Hey Greg,
I think the 944s excel at musical upper mid to high articulation and dispersion...as far as I can tell, these are big-time areas of concern for soundstage development and saturation. And since Decware is designed for a very high level of musical transparency across the fequencies, I suspect you will be quite impressed with the 944s, perhaps even finding them a different league. I hope so!
But in my system/room, even with a great design, the balance of the sound (bass/mids/highs) is critical for soundstage saturation. In my experience, if the amp/tubes are set more for low mid and bass emphasis, this
can overwhelm the upper-mids and highs just enough to cause the soundstage to be less saturated. If the Paradigms are set up synergistically with your Torii, and your room is not reflecting in the wrong places too much, and/or cutting or masking the upper frequencies, or exaggerating the low mids and bass, then the issue could be the speakers, recording, or even that your source can't work out that complex material. Hard to say. But if this continues with the 944s, my guess is that you can start trouble shooting elsewhere.
If you have not already experimented with it, you could test this upper frequency balance thing with your Paradigms. If the soundstage is good on less complex stuff and falls apart on complex recordings...does turning down the bass knobs a little (tightening the bass) and/or increasing the treble knobs a bit, improve the soundstage on these problem recordings?
Once the system/speakers and room match well for a good soundstage, I find that fine tuning the highs and bass (with amp adjustments and/or tubes) so that it works well across recordings is tricky. But it is also rewarding once you get close. There is such a vast range of recording quality, and frequency balances, that this revealing gear will show it. It will also show that a lot of stuff was not mixed with gear that revealed soundstage well.

But Steve and ZYGI are all about helping us find a rewarding balance of revealing and forgiving, so I am guessing you will like those 944s in your system.
And with the highly adjustable Torii MkIII to help you find your balance, seems to me you will be in great shape for great music.