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02/16/25 at 02:50:00 

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SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs (Read 963 times)
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Posts: 6
SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
11/24/24 at 17:33:54
Two years and eight months and it's finally here!What a perfect match with the 103db sensitive ZUs. I bought it as a backup amp for my AricAudio Transcend PP figuring if one had an issue I would still have tubes to drive the speakers.I've tried a few SS units but meh....It's been fun to be on the list and congratulate folks as they received their equipment as my name inched closer and closer. As the big day approached I was feeling a bit paranoid about something going wrong - difficult to find ground loops,bad tubes,etc Undecided All for naught,because I couldn't be happier.

After letting it get to room temperature (it's cold here) overnight I hooked it up with the same cabling from the Aric, left it on for an hour, chose Bruce Colburn to play first.Just beautiful. Exactly like others have claimed it is extremely transparent, sweet,some things are clearer than ever before that I was aware of in the background before. The articulate bass was a major surprise,just outstanding.This little amp is perfect for my particular room and equipment.It's not even broken in yet! The Aric amp is of course more dynamic but nowhere near as transparent.

Jays Audio CDP
Denafrips Pontus
API Equalizer
Rogue Audio Pre
AricAudio Transcend P/P
Zu Omen Defs
Mostly Voodoo silver cable
SVS +HSU subs
GIK room treatment
16x17 room
Custom reclaimed wood cabinet
Various platforms, footers
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 539
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #1 - 11/24/24 at 18:00:50

Congrats and enjoy the ride.

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Posts: 1150
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #2 - 11/25/24 at 03:53:09
Congrats Dogma!
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Innuos Pulse Streaming Transport and Phoenix Net Switch-Holo Audio Spring 3 KTE DAC-Ic0n4 Autoformer Passive Pre-Sarah 300B SET Amp-ZBIT-GIK Room Treatment—Walnut Pure Audio Project Duet 15 w Voxative PiFe-P.I. Audio MajikBuss & Puritan PSM 156 Conditioners
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Posts: 79
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #3 - 11/25/24 at 17:11:19
Dogma, nice to hear, congrats as well.

That's an impressive stable of equipment and the new UFO2.1 just adds to it. Glad you're impressed by it.

My UFO25 paired with my Zu Soul Supremes really make a nice match (along with the rest of the chain) and I love the sound. Like you, I found that my other amp (a solid state 100w) could really provide a lot of dynamics and some real slam, but it can't hold a candle to the transparency, richness, air, midrange, and soundstage that the UFO25 provides. The tradeoff is well worth it.

The 16-ohm load of the Supremes isn't as perfect a match as the Defs 8-ohm load and with the monstrous upgrade of the Defs, I can only imagine what it sounds like.

It only gets better as time goes by so buckle up and Enjoy!
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SE84UFO25 - CSP3 (A-mods)
ZROCK2 (A-mods) - ZBIT
Cambridge Audio CXN V2 (ModWright)
Cambridge Audio CXC
Zu Audio Soul Supremes
VIABLUE IC's & Spkr cables ; DSR3 IC's
Audio-Technica TT
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 164
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #4 - 11/26/24 at 13:02:19

Congratulations on your new amp, it is wonderful and only gets better! Mine is two years running and love it. Just installed new outputs, 6P15PEV, it was time and sounds great!

Enjoy, Randall

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ARC LS25MK2, UFO2.1 & Denafrips Pontus II DAC, PSA P300 Regen, Rega P6 w/ NEO and Rega MM Phono, Marantz CD6006, Bluesound Node 2i and PSU, Nakamitchi Cassette, Syzygy Sub, Omega JR XRS Towers & 74' Heresy rebuilt from Crites, ZWIRE speaker, DSRXLR, AQ connects
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 288
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #5 - 11/26/24 at 17:48:33
Congratulations Dogma!
and NICE image too Randall! Smiley

edit~ Randall, did you notice the originals (outputs) getting pretty week?
I have an extra pair..but things seem good right now with the originals...
Meters still at the same positions as when new too.
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Posts: 6
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #6 - 12/29/24 at 16:38:50
Thank you everyone! @mrchipster "my stable" is partly used equipment with some new that I felt were bargains at their price points. My weakest link is the Rogue preamp I think.No complaints with the sound but I would like finer control over volume and balance.So I am starting to think about replacing it. Possibly, lol.I'm pretty much off of the merry go round now.
Barely having 20 hours on the UFO I continue to be thrilled with it.Some material sounds different and
pleasing and others are literally spectacular,sounding like an entirely new and different recording. I put on Aqualung Live - JethroTull and carefully raised the volume to "just right" and I don't even know how to describe it. Phenomenal?Two things I'm particularly enjoying now is anything with piano and organ,also how clear backing string sections are. Cellos and double bass Smiley
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Posts: 164
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #7 - 12/30/24 at 12:36:40
Mike sorry missed your note there! The meters started showing different values, weaker on one so plugged in a new set and sounded stronger and meters showed stronger and even.
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ARC LS25MK2, UFO2.1 & Denafrips Pontus II DAC, PSA P300 Regen, Rega P6 w/ NEO and Rega MM Phono, Marantz CD6006, Bluesound Node 2i and PSU, Nakamitchi Cassette, Syzygy Sub, Omega JR XRS Towers & 74' Heresy rebuilt from Crites, ZWIRE speaker, DSRXLR, AQ connects
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 288
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #8 - 12/30/24 at 17:54:08
At one year now with the original outputs. Still sounding fantastic and meters are exactly as they were when first arrived.
About two years sounds good!  [smiley=icqlite20.png]
I will plug in a new pair as you did when/if I notice and see unevenness.
All good!
Take care and Thank-You Randall~ Smiley  
Happy New Year!
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 164
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #9 - 01/02/25 at 13:57:03
Mike you’re welcome and happy new year to you and your family! That’s a very nice picture! One of my best friends in Mississippi is a amateur photographer and loves the wildlife photos as well
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ARC LS25MK2, UFO2.1 & Denafrips Pontus II DAC, PSA P300 Regen, Rega P6 w/ NEO and Rega MM Phono, Marantz CD6006, Bluesound Node 2i and PSU, Nakamitchi Cassette, Syzygy Sub, Omega JR XRS Towers & 74' Heresy rebuilt from Crites, ZWIRE speaker, DSRXLR, AQ connects
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 288
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #10 - 01/03/25 at 01:11:56
Right on!
here's a young Great Horned Owl that hung around us all summer.
This youngster almost grabbed my grey hat off my head while working. Kathy said it looked awesome..however, I was glad I caught him in time..LOL  Hungry for that rodent on me head I guess.
This image was a very close one at about 25 feet. He liked us....
Take care~
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Seasoned Member

Posts: 164
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #11 - 01/06/25 at 02:53:27
That’s absolutely gorgeous Mike beautiful animal
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ARC LS25MK2, UFO2.1 & Denafrips Pontus II DAC, PSA P300 Regen, Rega P6 w/ NEO and Rega MM Phono, Marantz CD6006, Bluesound Node 2i and PSU, Nakamitchi Cassette, Syzygy Sub, Omega JR XRS Towers & 74' Heresy rebuilt from Crites, ZWIRE speaker, DSRXLR, AQ connects
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Verified Member

Posts: 6
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #12 - 02/11/25 at 15:56:01
I wish I could see owls more frequently. I hear them often enough here in Northern Michigan. The most annoying raptor vocalization is from Coopers Hawks. The male hawk spends too much time IMO flying around the nesting site shrieking.
 As of now with barely 40 hours on the amp I am hearing some changes. Revisiting some tunes from the first week or so from it's arrival that are sounding different now and better. Just improved depth and separation of instruments. Loving it more every day Smiley
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Seasoned Member

"Love without
guts is
Philip K. Dick

Posts: 25316
Re: SE84UFO2.1 with Zu Omen Defs
Reply #13 - 02/11/25 at 17:12:42
Four years ago we had a family of owls in our back yard and it was a real treat. For a few years before that and a year afterwards we would see owls as they hunted the rodents around our property and in the state wildlife preserve directly across from our house. . . but they seemed to have cleared the area and moved on. The chipmunks et al have restocked though and this fall I heard owls, oly saw two so far.
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HR-1,ZBIT,ZROCK3,SEWE300B,CSP3-25mod; Rega RP3 all GrooveTracer mods;PSAudio:PST+DSD, DAC Mk II, P15,NPC,PowerBases,AC-12 pwr cbls, Reference spkrcbls; Mapleshade SamsonV3; VooDoo:Cremona+Amati interconnects;Stack EQ; headphones: Sennheiser HD800S,ZMF Ori,Oppo PM1
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