Good Article on NOS DACs
Submitted by Rob McCance on September 26, 2012 - 6:08pm
Good article.
I'm starting to see a resurgence of the ole vinyl / digital debates with most articles summarily dismissing digital.
I'm not here to change the world or take some huge stance but I can tell you this. People that state how horrible digital is probably have never heard much solid digital.
I have both and I have friends with wildly expensive vinyl setups (anti-digital bigots). I can tell everyone, from first hand experience, that a SOLID digital setup, even playing redbook, can rival Vinyl.
If it didn't I would not state it. I've got no dog in this fight.
You have to take as much care with your digital playback chain as people take with their vinyl chain: turntable, arm, cartridge, phono pre amp, pre amp, amp, etc.
I have a NOS digital playback chain that does not break the bank but without doubt, delivers the goods:
MBP/iTunes/Pure Music >> Audiophilleo >> Metrum Octave >> ARC SP16 >> Prima Luna Monoblocks.
This absolutely competes with Vinyl rigs, even playing Redbook, and absolutely SLAYS vinyl on a LOT of material.
But back to the original topic. This NOS DAC (Metrum) is a game changer for the money.
to make things more comfusing
Submitted by tomasz on September 21, 2012 - 1:09pm
Every DAC employing a delta-sigma DAC chip (e.g. PCM1798 in nu force DAC-9 or ESS9016 in Peachtree iDac) can't be truly called a NOS DAC. Delta-sigma module using 1-bit conversion must up sample the data stream at least 32-times to execute digital to analog conversion. Surely using a delta-sigma DAC without digital filter enables getting rid of the annoying post- or pre- ringing which is a side effect of every digital low-pass filtering, but we still are left with some fiddling with audio data. Delta-sigma converter have to change true PCM data into something like DSD.
Only multi-bit (resistor ladder) DACs (like AD1865, AD1862 in Audio Note DACs or TDA 1543 in Pro-Ject DAC FL) can provide a real NOS experience, although a ladder DAC chip don't necessarily mean a NOS application, because it might be used with an oversampling filter. I personally love AD1865 which I use with a 6N1P-EW tube output stage.
Vertex AQ Aletheia DAC
Submitted by PhilipAC on February 17, 2013 - 2:14pm
Hi everyone
I own the above DAC which is a NOS ladder DAC and only 96/16, despite having lots of DSD files which need to be converted to PCM, and it sounds fantastic!
Atlanta, GA
It works extremely well for me.
I like the sound sound of it so much that I bought a DAC that only does DSD (LampizatOr DSD DAC), even though like most people, the vast majority of my collection is PCM.
I use JRiver to send everything to it in DSD128. The sound is fantastic.