I have done direct comparisons with JJ6CA7s, cyro and not, and with Tungsol EL34B. There are other factors, as the tubes did not perfectly match quad to quad. In both cases the tubes were more articulate/defined, smooth, open, etc...cleaner in terms of less subtle grunge, a little more sense of extension, slightly tighter throughout, especially useful for bass...sort of like a good power cord compared to a less good one. It cleans up the "fuzz" a bit, while making all the things a tube does a little better.
I have also cryo'd a bunch of inputs and VRs and similar results. I definitely hear the cryo thing, and though it is subtle in some ways, it is a useful improvement for me, always working that last few percent. Question becomes, do you like these qualities or is the slightly softer non-cryo sound more suitable to your sound. These qualities can be good depending on system and preferences.
I have some RCA OC2s that came in a motorola box...opposite scenario of yours.. Makes me wonder if they are the same tube but I can't compare since mine are RCA labeled and look just like my other RCAs.