Seasoned Member

Listen Often/Listen Deep
Posts: 3217
Good call Beowulf! Peter is back! Well, he never left really,...has his super high end company-out of my pay grade. I just signed up.
I still have my AA gear. 21+ years later...still found on eBay too. I bought my AA gear new back in April of 1995. Currently on eBay, Dusty (Channel Island), whom worked for AA, has a modded 3.0 DAC like mine with remote selling/from a customer.
It will be fun to see what Peter does. However, my ZDSD is kicking everything to the curb right now. I would be interested in a DAC of course...... . This DAC/PREAMP! However, how about the Output Stage that is the hallmark of Steve's ZDSD. + Recording I'm doing for great sound. Oh well, I will just have to own both (maybe-but not necessary)!
Listening Room: Room Treatments from Michael Green & Home Brew Sony as Transport Illuminati D-60 Decware DSD DAC / Recorder (@ -20 Ref Level @ 16/176.4) Kimber Select KS1030 IC RCA Decware CSP3 w/Jupiter Caps (NOS/Platinum/Telefunken 6922/CCa/7308 for input tube) Kimber Select KS1030 IC RCA Decware Zen Mystery Amplifier (NOS/Platinum/Matsushita / National PCC88 / 7DJ8 in A12 an B12 inputs) Kimber Select KS3035 Speaker Cable Vintage Polk SDA1 Speakers in Stereo (91db) XLO Pro Power Cords to CSP3 an ZMA PS Audio P3 Power Plant / Pangea AC-9SE from wall to P3 (Transport, ZDSD an CSP3, Regenerated/118 an 120v are used/Multiwave off...ZMA on HC Output)
Decware SE84CS (w/NOS Svetlana SV83's from 1980's-not the New Sensor knock-offs) ...when SE Pentodes run in Triode/Decware Style...needs to be in the System!
Pending: 6C33C Decware Mono-blocks (Note: ZMA not for sale = Masterpiece) Pending: Steve's new Preamp to be released approx. in October