Thanks Dom.
I think active efforts to make our life happier, and the martial arts are both nice pointers as we look at how Decware and music in our rooms can be enjoyed.
It's fun for me to imagine life thousands of years ago, the origins and results of developing the martial arts. Touching back to my earlier "brain storm," I think these arts emerged as early “mind” explorers discovered that the energetic and cellular are “different sides of a the same coin.” And cultivating awareness of our energetic makeup, they learned we can use it to become healthier, happier, and more capable. In time, they became known as Taoists, students of Tao ("the Way")... though I think "explorers and practitioners of the Way of Harmonic Nature" is more descriptive of their motivations and practices.
Captivated by looking into how we are made and function, and also everything else...plants, animals, rocks, mountains, streams... they were basically early physicists. They learned to recognize and interact articulately with source energies that drive everything, in turn noticing how fundamental energy morphs and conglomerates into activity, form, and consciousness. The “language” of energetic nature being discovered, by consciously integrating our cellular and energetic "languages," they uncovering ways to become more coherent, complete and able.
Associated, they noticed that our personal energetic body/consciousness can consciously interact with the energetic configurations of others, leading to practices that increase, concentrate, and move energy in specific ways. More “conversant” with the energetics of the plant world, and discovering the meridians, sophisticated healing methods began to develop.
Further cultivating meridian therapy, they discovered movements that empowered, harmonized and expanded wellbeing and consciousness. The basis of Chi Gong, Tai Chi, and Kung Fu, healing/meditative practices morphed into "martial arts," uncovering more skills for focussing and utilizing energy articulately. “Intuition,” being an aspect of our energetic language, we can practice to cultivate it. Without thought, we can “know” the moves of our fellow practitioner milliseconds before they happen, and respond accordingly. We can "learn" to concentrate energy, “grounding” so powerfully we can't be moved. Or...in an instant, before thought, we can spring faster, higher, further and more articulately than we could ever imagine. They discovered that by cultivating “hidden,” but innate perceptive functions and consciousness, we can access and interact with the all-inclusive, interactive overlays of energy all around us...martial arts becoming a practice to cultivate these skills.
These practices revealed “collective consciousness,” consciousness inclusive of all energy and the information it carries. Each of us, as aspects of the collective consciousness, it is “ours” and can be accessed by us. Realizing that each activity conveys energetically, influencing all adjacent energetic patterns (things and actions), they saw that everything influences everything...They noticed that energetically, all things interact either directly of indirectly. Collective energetic patterns, particle configurations more multi-dimensional and overlaid than linear, it is vast, but they began to notice that with mind opened and clear, we could experience many levels of energetic “consciousness” as it exists, at once.
”Collective Wisdom” contains too much information for linear, "word-time" thinking mind to take in. And being trained that linear consciousness, is consciousness, the countless overlays of energetic consciousness literally boggles our thinking mind. It is way too much information to linearize. At the same time, from our culturally biased thinking mind, rife with semi-real beliefs and associated confusions, countless multi-dimensional energetic patterns are difficult to even imagine, much less perceive and use.
But finally the barrier appears to be more a matter of training and perception than reality. We all experience collective consciousness, it is just that most have not explored it consciously!
Like when we think of a person living across the country, and then get a call from them. Or, without thought, we can "know" how to roll as we fall, protecting ourselves...or sensing the strong emotions a person is feeling as they walk into a room before “knowing” anyone is there...Like the sense of a presence behind us as a wild animal turns its attention our way, we often “know” energetically before it becomes thought. So energetic consciousness is not as foreign as it appears, more “uncharted.”
The “study” of consciousness developing further, as it became clearer that Mind covers all levels of consciousness and perception, the early Taoists noticed that association with broader harmonic consciousness could also harmonize and enhance thinking mind. On its own, thinking mind doesn't have a complete tool set and can become pretty twisted and confused, even toxic...resulting in greed, wars, theft, lies…..Unsupported by harmonic insight, it has serious limitations and can easily get caught in its static stockpile of part-real beliefs (delusions) and machinations. We all know those “loops” of trying to figure things out...lying in bed, similar patterns of thought looped over and over, burning loads of energy with no end in sight unless we finally have an insight.
Yet thinking mind, when naturally integrated with other aspects of our consciousness, is very useful, a great tool for sorting things out linearly, it can help us "understand" and communicate. So explorers of consciousness learned to calm habitual thinking mind dominance as a means to expose and cultivate awareness of our broader consciousness. They noticed “gut feelings” were manifestations of subtler and more inclusive “consciousness.” Terms like “gut mind,” and “Heart Mind” pointed to consciousness being interactive with the brain, but not confined to it. For millennia, different pathways of creative exploration of "the language" of Mind have revealed the same results, a subtler, more complete and effective broader consciousness that makes thinking mind a lot smarter.
With carefully developed Decware based system/rooms, especially using “current” tech, the 25th and other new modifications, it seems consciousness altering experiences are reported more and more. To me, this is saying that the music can be a catalyst to broadened, more complete consciousness. If we can relax the differentiating controls of thinking mind, our energetic makeup is more easily interactive with spectrally and harmonically authentic music. These amps can apparently support this. Feeling close enough to how we experience natural music, we can more easily relax habituated thinking mind activity, potentiating shifting perception and consciousness.
Finally, with an optimized setup, brilliant audio with a beautiful soundstage, seems we can become "captivated" by the experience. I am thinking "lost in the music," or “players in the room,” are descriptors of Mind assuming its more natural state, open and receptive, allowing more complete interaction with the music. Seems a good/system room can potentially be transformative and supportive of well being in many ways!