Lonely Raven
Seasoned Member

Jack of all Trades, Master of None
Posts: 3567
I don't know if it has anything to do with this issue, but I'm pretty sure I recall the PPP is a balanced output design, and honestly, I thought it sounded really good, especially on smaller amps. My guess is that something is not quite right with your PPP - definitely give PS Audio a call and see if they can come up with a solution.
All that said, since the ZMA has those large caps, they do a lot of the noise filtering that the Power Regenerators are known for. I have the P10, and honestly, with the ZMA I hear very little to no difference. I heard a bigger improvement running a dedicated 10AWG wired outlet directly from my circuit panel to my dedicated 20amp typical hospital grade outlet. However, I do hear improvements on every other amp and component in the system with the P10.
If your PPP needs any repairs or updates - I too would consider trading it in on a P5 if possible.