The page is up to date....for the most part. You are next in line, and for the past 15 minutes I have been trying to update your ERR's changing to materials pulled and it won't let me do it for some reason. So don't be alarmed your pair is being built with the rest of this build!!!!
I don't build down the list, I.E. since you are first on the list and you have ERR's I take the next few ERR's and do them at the same time. This is why you may have seen some MG's flying out the door.
While there is no problem building ERR's. We have made some changes in how we build them. I think a way better way than ever before, and I doubt anyone else uses a joint that we are now using to build a speaker. We have made new binding post plates, building them in reverse of what we used to, also making them 1/2" thick instead of the original 1/4" thick. With the new method of building, every template we used to build the ERR's, have been thrown in the trash and all new templates have been built. New cutters were bought and set up in the machines which also took a great deal of time to set them up perfect, and I do mean perfect, as this new method requires perfect sizes of all pieces for it to work. All this was out of my pocket, but in the end it will make assembly of the speakers much faster, saving time in the long run, which also makes for a better product.
We do have all of the small parts done (bases, top plates, grills) right now we just have to build the main body of the ERR's for this next run.
So I guess to make a long story short and answer your question, there is no problem, just a few major changes.
Bob Z