Figured I’d start the 2023 Decfest thread in the General Discussion section to build critical mass before it gets moved to the Decfest section where it actually belongs. I feel like we were discussing Decfest 2022 way before July and then registrations opened up during the first half in August.
To the extent Steve is going to organize the 2023 event—-I am planning to re-attend and would love to reunite with folks from last year as well as any of the forum members who couldn’t make it last year. It is such a great opportunity to connect with fellow enthusiasts, enjoy Steve’s rig and hospitality, and leave with some friends, and learnings (or two).
So a show of hands, if you will, to get a sense of who’s planning to attend —to build up the excitement for this years fest!
Listening, learning, and connecting happens organically as you venture from place to place—-Steve’s rig to the shed, where Randy is doing his thing, to the porch area, to the backyard around the bonfire and even within the confines of Steve’s woodworking shop. I had meaningful interactions in all of these places over the course of my two days last year.
That said, I was noodling on the possibility of a structured bonfire gathering where we can grill Steve and other learned members about all things audio. I know it’s taking a leaf out of what typical Audio conventions do when they have talks or panels in parallel to the exhibitors—but done in a more informal fireside chat setting vs. being mic’d up in a hotel meeting room.
Maybe this is silly idea but I figured, what the heck, a silly idea might lead to something interesting and shake things up (not that things need shaking), and the opportunity for all or most of us to be in the same place at the same time, seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up.
Think of the “Exploring Bass Discussion” by GroovySauce, De-Coupling or Coupling or dedicated circuits thread that I started, or Same Old DD’s exploration in to DIY speakers, but in real-time—and in a more intimate setting. There are so many topics to explore and inquiring minds want to learn! We could vote on 3-4 discussion topics and concentrate on peppering the esteemed panel with our questions? Perhaps Steve can use his video rig to livestream this fireside chat for members who can’t attend?
Again, this could be the silliest idea in the world and feel free to tell me so. Regardless of whether we end up doing this or not, I look forward to another great Decfest.