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Does anyone have the MG944s (Read 2290 times)
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Does anyone have the MG944s
12/27/05 at 06:21:04
And if so what do you think about them. I think the price seams really low for that kind of work and design I don't think there is much mark up in those at all.

Just intersted, I can speculate all day but until I've heard one or at least read another person's review I have no idea at all.

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Chris K
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #1 - 12/27/05 at 15:34:09
Yes I have them and plan to keep them. I am the first order I think. They are tremendously open and transparent sounding with little to no midbass coloration I have often experienced with towers of this general height and size (39") with small bass drivers. The extension on the bottom octaves with the passive loading the floor "ala subwoofer" is incredible. These speakers do both Hi-Fi and HT. The build quality is superb and they are a simple load to drive, just a cap hanging off the tweeter and the midbass running full range. As for the price let them "speak" for themselves. Take the deal they are for granted and give them a listen. BTW they image GREAT too.
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #2 - 01/03/06 at 03:54:27

Can you give a comparison of the MG944's and the horns ?

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Chris K
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #3 - 01/03/06 at 05:35:07
Well Bug,
I'm having a great time with the MG's on my monoblocks right now and I think they've reached a breakin point because they sounded good but did not totally disappear. Well they are sounding really stunning and are casting a wide deep sound stage that was not totally there out of the crate. The Horns are also a tremendous sounding speaker but I have not had them in coners properly to get best bass performance. The MG's are a more neutral speaker than the Horns. The horns have a little more "presence" in the mids and midbass, but with the NEW FE126E driver the Horns are very smooth and even toned on the midrange. The highs are all there with both the Horns and the MG's. I'd have to say that amp synergy and listening habits would separate these speakers but the MG's cover more of the spectrum into the deepest bass without sounding thin placed out into the room. If I had to pick today I'd keep the MG's but I am keeping the Horns. They do an amazing disappearing act. The drivers 26 inches off the floor and they cast as big and precice of a sound stage as you'll ever hear. Tonally the Horns have a midbass strength that I percieve as "coloration" but this quality lends itself well to lot of cuts I've heard on the Horns. The MG's will be a more versatile speaker ( they'll do movies in 2 channel with HUGE sound) and they have lots of detail and finesse. MG build quality is best of its kind for hand built work. The Horns are nice looking too and I will say the Horns are like wooden "rock" when you knuckle rap them, they are hard everywhere. Very inert. Both speakers are value/dollar champions. You have to listen to both to really know what you are going to like though. For example if you have a forward sounding amp the Horns may be too much for you in that department. Again system components compliment each other very much and I have not concluded anything except I've enjoyed all of my speakers very much. I really liking the MG's a lot the past few days and on my monoblocks there is something really "on" about them! Super! BTW the Horns play slightly louder at a given volume than the MG's but that may not be a factor. I tend to listen loud but the MG's are going good on the 5wpc. that is all you need for either of these speakers.
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #4 - 01/04/06 at 03:47:31

Thanks for the reply about the comparison.

I have always been interested in the horns. Yet, at the price of the MG944... I think I would have to opt for the The Decware speakers (MG944) on the basis of the LF alone.

True, they are not a single driver speaker as the horns are. Yet, how many listeners are using sublemental LF of some sort to fill in the bottom for the horns ? So much for single drivers.
Add a tad more of sensitivity, and some more powerhandling... and I think the Decware speakers are a better value... just my ideas as I have never heard either speaker.

I'm sure it comes down to personal preference, room and amp.
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Sam in USA
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #5 - 01/17/06 at 03:12:40
Is the top of the speaker flat horizontally or slanted backword?
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #6 - 01/17/06 at 03:39:37

   The top is parallel to the floor, the front has a 5 degree slant, everthing else is a typical tower speaker, except for the sound.

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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #7 - 01/20/06 at 16:59:49
Just ordered the MG944s today.   Can't wait to set how they work with a modified scott amp!

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Chris K
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #8 - 01/31/06 at 04:43:12
Let us know when you got em up and running. Grin
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #9 - 03/11/06 at 22:59:41
  I've had mine for just about two weeks now. They're great. I traded them in on the R1.5s after about six months and couldn't be happier. I know this might sound like blasphemy to some, but as great as the R1.5s are, there was always something a bit lacking, that the MG944s provide. I've just finished listening to Mapleshade's The Frank Kimbrough Trio's 'Lonely Woman' and instead of just trying it out, I listended to it the whole CD. And this is the sixth CD that I've listened to, in whole, since I woke up. At this rate I'll never get anything done today. I've never heard voices portrayed so naturally as with these speakers. The same goes for drums and guitars. Be it jazz, world music, soundtracks, rock, as long as the recording is good, these speakers amaze me. Yes, these are keepers.
  Where the R1.5s gave more anatomy to a singer, the MG944s take it several steps further, giving voices such a real presence as to be downright spooky. Many have been the time when I've been startled when unexpected vocals come in on a recording. On Emociones (a 3 disc recording  spanning 25 years, starting in So. Africa and up to Siberia), there are some wonderful songs and styles that lull me into a revery only to startle me when unexpected vocals come in. They sound that real (try the 'Oh Brother' soundtrack as well). The same goes for drums, guitars and piano. Where the R1.5s had that wonderful leading edge that heightened the arrival of sounds, the MG944s add a few full measures of body, tone and decay that only can come from the mid and upper bass. The transmission line execution on this speaker is to be commended.
  Bass. I've never experienced bass of these proportions from such a small speaker. No bloat. No overhang. Just what seems to be a natural and even spread that skims into the bottom octave, but lets you know its there. I've had no need or desire to use my sub. I'll just keep it for HT. Upright bass sounds like it does in a club when you're about 15 feet away. What more can you ask for? The lower register on pianos sounds about right to me as well. If one were to be picky, I'd say go ahead and spend thousands more on that diminishing return and see if it's worth it. Not me.
  As for the highs, I have to admit that the R1.5s have the edge here, so far: my MG944s are far from broken in and continue to get better. It's just that the R1,5s had that air, separation and a great leading edge that made them so beguiling. Time will tell when my MGs break in but they are no slouch in this area and tingle, shine and decay just fine, thank you.
  I must commend Bob on his design. I opted for a different bottom end design than what is on this site and feel it takes the speaker to another level. If Frank LLoyd Wright were design a speaker, it would look like this. Clean, classic lines with the front going down all the way to a base like plinth really makes for a handsome design.
  I still can't believe the sound I'm getting from these speakers. They sound every bit as big as my old Legacy Classics but are one third the size. They speak with one voice as well (not three, like the Legacy) due to the crossover-less design, so there are no lows coming from down there, mids here, and highs up there. This MTM design averts the lobbing and does sound like a point source. With the 4.5" midwoofers going full range, the sound is relaxed but pure, if you get what I mean. My ears may not be as good as others out there but I detect no boxiness now. At first they had a closed in sound due to being new but that is all but gone. Just the highs to loosen up a tad and Bob's your uncle (sorry about the pun, Bob).
  In closing, and completely out of order, I'd like to thank Bob, Steve and DeVon for being so nice and accomodating. If everyone in audio were this nice, the world would be a much better place. But then, we wouldn't have such a need to retreat to our wonderful world of music made possible by the people of Decware, would we?
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Chris K
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #10 - 03/12/06 at 02:12:01
That's great to hear Nonoise!!!!
To let you know the highs will come in with a little more sparkle and shimmer as the ribbon tweet breaks in. You're description follows mine and I have had the same experience. When new the MG944's imaging was closed up and the speakers did not "disappear". But after the first week they opened up big wide and deep and ever since have all the qualities you mentioned.

Aren't they really smooth and great all around speakers?
Try them on a DVD movie in just stereo (or "direct" on some receivers) with and without a sub. The sound is huge!!!!
Glad these speakers are starting to make an impact (pun intended) on others. They tip the killer value meter to the peg!
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #11 - 03/12/06 at 04:58:45
  Yes, these are smooth and in no way do they homoginze the sound. In fact, I'm hearing more detail (info) with these than with the R1.5s and I thought they were the end-all when when it came to detail. Maybe it was due to the upward firing of the main driver on the R1.5s and/or the fact that the ribbon took over at 3Khz and the tweeter had too much to do. Either way, a very promising design and still great in its own right.
  What I still can't stress enough is the body and soul that guitars, saxes, drums and piano have. Any music with percussion in it just shines like I've never heard before. Though not a musician, I can tell when different types of guitars play together: they are distinctly different. Anything with strings that are plucked, strummed or have a bow drawn across them sound so authentic. I know I'm repeating myself but one has to hear these speakers before they buy anything else. Saxes growl so realistically and you can hear (and I swear feel) the chuffng of anything with a reed in it. Ditto trumpets: they have that intial bite followed by the mellowest, soulful sound. Truely intoxicating.
   And yes, DVDs are great on these. I just finished watching the latest Harry Potter movie and forgot to put on the sub. I didn't miss it at all.
   Its been awhile since I've been to any stereo event save for the one held in Arcadia a few months back and I heard nothing that came close to the MG944s except for the Tonian Labs LM-1 and I still prefer these. What gets me is the very positive press that the manufacters got re: their speakers and I felt that the R1.5s (that I had at the time) walked all over them. Steve and Bob are certainly onto something here and its only time before word gets out on these speakers. For the money, NOTHING comes close. One would have to spend ridiculous sums to equal what I'm hearing.  I find myself spending more time just listening for the pleasure of it, neighbors be damned. As I sit hear, I'm bobbing my head to Paris Combo and I've heard it a hundred times before, but not like this.
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #12 - 03/14/06 at 17:25:53
[quote author=nonoise link=board=radial;num=1135668064;start=0#9 date=03/11/06 at 16:59:41]   I must commend Bob on his design. I opted for a different bottom end design than what is on this site and feel it takes the speaker to another level. If Frank LLoyd Wright were design a speaker, it would look like this. Clean, classic lines with the front going down all the way to a base like plinth really makes for a handsome design./quote]


I am curious regarding the cabinet modification you noted above.

Do you have a pic you could share, or any other further description of the cabinet base?

Thanks, Gary
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #13 - 03/15/06 at 03:37:32

I saved a picture that Bob sent me re: the look of the bottom and immediately fell for it. If you send me your e-mail address, I can foward the picture to you. You can reach me at dimvp@adelphia.net.
The pictures on the site don't do it justice. It's a handsome look.
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #14 - 03/15/06 at 05:01:56

  I also have a picture of  nonoise's "MG's" before I shipped them. If you'd like I can e-mail it to you as well.

 The only difference in the two is the look, and it cost a little more to produce, which is why we decided to go with the look that you see on the site.  The speaker had to be cost effective/easy to produce at this price point, with out compromising any sonics. Nonoise's were one of those early looks Steve had come up with, which I still really like.

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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #15 - 03/15/06 at 14:12:35
Thanks guys,

Nonoise, I will email you my address.

Thanks, Gary
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #16 - 03/21/06 at 19:42:18
Speakers arrived,  I will echo the sentiments of others, the build quality is excellent.  Out of the box, I was immediately impressed with the sound quality compared to modified DCM speakers.   The DCM's sounded compressed compared to the MG944's.   The DCM's have very good drivers scan speaker 9300 tweeter and a focal mid bass.  The Decware speakers are very open.  I have been playing them all weekend with the sat dish as well as my cd jukebox.  The speakers really really shine on complex music for instance I switched to the xm cinemagic station and I really felt like I was in the movie theater.   The tune was a John Williams tune (the movie escapes me).    I can't believe these will improve with age.  This being said the speakers are hooked up to a SS system with very cheap speaker wire, a prologic preamp bypassing the prologic circuitry, and a b&k av5000 surround amp.  
I will then move the speakers to the basement (if my wife lets me) and test them on my tube/analog system.  

Has anyone placed cones in the 4 pre-drilled holes in the legs/base?  I would assume that this would issolate the speaker further and would improve sound particularly the bass.

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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #17 - 03/22/06 at 04:11:08

 Glad you like the "MG's", but trust me they do break-in and open up even more. If you were to go back to out of the box condition in a month or so you'd probably think they sounded a little constipated (a visitor to my house said his speakers sounded constipated compared to the MG's) they will open up even more.

 With the spikes you can adjust the bass a little or slightly tilt the speakers forward or back depending on how nearfield or farfield you listen. You don't want the cone type spikes, just 1/4"X20 threaded spikes. Don't elevate the speakers high enough to make it look like they aren't touching the floor, this would be to high and the bass will suffer somewhat.

  Welcome to the forum,

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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #18 - 03/27/06 at 01:12:37

Good to hear of another convert to the MG944s. They will continue to amaze you as time goes by. Mine are still opening up and getting better all the time. I just listened to all of Bill Frisell's "East/West" and only intended to listen to a few cuts. That's how intoxicating these are with the right recording. Bill's an eclectic jazz guitarist and this is a live recording that the MGs make so sublime to listen to.

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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #19 - 03/27/06 at 02:18:42
Anybody have a picture of the MG's setup in their home? I would love to see.
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #20 - 04/09/06 at 00:32:34
Just thought I'd post some revelations on the MG944s. In the last week they really opened up. Totally evolved speaker than what I started with. Highs have that leading edge resolution of the R1.5s that weren't quite there to begin with; a major step (to me). Not pronounced, but more detailed and natural, with better decay. The same goes for the mids: more resolving and spread out, letting me hear deeper into the recording. The voicing is even better than when I first got them. I know that some will say that this is to be expected, but there were gradual steps up in performance and this last one was a giant step. Unexpected. The bass is more tuneful and resolves detail in like manner. Still, there is  no one part of the freqeuncy spectrum that dominates. This is one smooth speaker that continues to sound so natural and relaxed that it is, at first blush, deceiving to a casual listener. I'm still not used to it and sometimes wonder if my hearing or perception is shot. Maybe its the symbiotic realtionship (synergy is so overused) that these speakers have with my equipment, or it could be that these would have the same results with anything behind them. I can't say. I'm just so damn happy.
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #21 - 05/14/06 at 03:17:03
I have given the speakers some good break in time and they are incredible speakers!!  They are very revealing and extremely smooth from top to bottom of the frequency range.  For instance I can hear the actual production characteristics of the venue from a Cowboy Junkies CD that was made in the late 80's early 90's.  I have used both cheap and quality Zenstyx wire.   I have used a quality modded tube amp and a home theater amp.   A 400 disk  Sony cd player, DTV, and a first generation Sony dvd player  are my front end test equipment, (certainly not audiophile equipment) and the result is the same the speakers bring out the best music has to offer.  I just love these speakers.  I highly highly recommend these speakers...    

I put a small scuff in the black finish.. Shocked
What "brand" of  black finish should be applied to cover this.  Thanks...

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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #22 - 06/08/06 at 23:24:04
Hi Guys
i posted previously about my interest in hearing the RL-3s or the HDT Mk-IIs in Colorado.  I read in one of the threads, (sorry, can't remember which) that one of you happy MG owners prefered the MG to the Radials and the HDT's.  The greater low end extension of the MG's is very appealing, as is the lower price.  Anyone care to comment on the "heretical" in house speaker comparison?  I would love to hear any of the Decware speakers!
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Re: Does anyone have the MG944s
Reply #23 - 07/05/06 at 03:30:10
Hey guys:

Me again, with the same news as before. The MGs are doing it again. They took another big leap in opening up. More resolving, better layering, more dynamic. Not at all the same speaker I started with. I think its messing with me as I was looking into the Bastani Prometheus II at another site and it sucker-punched me. Out of nowhere. I just put on Paris Combo's 'Motiffs' and sat glued to the couch, unable to move, picking up my jaw every now and then (I've had this for over a year and thought I heard all there was to it).
Bob, you told me they will improve even after 1,000 hours (?) and it scares me to think how much they will improve by then. These things should ship with a warning.

Happy 4th everone!
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