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07/27/24 at 06:40:30 

Most recent 50 posts

1  AUDIO FORUMS / Digital / Re: Denafrips (Sorta) Sale
 on: Today at 02:59:27 
Started by CAJames | Post by TexJ
I picked up a Pontus II with 12th anniversary mods for cheap.  He’s blowing out his Denafrips inventory.  

2  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Soon-to-be Decware Owner - Help me choose speakers
 on: Today at 01:38:20 
Started by bruinuclafan | Post by CAJames
Posted by: Lon      Posted on: Today at 14:13:05
...ALWAYS A GREAT IDEA to have a full replacement tube complement to test after failures.

Totally agree. Also a good idea to have (several) spare fuses on hand.

3  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / SE84UFO2 / Re: First Decware Amp! A Few questions.
 on: Today at 01:08:55 
Started by abhishek | Post by mrchipster
Welcome to the forum and Decware family abhishek,

Great advice and information so far here. I'll just expand on a couple of things.

The Eversolo puts out 2.6 volts through RCA and double that through XLR's. The UFO2.1 only needs 1.5 volts to come to full power. (unless your custom one is different). The bass distortion could easily be coming from clipping the amp. It seems to track with the fact you can only bring the volume control on the UFO2.1 to about 66% before distortion could start. As mentioned, you could engage the volume control on the Eversolo and reduce it down a little and maybe raise the gain on the UFO. Play with reducing one and raising the other and vice versa to see what you prefer. You may find that raising the gain on the UFO and lowering the gain on the Eversolo may be just the ticket.
You could certainly check that the speaker wires aren't reversed at the speaker terminal or that they're not too close to the wall (being rear ported) for causes of distortion, but I doubt that's the case.

I concur that a tube preamp would allow you to really tailor the sound. You could even consider adding a ZBIT to really take advantage of the 5.2v output of the Eversolo's XLR's. The Eversolo, ZBIT, CSP3 (25'th or w/A-mods) and your future Torii/ZMA would be a force to be reckoned with!  

4  AUDIO FORUMS / Music / Re: What's spinning?
 on: Yesterday at 22:22:29 
Started by Lon | Post by Lon
Gary Peacock Trio "Eastward" Sony HiFiCD

Gary Peacock (bass) Masaaki Kikuchi (piano) Hiroshi Murakami (drums)

Man, he was a master player and a deep musical mind. And this is a very interesting recording. In the Keith Jarrett Trio "exploratory mode" tradition.

5  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Soon-to-be Decware Owner - Help me choose speakers
 on: Yesterday at 22:20:41 
Started by bruinuclafan | Post by bruinuclafan
Gotcha.  I do have a backup rectifier tube so I will swap that in when I change the fuse.

6  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Soon-to-be Decware Owner - Help me choose speakers
 on: Yesterday at 22:13:05 
Started by bruinuclafan | Post by Lon
Usually when one of these fuses fails it is the rectifier at fault. Steve says about the SEWE300B that is really the only way a fuse blows (though there is only the main fuse in this amp). When I had Zen amps and in my preamps with the fuses under the chassis it is always the rectifier that blows the fuse. Sometimes it is okay, usually it has failed or is about to fail. It is ALWAYS A GREAT IDEA to have a full replacement tube complement to test after failures.

7  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Soon-to-be Decware Owner - Help me choose speakers
 on: Yesterday at 22:01:34 
Started by bruinuclafan | Post by bruinuclafan
By the way, is a blown fuse concerning?  Is it caused by a bad tube or something like that?  Or it's just something that happens every now and then?

8  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / SE84UFO25 / Re: Tube Rolling in the UFO25 - Cryotone
 on: Yesterday at 21:58:54 
Started by HiFi Bri | Post by JOMAN
I agree there is no "right" answer--the room is likely the biggest factor in differences, and then seating position.

Couldn't agree more!  Just found out first hand what a difference the room makes, not that I didn't know about this I just didn't experience it to this degree till now.

Bought an old house and started to restore it.  My sound room is 16'x11.5'x7'8".  Actual height was 7' but I took down the drywall and stuffed 6" safe&sound rockwool in the joist spaces with an acoustic tile surface mounted.  It's not finished yet.  At this stage just speaking in this room shows how pleasant it is without the echo that's present in the adjoining room.  Listening is effortless, in fact I can't stand being in the adjoining room, going to have to do something about that.

9  AUDIO FORUMS / General Discussion and Support / Re: Soon-to-be Decware Owner - Help me choose speakers
 on: Yesterday at 21:57:36 
Started by bruinuclafan | Post by Lon
Oh yeah, Home Depot. Hate that place, but they are getting a lot of my money of late with a kitchen remodel.

10  EQUIPMENT FORUMS / SE84UFO2 / Re: First Decware Amp! A Few questions.
 on: Yesterday at 21:52:07 
Started by abhishek | Post by LiquidBlue
Hi Abhishek. Welcome and congrats on your new Decware amp. CAJames gave great advice, but I’ll try to add my 2 cents.

First, I took a look at the photo in the email for the auction and concur. The two in the back are likely the speaker impedance switch’s and should be mirrored. You can adjust while listening to hear which setting you prefer. The front two are likely the source selector and input tube bias switch. This is my speculation. If you still have trouble, I recommend a call to Steve to confirm.

I connect my Eversolo to a Decware preamp, so use the volume pass through and adjust gain/volume between the CSP3 and amp. You can try both ways and play around with the variable output on the streamer to see if you hear a difference adjusting the streamer down and the amp up or vice versa. Turning off the pass though does allow you to control volume remotely.

I have a REL sub connected to my UFO25 using high level connections. I also use Omega speakers (SAM’s). The Omegas go pretty deep in my room, but the sub definitely helps to fill in the bottom down to 30hz and gives some more “atmosphere”. You’ll need to play around with placement and crossover and gain settings on the sub to get it to pair seamlessly. Once you get those magic settings, it truly does enhance the experience greatly. I use banana plugs for the speaker connections and spades to connect the REL to the amp. Red cable to right positive and yellow to left positive. Connect the one black wire to either of the negative posts. The issue you will likely have is loud hum from the sub. The Zen amp outputs are not connected to ground, so to correct the hum issue you will need to use a jumper cable to connect the two negative posts together. This should fix the hum. You may want to revisit the subs crossover/gain settings once you have the Omegas and they have a couple hundred hours of play on them.

I suppose the distortion at 66% volume is clipping. Steve outlines this in the UFO2 manual, indicating that with 2 volts out from the source, which I believe is what the Eversolo outputs using the RCA connections, the amp will clip at 2/3 volume. Earlier than that with more voltage from the source. Checking the meters as James outlined is good advice.

Spend some time to get familiar with your system as it is now and read up on other options for next steps. I agree that a tube preamp would be an excellent next step. I lived without mine for a month in April and realized how much it brings to my own system.