1. Archie, I do not know if Steve is offering any 25th. mods for The Monos. 2. gd, you might find the following interesting. I have owned The Monos for about 5 1/2 years. During most of that time I have rolled various KT-88 tubes through the amps. The sound was always exceptional, clear and totally un-adorned...there is not a speck of coloration with these two amps... the music recorded is the music that is heard.
The different KT-88's basically sounded the same, except for one quad. After a good amount of time searching on the internet, I took a chance and ordered a quad from Russia. The tubes themselves are marked TESLOVAK, but their white boxes are marked, Czechoslovakia. Czech. of course has not existed since 1993 and the boxes do not look antique enough to be 26 years old. I still do not know if these are some type of knockoff my ears they sounded the best out of all of the other KT-88's that I have rolled.
Finally, 4 months ago, I decided to try a quad of Tung Sol KT-120 tubes. I will not bore you with the usual, audio-reviewer superlatives, so let me just say that the soundstage and bass increased noticeably over all of the KT-88's that I had rolled previously. Two more improvements in amplifiers that I did not think could be improved upon! They have taken a while to season and seem to season in know, those nights when all of a sudden there is something more, there, those magical, sonic moments. Even though Steve denotes an entire paragraph (in the owner's manual) to the use of Tung Sol KT-120 tubes in these amps, I was surprised at the increased, operating temperature of the KT-120's. I called him and he told me that the hotter, running temperature would not be a problem. Just in case, I purchased a quad of Duende Criatura tube dampers that fit over just the top of the tube. Although I do not think that they have changed the sonic signature of the KT-120 tubes, I believe that the operating temperature of the tubes has decreased slightly. I think that they might be acting as heat sinks.
So, do you have any "Mono" experiences that you would like to share? Mark