Does anyone have experience with Lii Audio W-15 drivers? have a pair of FRX2 drivers for full range duty, but in a standard open baffle, they need support in the bass region. I'll build the ZOB eventually, but right now, that's not practical, so I'm trying to fill in the bass the old fashion way - by adding a big 'ol driver.
I'm leaning toward the W-15 over the F-15 or F-18 because I think I'll get better results if the FRX2 isn't competing as much with another full range driver. The W-15 is designed to be an open-baffle bass complement to a full range driver.
I would prefer to run each FRX2/W-15 pair in parallel with no crossover of any sort.
For comparison, I'm also looking at the SB Audience Nero-15SW800. digs deeper, no doubt, but it's not as sensitive and I'm not sure it'll be as good a pairing.
I'll be driving these for now with a 3.5 watt amp built around 2A3 output tubes. When my SE84UFO25 is ready (perhaps around Decfest?

I'm 150-something on the list now, it's asking a lot), it'll take over.
I'd appreciate any feedback at all. Am I going in the right direction? Am I way off track?