Lonely Raven
Seasoned Member

Jack of all Trades, Master of None
Posts: 3567
I agree completely. In fact, when I first got my ZMA and fired it up at a friends house, my heart sank because it sounded rough, brittle, just not exciting. I could see the other people in the room looking at me to see how I was reacting, because they could hear it too.
About 15 minutes later it was starting to warm up and sound good, and we all settled in for a listen. 30 minutes later it had finally reached it's stride. In my review of the ZMA (the very first one released to the public), I said it reminded me a horse warming up and eventually getting into a gallop. Once it really got it's stride, all the other amps in the room sounded weak in comparison.
Since then, whenever we have a listening session at Palomino's house - he sets up a staging area with power and cheap speakers to plug the amp into, and while we're demo'ing one amp, the others are warming up on the sideline. We've found once the amps are warmed up, if we swap them out quickly, it only takes a few minutes for them to reach their stride again, rather than an hour or whatever.
When I'm at home and I know I'll have time for a listening session, I'll usually turn the gear on and have it playing at a medium low level in the background while I cook dinner, or just powered on and idling while I watch a TV show.
Only once did I forget my little Zen amp on for 3 days straight, LOL.