Ex Member
I meant to respond to this earlier, but work was pretty busy today...
I would think, off the bat, that it would too small for good low end extension. I say that because, I've read a TON of the WO and WO32 threads on here, and general concensus seems to be that 'smaller than designed means less low end', and I do believe the 36" WO is designed for 10's(someone correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't bought any plans) so putting 12's in that one is already a stretch.
Now, I've got 2 10's in a 24"x24"x14.5" modded WO and my comp. freq. is 52hz. Now, I've put 2 12's in essentially a 36"x12"x14.5"(LxWxH) WO (placed differently, check out "At it again") and it's comp. freq. is 62hz.
If at all possible, I'll re-iterate what I've heard others say... "Build the original first".
"I'd rather have the original, in it's original form, to know what I'm destroying."