[quote author=gexter link=1157898632/0#7 date=1158806384]
I think one of the things that interest me is the design and the build. [/quote]
Gex, In case you haven't noticed, that is all that interests me, lol.
I love complex designs and I love to experiment. One day I hope to have the funds to do so just for fun lol.
You never know what you will have until it is built and tested. You can make predictions, but from experience, nothing is in stone until it has been tried. Hey we patented a subwoofer design in 1998 that was so simple it was ridiculous. The problem was that the enclosure was theoretically too small to work. The conflict was not only did it work, it worked great! It helped save woofers from overeager kids cranking their amps and volume knobs and anybody who has sold speakers knows that something that saves woofers from morons is worth a mint! Especially if it doesn't destroy sound in the process lol.
Ahhh here I go again dreaming about what I will be doing in my new house. ???
Somebody stop me!