equipment and listening mostly to Faraco. Equipment listened to:
Speakers: Decware HDT, Reference 3A Royal Virtuoso
Amps: Art Audio Carissa, Decware TABOO, Charlize DIY chip amp
Preamp: Decware CSP
Source: Sony 9000ES w/Modwright mods
cabling: All cables were expensive looking snake-like beasts - I didn't enquire about their brands.
Room: No treatments, approx 15'x15', listening at approx 8' triangle, toe'd in pretty much directly at the listener.
Sorry for the quality. I snapped them with my phone... thought some of you might find them interesting...