Thanks Will. I have been using your advice for the last week and I am now getting the hang of it and loving the endless flexibility of this amp.
The speakers are breaking in nicely, the tubes are getting there too, and I just upgraded to the new EE DAC Plus (from the Tranquility SE). That along with my new PI Audio UberBuss and power cord, Sunday AC free from degradation, and I am loving life

. I am running a pair of Japanese Mullard GZ-34's with the National 7DJ8's, and the JJ 6AC7's and the system has been running all weekend and is simply the best I have ever heard regardless of price. I am free from any listening fatigue, glare, or brightness and the sound stage and imaging is fantastic with the Pendragons. Vocalists are in the room, jazz is fast, dynamic, and detailed, and even poor recordings sound pretty good! So thanks for the help guys!