Seasoned Member

Posts: 1662
Funny. How many times have we been here. I can remember multiple drivers that I have owned that if I were to judge them out of the box, they would have been sent back immediately. The best/worst example was set of Audio Nivana drivers, seems like they were 12" full range. Unbelievably bad sounding. Scary in fact. After, I dunno, maybe just a couple of hours, they sounded like different drivers. Still not good, but jeez, not screechy either. Didn't have this experience with the FRX2 though. They sounded good out of the box and even better as time went on. even the drivers that I am presently running are great drivers, but have changed considerably in the bass and midrange. What can I say about this guy? Well, I would give anything if he were better spoken. AHHH ummm II I II err, etc. crap, spit it out. Maybe some editing. I can't weigh his opinion like that, it was just difficult to get through. Yah, unfortunately, the amount of detail for the review left out important info about the testing and his listening environment. i kind of laughed when he was describing some of measurements about treble. I am laughing at myself here because the rise that the treble seems to have would be great for my present hearing. 10 years ago, no way, but now, might just be what I need! Probably so true with so many things in life, you just have to try it out yourself. That can be a real ass kicker, or one of the best purchases you have made. I have had a little of both.