I'm constantly amazed by my Torii MK III. I have to admit sometimes I read what Steve writes and it seems hyperbole, exaggeration, sales pitch. But in the end, when you begin to have the sort of experience that he has with listening to the amp, they're seen as accurate assessment. The Torii has revealed it's glory to me with every improvement I make in any area of the system from cabling to isolation support to improved source components. I honestly believe that used with almost any speaker I'd ever be likely to buy it will never be the weakest link. I'm always impressed at what it reveals about each recording, and how it is able to weave all the different information on any recording and make a musical tapestry of it, that sways with the wind of the sound and ripples with the detail.
Using the CSP2 in tandem with the MK III these last weeks has been quite instructive and intriguing. It does sort of lead me into the madness that tube rolling induces

There are so many potentials within adjusting the output gain of each/both channels, and adjusting the volumes between the preamp and amp. You can thicken the sound, you can thin the sound, you can find dynamics that lie hidden until your searchlight hits them. I was actually SCARED by an Opeth recording on this amp that had a portion that went from a whisper to silence to a sudden intense roar. I've heard the track a number of times on several systems here and at a friend's, but never has it come alive like an animal in a living-room before!
I'm here to tell you that you can have amazing sound using just the gain available on the MK III itself, but you can really fine tune with a CSP2, and I'm sure that there's a similar experience involved when a ZStage is used with the MK III.
I hope you get a MK III as soon as you can. I can already sense the enjoyment you'll have day after day.