I always presumed that when I reached the "golden years" my life would be somewhat simpler ..... less complicated.
Hoo boy .....

It seems that my family is quickly moving toward what is quickly becoming one version of the "typical" American family ..... with two or three generations living under one roof, sometimes even more.
For the past few years, my daughter (early 30s) and her two sons (late teens) have been residing with us ..... and we are now in the process of moving my son (late 30s), his fiance and his six year old daughter and three year old son in as well .....

Now, this information is not meant as a complaint ..... since I love them all dearly and things might well change in the near future ..... or not .....

The point of all of this is that even though we have a pretty good sized home, something had to give to accommodate all of these warm bodies ..... and my current listening room and man cave are being re-purposed as bedrooms for the new additions.
What to do ? What to do ?
I recently saw a TV commercial for an insurance company that involved a "she shed" in the policy holder's back yard ..... so it occurred to me that this might be an option for me.
Not a "she shed", but a "he shed" dedicated to audio.
So, I ordered a 12' x 16' "garden shed" with a vaulted ceiling and have been working on it for the past few weeks.
Several of my friends are in various building trades, so running electric wasn't a problem and I will be having a "mini split" system installed to take care of the HVAC duties.
Here are a few photos of the results .....

I decided to use some diffuser panels that are based on plans from the Decware website from several years ago ..... a fresh coat of paint and they look pretty fine and work very well.

Sheer curtains added to the remaining windows

The windows are double pane, the entire structure is insulated and the sub-floor is 2" x 6" (12" on center) with 3/4" plywood.
Initial listening sessions are good ..... with a little fine tuning the sound should be very good.
I am very happy with the results and this will provide a nice "sanctuary" for me if things get too crazy on occasion in the "big house" .....

As always ..... I welcome visitors. So, if any of the forum readers find themselves in northern Kentucky (near Cincinnati, OH) ..... please drop in for a visit. Just let me know a day or two in advance and I will roll out the red carpet .....

Happy listening,