Thanks for the tip on the Jantzens...I would like to hear those.
I just finished playing around on the HR-1s with many variations of main 3.3 caps bypassed by .1, .22, and.33s. The tweeter on the HR-1 looks just like the one on my 944s, so tonally, I believe these tests should be relevant for the 944 tweeter.
The main caps I used after eliminating Clarity SAs and Auricaps previously, are Mundorf Supreme 3.3 and Obbligato Premium 3.3s. The bypasses are Obbligato Premium .1, .22, .33, a Mundorf Supreme .33, Mundorf tinfoil .1 and .22, and last but not least NOS Russian K40Y-9 PIOs.... Their values are .1 and .33.
Though any combination of main caps and bypasses have excellent qualities and sound great, in my system there is a clear winner being the Mundorf Supreme 3.3 bypassed with the PIO K40Y-9s. These Russian caps are dirt cheap and in combination with the Supremes the sound is really sort of in another league by my tastes over any other combination or single (unbypassed) cap I have tried. The Russian and Supreme have synergy that is extremely real and alive sounding, being very detailed, but very smooth and musical, slightly rich but spacious, making the atmospheric detail very plausible and pleasurable. This in combination with the accuracy, easy flow, and impressive solidity of the Supremes...it is really pretty amazing in this room.
Another conclusion for me is that bypassing with a low value caps is a good thing to do to enliven the sound, relaxing and freshening it. This is across the board on my trials. Bypassing with any of these caps, in my system is a very good thing.
I am surprised the paper in oil K40Y-9s are not getting more discussion. I got onto them from Ron Sheldon and cryoset.com, and put them in my Torii MkIII, and I have never looked back once burnin was complete. I keep wanting to put in the Jupiter Beeswax Steve loves so much, but it sounds so good now I haven't gotten up the nerve to take the time to do it.
Anyway, I am equally enamored with them as bypasses for the Mundorf Supreme on these tweeters. Right now I have in .33s across the Supremes... but I like the lower key .1 PIO K40Y-9 in various positions just as much for the subtler, but also excellent sound they bring.