Jeff of Arabica
Stone, I couldn't agree more.
The Monoliths (DM947), through my ZDSD>Ultra>ZMA give me goosebumps. When I purchased the Monoliths, I originally fed them with my Torii Jr. and they sounded great. However, when I picked up my ZMA a couple months ago and listed to the ZMA-powered Monoliths, the sound was in a different league, in my opinion, and I commented prior on that note. The Monoliths are superb!! ....when juiced properly.
So, I am currently listening to Randy's OB Betsy's while I await my Omega SAHO's which shipped a few days ago. I have been having a great time with these gems! I still have my DM947's and will not be letting those go - ever. I am anxious to get to know the SAHOs and compare their sound to the Monoliths.
I also adore my Ultra for what it does, but I want the option to go ZDSD directly to my ZMA, so the other day I ordered a ZSB switch box so I can select whether or not I want my ZMA fed direct or via Ultra. My Ultra still commands my all tube-based HT system so during movies the ZMA will always have the Ultra in front - and with that my movie watching experience is surreal. This is especially true after adding two OB "Auggie" subs. :)
Anyway, I NEED to hear how my ZDSD and ZMA can tango - alone. The ZSB will also allow me to direct connect my phono stage, no preamp.
Keep on enjoying those Monoliths - one of the most understated speakers in the Decware lineup in my opinion, based on my listening experience and what is said (and not said) in this forum.
Cheers brother!