Crazy Bill the Eel Killer
Hello Steve, sorry I took so long to get back to you. Life has been utterly crazy.
I'm referring to the natural peak in the driver response in the upper midrange. I have the old unit w/ the socket for a phaseplug. I had a chance to compare my HDT to a FE206 based bass relex loudspeaker owned by a friend, and the differences were quite dramatic. Even taking into account that the bass on the HDT was clearly superior in every aspect, and the response in the upper bass/lower midrange was much fuller, your modified unit was WAY smoother and more articulate everywhere else. Just no contest. But there is no getting around the fact that there is that little bit of glare that I hear in female voices and massed strings. I also listen to a lot of classic rock and the quitars can sizzle a bit.
Presently I have my SE84 amp in pieces, as after I put the IT's in there I could never get the hum level low enough ( around 10mv ). I think I just was trying to pack too much iron in too small a space, especially given my skill level. I'll rebuild it on a new larger chassis so I can get some space between all the iron. But in the meantime I put my old NAD3020A back to work, and we both know that SS and single fullrange drivers are generally not a good fit, especially after hearing what a good SET like yours can do. It really makes the HDT too bright, so I've got to get the SET back up to retstore a better frequency balance, but even that has a bright characteristic, but to a much lesser degree. So this is why I'm investigating either sending my drivers back for the new surround and, if possible, a new phaseplug, or just biting the bullet and getting the DFR8 drivers and upgrading the cabs to the alternate tuning. I think I recall reading that Zygi stated there just isn't any shout in the new drivers, so I'll probably end up going that route eventually.
As far as the other variables you mentioned, I've played with all kinds of cables, my room sucks ( house built in 1820 w/ very springy floors with half logs for joists ). I listen nearfield, ( 5 ft away ) and have no sidewalls near either speaker, so the room isn't really causing any of this.
Again, thanks for offering to help. After I get my amp back up and running, I'll give you a call and we'll get me headed in the right direction.
Cheers, Crazy Bill