I was off-grid with micro hydro for 25 years. We had a small, efficient turbine, a battery bank, a shunt regulator keeping battery voltage from going over a certain setting by dumping turbine (DC) power to water heat, and a 24v DC to 120v AC inverter for power.
We left that place and power system over 10 years ago now, but by then, even most "sine wave" inverters, though getting better and better, remained a little noisy for audio...This was pretty minor, and I had pretty good sound, but persistent noise damped the audio enthusiasm a little. This was totally off-grid, so different than a lot of systems these day where grid-tie is so prevalent. But if you are using batteries, grid-tied systems, or hybrids, inverters are used. It just takes a lot of electronics to convert great deals of power from direct current to alternating current and make that AC wave stable and smooth/quiet.
May be all good these days, but noise is a consideration I will look at as we look into a grid-tie solar system. Refrigerators can be made quiet without costing much, but being conditioned to a fair bit of electronic and ambient noise, most of us just expect it, so little changes. Pointing to a good possibility that many solar sellers are not necessarily sensitive to "subtle" noise, the environmental sweetness of solar power also perhaps helping to overwhelm the need to look carefully at EMF/RFI concerns. Being an audio head, most things others don't concern themselves with in terms of noise are on my radar. I am also more sensitive to EMFs than many seem to be. And since noise and EMFs are the same audio wise, I figured I needed to research it.
A few years ago, when I was looking at it, there was a German company that was actually looking at EMF/RFI as bigger concerns, and doing something about it. They may or may not be the best for the job, but I was glad to see they were addressing it to some extent for health reasons, also likely making the things quieter for audio. They were called SMA, and the American branch was I think SMA, or Sunny Boy.
There are bound to be more and less optimal ways to solve these things before the house...something to consider anyway.