I had the ERR’s not the ERRx and I have the Omega S3HOXRS. Can’t categorically state go for one or the other. But what I can’t tell you is that give the S3HOXRS the right associated components and they will ‘mimic’ the radial effect with added benefits.
With the ERR’s I had the same components except the amp. The amp that I had with the radials was a Cary Rocket 88R, with the Omegas I HAD

the UFO2. So I can’t make a direct comparison. I also did some work on the Caps and Resistors with the ERR’s.
I loved the ERR’s, forgiving speakers and impressive. I don’t miss them though. The S3HOXRS are way FASTER, sneaky buggers, they love to mess with what you think you know. That can make them more demanding, but they’ll reward in spades if you give them what they need to reward and if you’re patient during the burn in period.
Plus the Omegas are more efficient and were great with the UFO2, now I can’t wait to get my A-Amp on them

However don’t take this to mean that I’m pitching the Omegas over the ERRx, just trying to give you some idea of the differences so that you can try to determine the best fit for you. Steve and others may be able to add to my comments and expand on the characteristics of the two.