AUDIO FORUMS >> TROUBLESHOOTING >> Rectifier Tube gave up.

Message started by MikeinMontana on 02/17/24 at 01:03:14

Title: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/17/24 at 01:03:14

Our SE84UFO2.1 arrived on January 29th and has played perfectly fine until tonight. No weird noises and has been a very quiet amp. Changed a cd for another and suddenly just went silent. Tubes light up,..except now the 5U4G rectifier tube. Anything I should check? Nothing has been changed at all since we hooked it up. The only source is an Oppo 103 Blu ray player.  Thanks! Mike

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by chapsjon on 02/17/24 at 01:15:26

Sorry about this seeming bad luck Mike. If I remember correctly, Decware guarantees the tubes for 90 days. I recommend reaching back to them.

In the meantime, you could check the fuse, but I'm not sure the other tubes would still light up if that were it. Most likely need to replace the rectifier. If you buy one, I would recommend NOS. At one point in the forum, Steve said the Chinese rectifiers the amps come with are meant to let you play the amp until you can get an NOS rectifier, then keep as a backup.

Maybe someone else will be more help... Take care,

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Lon on 02/17/24 at 01:19:14

I think it may be the rectifier, the main fuse and/or and the 5 Amp fuse underneath the chassis on the fuse board. if you turn the chassis upside down that should be the fuse closest to the left side of the three; the other two should be 200 milli-amp fuses, but if the rectifier is not lighting up it is likely the 5 Amp (if the 200 amp are blown, all tubes would likely "glow" but there would be no sound.)

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by funch on 02/17/24 at 01:22:25

There may be fuses mounted to the underside of the rectifier socket. You will have to remove the amp plate from the wooden base to see them.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by funch on 02/17/24 at 01:24:01

Lon beat me to it.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/17/24 at 01:30:56

The three other tubes light up and the transformer gets warm. The rectifier is cold. Would a burnt fuse cause this?  A new amp, so not wanting to mess with it if it is most likely just a rectifier tube. Does the rectifier have it's own fuse?  Kind of bummed...the Schleprock syndrome at play (cop talk) A Friday evening and three day weekend. This little amp sure does (did) sound amazing! ;D I'll call Monday or Tuesday Morning~ As usual, you folks are just awesome  [smiley=icqlite20.png] Have a great weekend ~  Mike

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/17/24 at 02:29:51

osted by: MikeinMontana      Posted on: Today at 17:30:56

The three other tubes light up and the transformer gets warm. The rectifier is cold.

It sounds to me like you need a new rectifier. IMO you ought to get backups for all your tubes... cuz you never know.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Geno on 02/17/24 at 03:08:52

Hi Mike.

Sorry for your trouble. I’ve had this happen several times in the past. I’m sure that what happened is, the rectifier failed, causing a fuse/fuses to blow. This is a relatively easy fix - take the bottom off, and replace the bad fuse/fuses under the rectifier. You may as well go ahead and take a look under the hood, and find the problem.

Like James said, you need back up tubes, but you also need several of each type of fuse for backups. Although a bit of a hassle, at least in about 30 minutes, you would be back in business.



Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Kamran on 02/17/24 at 03:33:11

Mike, ugh/so sorry to hear that-this must be really frustrating.

Order a spare rectifier regardless as you sort this out. And check if Steve shipped your amp with a spare fuse?

As James said, it’s good practice to have spare tubes on hand at a time like this.

Hopefully, you’ll be back up and running in no time!

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/17/24 at 03:36:38

Posted by: Geno      Posted on: Today at 19:08:52

...but you also need several of each type of fuse for backups...

Great point Geno.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/17/24 at 04:34:51

Kamran,we talked about that after dinner. Yup. ordering more than one. Just didn't expect this so soon. Ahh well. stood up out of bed this morning and plan on it again!  All good!~~~~'In the meantime, you could check the fuse, but I'm not sure the other tubes would still light up if that were it. Most likely need to replace the rectifier. If you buy one, I would recommend NOS. At one point in the forum, Steve said the Chinese rectifiers the amps come with are meant to let you play the amp until you can get an NOS rectifier, then keep as a backup.' On it! Thank you guys!! Recommended NOS rectifier? I will get another for sure....  [smiley=icqlite20.png] ~Mike      oh an Geno too: "Like James said, you need back up tubes, but you also need several of each type of fuse for backups. Although a bit of a hassle, at least in about 30 minutes, you would be back in business." Going to order a few of those too!  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/17/24 at 14:31:51

Here is a thread with a lot of good info on buying your first NOS rectifier:

It is a couple years old, but still points in the right direction.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/17/24 at 15:29:52

Thanks James! Still looking around. Opinion?

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/17/24 at 15:34:13

Posted by: MikeinMontana      Posted on: Today at 07:29:52

Thanks James! Still looking around. Opinion?

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/17/24 at 16:10:15

Looks good, hopefully you'll be back to listening soon. FWIW the only rectifier I've had fail in my UFOs is a high dollar Mullard GZ34 that should have outlived me, so you never know.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/17/24 at 16:52:31

Good to know! I will get back on how this works when it arrives. Hoping for a replacement stock Decware rectifier one as well. I'm sure no problem. I'd use that one as a backup.....and get more replacements for the other 3 tubes as well. We love the sound so will stick with those 3 that Decware used on this amp. I hope I didn't screw up the other tubes etc.. by not immediately turning it off. I was pretty quick to

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/20/24 at 23:45:37

5U4G Svetlana black plate rectifier 1950's nos. This Russian one is en-route, along with Decware stock one. Getting stock one QUICK! I will be writing a note about Decware Staff soon. These people are absolutely amazing. [smiley=icqlite20.png] [smiley=icqlite20.png]  ~ Mike

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Crazy Bill the Eel Killer on 02/21/24 at 15:42:17

Hello Mike,
bought eight of those 20 years ago ( circa late 50s early 60s versions, black plate ), and have had only one failure so far, and that was after probably 15 yrs of use. Better than anything else I compared to except An EML mesh plate 5u4g, and it was very, very close.
Great rectifier. The old black plates are getting harder to find.

Cheers,                   Crazy Bill

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/21/24 at 17:07:13

Made me feel a lot more confidant for sure. Our son got one from this vender too. I called our son right away after running into these. He's a flat lander living in Ohio now.  ;) his career. We got the last two of 9 this vender had. Outstanding reviews too. I think we'll be in business, ~including the Decware one. I have spares of the output tubes as well, but those two have not shipped just yet. The input tube is available on the Decware site. Have found those too, but after shipping etc, will likely get from Decware. Took some time to chase all of these down. . Thank you for commenting- input on these Crazy Bill! [smiley=beer.gif] I will pass this on to our son.  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Steve Deckert on 02/22/24 at 16:37:03

If a rectifier tube does not light up but the other tubes do, it means the rectifier tube is either bad or the rectifier fuse(s) inside the amp blew.  Fuses never blow for no reason.  What blows the fuses are small electrical arcs inside the rectifier tube that act like shorts.  These are caused by the following things:  

1) Shipping causing the distance between the elements inside the tube to change making it more likely to arc.

2) Voltage spikes - either from bad weather, bad wiring, having the power cord not fully inserted into the IEC connector, using power strips.

3) Factory defects in the tube.

4) Using poor quality socket savers.

5) Using the wrong rectifier tube.

6) Using the tube past its recommended lifetime.

If a rectifier tube arcs, it is usually when the amp is first turned on, but can also occur at any time.  Sometime the tube continues to work fine after the arc, sometimes it works for awhile and then arcs again later, sometimes the tube is toast.

The reason for using rectifiers in tube amps is not for convenience it is for sound quality.  Having a spare rectifier tube on hand at all times is no different than having a spare light bulb when your lamp goes dark.


Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/22/24 at 17:58:56

Posted by: MikeinMontana      Posted on: Today at 09:45:00

...Would installing the replacement rect and switching amp on be a bad idea before checking fuse?

There is no downside to checking the fuse, but if there is a problem with it you won't get any music. That would be the time to check/replace the fuse. You won't hurt anything turning on the amp if the fuse is bad (that's the whole point of a fuse).

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Lon on 02/22/24 at 18:51:23

Mike, I don't think you would mess up the screwheads--I have an amp I have taken the top off of perhaps a dozen times and the screws are not even worn a bit.

And, from experience I've learned a good way to handle the fuse replacement. First, take all the cabling and tubes off the amplifier. Then unscrew all the screws. Then take hold of the big ass transformer and lift up. . . you can then turn over the chassis and the transformer will sit down inside the case and settle there--and then you can access the fuse panel on the underside. You may have to gently move aside a few wires to remove fuses but that's easily done and not risky to the circuitry.

If the rectifier is not lighting up it's possible if it is not the main fuse in the IEC power inlet, then it's the 5 amp fuse in the fuse board, which is the one closest to the left side of the chassis when it is upside down. If the rectifier and all tubes light up but there is no sound, then one or both of the 200 milli-amp fuses also on that board has failed, I always replace both of them.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/22/24 at 19:07:20

I just want to add one other thing that may be obvious: you can't tell a fuse is good by looking at it. Sometimes it is obviously blown, but sometimes it looks brand new and is still blown. You can test it with a DMM, but realistically it is easier just to replace any fuse you suspect is bad. That is why I would wait til you get the new rectifier to see if you need to open up the amp and look at fuses.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Rap on 02/22/24 at 22:49:09

Russian 5u4g´s are surprisingly good after some burn-in, stronger than the Mazda gz32´s they replaced and just as good after about 50 hours of burn, a bargain.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/22/24 at 23:01:23

That one is shipped, but will be awhile. I now have all back-up tubes ordered. Thank you Rap.  Hearing all good about that Russian one too!  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Donnie on 02/23/24 at 01:46:09

If I was worried about stripping the screw out of the wooden chassis I would,when everything is apart, put some Super Glue into the screw holes.
Let it set up, and Bob's your Uncle, Fanny's your Aunt, Your screw holes are like new.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/23/24 at 22:36:02

OK, new replacement Tube arrived. No-go. Replaced all 3 fuses ( 1x 5A and two, 250mA under the rectifier/ inside amp. even though all three 'looked' fine. Brand new 5 A fuses keep blowing. Both 250 mA stay intact. Wonder if 'luck' would have it I got a 2nd bad tube? The underside of this amplifier plate is gorgeous, it's so neat and tidy. All solder joints obviously professional looking. No smells, no burned area, no nothing obviously wrong anywhere. A call on Monday. Any other ideas ..please let me know  [smiley=icqlite20.png]  Mike    by the way..the amp still lights up the other three tubes. No rectifier.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Lon on 02/23/24 at 22:42:06

Okay, seems odd to me. One thing: the other two tubes underneath are actually 200 milliamp, not 250, but that shouldn't make a really big difference. And those two fuses don't stop the rectifier from powering up, just stop "sound" coming out of the amp.

One final query: did you change the 3 amp fuse in the IEC connector? I have seen here on the forum I think that one was bad but still allowed some of the tubes to power up, but not the rectifier. If there is a new fuse in that receptacle, and the 5 amp fuse changed (and good) underneath. . . then it's time to talk to Steve I think.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/23/24 at 23:18:33

Hi Lon. I had to correct my post. The 5 amp is indeed popping

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/23/24 at 23:35:24


Another bad tube is unlikely but certainly not impossible. If the 5 A fuse is blowing it is almost certainly a rectifier specific problem, so unless something happened to one of the connections to the rectifier socket (even more unlikely than a second bad tube) I'm out of ideas. Well, one idea, but very much no warranty expressed or implied, is you could try a 6 A fuse and see if that buys you anything. But realistically that is a suggestion I'd wait for Steve to make.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/23/24 at 23:44:13

Yes. IEC connector fuse is fine, also came with an extra.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Lon on 02/24/24 at 00:24:05

Okay, I mention this because I made this error before: is the 5 amp fuse in the correct spot? When you are looking at the underside of the chassis and the top is the area with the transformer and the bottom is the area with the volume control, the 5 amp fuse goes in the left-most of the three fuse holders.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/24 at 00:54:37

Thanks everyone. What's with Friday evenings seeming to almost always be the silly time for sh to happen anyway? Business etc closed for weekend.  :D  Have a good weekend, a quiet one here... [smiley=lolk.gif]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/24 at 00:59:28

yeah, in the 3 fuse holder, it is labeled 6 A. the other two 1/4 A  I think..  Yup 6 A- left side. Thanks Lon ~~ Also, Kathy saw a tiny piece of solder slag sitting on the towel where I first removed the top and turned it over. She has awesome eyes. It's a very tiny/tiny piece, probably nothing, but I know about temps up and down can sometimes cause a cracked joint on a 'cold weld', but we looked around all over in this and it is so well done! Looks great.. Is it a full moon? Image from front deck.  

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Gilf on 02/24/24 at 02:05:01

You want it too bad, Mike. That’s what happens to me when I want something too much. Can’t have it. Lol.
I’m bummed for you. Hope this resolves soon.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/24 at 03:13:44

;) Actually pretty bummed too because I was not going to order originally (Personal health reason) but kept looking over the amps and site, but not ordering. Then my wife asked why I didn't order yet, I just told a lame excuse. I went ahead and ordered it, or she said she would anyway..twisted my arm. hehe. The closer it got to being built, the more excited I got. Had it almost 3 whole weeks without a single problem..and poof. Here we go. Shit. Made no sense as it was already playing fine. We were so enjoying this. After reading a lot of responses and other takes on this type of issue, I think maybe a heat related cracked 'cold' solder joint, bad tube socket, or just very bad luck with two separate rectifier tubes. I burned 3, 5 A fuses trying to get it to work. So the last 5 amp tube I have is in it and fine...because I wont turn it on. ALL other fuses never popped. Will get to it soon. Mr Deckert has a note left so I am sure he'll call.  [smiley=icqlite20.png] The 5 a fuses I had were all NOT slow blow ones though, so not sure if that matters much. I cannot believe I am resorting to listening to Everyone Loves Raymond on a Friday night in the background.. he he. . All good anyway. Goodnight Gilf

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Gilf on 02/24/24 at 12:52:23

I’ve lived in beautiful places a few times in my life and that’s the downfall - no modern luxuries around when you need them. Looks like you’ve got one luxury though there in your partner.
I have a couple extra rectifier tubes laying around. If you PM your address I’ll mail them out today. They’re nothing special but could help you diagnose if it’s bad tubes or something else.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by JOMAN on 02/24/24 at 12:53:38

he 5 a fuses I had were all NOT slow blow ones though,

I'm no technician so take this with a degree of caution...

You should not be replacing a slow blow fuse with a fast blow fuse.  Slow blow fuses will take a spike when the amp is powered on but not a fast blow fuse.

It's my understanding that when an amp is powered on a spike can occur momentarily and then the amp settles to its steady state amp and voltage draw.  A slow blow fuse will not fail on a power up spike a fat blow will.  

I would confirm the above with a tech and then get slow blow fuses.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Gilf on 02/24/24 at 12:57:01

Good point JDMAN. I didn’t catch that but you’re right.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by JBzen on 02/24/24 at 13:02:52

It's my understanding that when an amp is powered on a spike can occur momentarily and then the amp settles to its steady state amp and voltage draw.

This is correct. The power supply caps create a surge that will pull more amps then the fuse rating at the flip of the power switch. Slow blow fuses will withstand this surge.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/24 at 15:20:44

WOW..Gilf! I really appreciate that a lot, but I do see that Svetalana 504G arriving on Monday or Tuesday.I am going to call a couple places up the road, if there even open and find any, taking a little drive. Beautiful morning so far.  I got the last 2 packs of non sb ones in town. If I find those sb ones, I'm going to plug that old nos 504g in when it arrives. You people truly are awesome! Gilf..I do not drink, but i'd have a beer with ya! Even if I burn my very last brain cell up.  [smiley=beer.gif]It's currently playing 'pong' anyway...... Joman! Thank you..makes perfect sense as I didn't know exactly what it meant. Learning as I go. A lot of 'things'..Mike   I left the amp unbuttoned on the dining room table. so all set.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Tony on 02/24/24 at 15:55:47

Gilf said above:

I have a couple extra rectifier tubes laying around. If you PM your address, I’ll mail them out todayy

Gilf, nice touch. I find the generosity and support of this community remarkable. Sometimes it's a suggestion or a helping hand. It just makes a big difference when one runs out of ideas and a solution seems hidden.

And, Mike good luck with the tube.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Geno on 02/24/24 at 17:13:16


I bring this up because I did it myself, the first time I had a rectifier/fuse blow.

Not to imply that you are as stupid as me (that is highly unlikely) but be sure that when you replace the bad fuse/fuses, and put the amp bottom back on, and insert all tubes, that you have the power plug unplugged from the wall. First insert the power plug into the amp, then plug it into the wall.

I did this bassakward, and blew another fuse(or two) before I realized my ignorance. I did this once with my ZLC too :-[

I’m just trying to rule out things that could cause this. I think that it is unlikely (but not impossible) that you got another bad rectifier.



Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/24 at 17:24:18

Thank you Tony. And WE absolutely agree with you about folks here. I told her what Gilf said this morning and much of the rest of so much help offered here too. She's very thankful too. ...I'll bet the 'problem' is something that will be found to be something so simple. Have a great Saturday. ~Mike  ~~~~
also Geno: Right on, I will definitely do it that way next try for sure! I talked to Sarah at Decware last evening as everyone else was either gone or just about to leave for the weekend. Told her 'I was once a rocket scientist, but those days are all gone now'.  She was a sweetheart.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/24/24 at 22:19:03

Hilarious! Called all over sw Montana, and a little ma-pa tool store that I was surprised picked up the phone on a Saturday, said that he had one pack of two slow blow 5A 5x20. It is a good distance away, but a nice drive. Get there and am handed the fuses that say time delay on them, not slow blow. Bought them anyway, and of course it blew in use. :D Had a job generally in the cities, but didn't live in one. We're just small town types for sure. Yup, finding something, (other than milk, eggs, critters, trees, weeds, cows and game) is often impossible here, was. Ordered from Amazon. I have a feeling that once I get the actual, serviceable proper sb fuse, the replacement rect tube I have and amp will work again fine. A side note, I did bring the original (two) 200 mA fuses and both are fine. Oh yippee! And so goes the adventures of a buffoon that knows nothing about tube amps. Well, I do know a little about fuses now...   Mike aka- ex- Rocket Scientist  

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by JOMAN on 02/25/24 at 00:12:42

that say time delay on them, not slow blow.

Hate to say this to you but time delay and slow blow is just another way of saying the same thing.  Some slow blow fuse will have "TD" stamped on the metal collar.

Could be bad fuses???  If the new ones that you've ordered work then you'll know for sure.  If not the problem is elsewhere.  

Our SE84UFO2.1 arrived on January 29th and has played perfectly fine until tonight. No weird noises and has been a very quiet amp. Changed a cd for another and suddenly just went silent.

The only way you'll know for sure if it's in the amp is to send it back to be checked.  Yes that's a pain but it will be worth it.  Try sending components back from Canada to the States, what a... "TREAT!".  I've had greater inconvenience with some solid state components over the years.

One other consideration, before you send it back make sure that you know for a certainty that it's not in the house wiring to the receptacle.  Are the wires tight in the contacts???

Don't give up.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by JOMAN on 02/25/24 at 00:24:06

One other thing... If you go as far as checking the wiring at the receptacle, think about changing the receptacle.  New house or old it doesn't matter.  Some of the new receptacles are of deplorable quality, you just never know. You don't have to get the expensive receptacles like I just did.  Just good solid receptacles, hospital grade preferred.  

Consider it... reasonable insurance.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/25/24 at 16:38:45

I did have the amp moved two different outlets to try, but only used a different, but brand new , never used plug from an Oppo 203 player. Nothing else hooked up to it. All of the amp fuses I have break immediately when switched on. Man, these fuses get expensive. I have one more 'time Delay' (retardo in spanish on the label, so of course perfect for me! Had to have it!) fuse left, so I am going to pop that Svetlana 504G in and give it a shot when it gets here. The image of the slow blow type fuse (like the original in the zen and one of those time-delay ones. They sure do look different. Slow blow ones resemble a tiny section of wound guitar string.  I really do not think a house wiring problem. House built in 2004. If I have to send it back in, sure will. I would have to pack it up just like it was at Decware. We've seen way too many packages look run over by the time they arrive here. Hired help is NOT what it used to be...not even close 'all day long~    Thank You JOMAN [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/27/24 at 14:53:11

The 1950's NOS tube arrived yesterday evening. I saved one last sb fuse for it. Plugged it in and works like a champ. First 15 minutes of listening was not what I had hoped..but, within the next couple of hours, WOW. Cleaned up beautifully! Very NICE rectifier tube! Will be listening a lot today. Snow and crappy out, so of course [smiley=icqlite20.png], between moving snow when/if needed. Also, I had the pleasure of speaking with Sarah, Veronica, and now Steve too. I didn't even vapor lock too bad! [smiley=cool.gif] (talking)  This outfit and these people truly are a class act. You cannot deal with any better anywhere! Also, to you folks here on this forum, a huge thank you as well. I will be checking back in after more time on this tube. All the very best ~ Mike  -by the way,,,last record we played last night was the entire SACD of Train, Drops Of Jupiter. Gorgeous sounding!

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Gilf on 02/27/24 at 15:18:34

Stoked to hear you are back up and running, that made my day.

Hopefully no long term PTSD from Judge Judy.  :)


Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by CAJames on 02/27/24 at 15:22:07

Glad you're back up and listening!

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/27/24 at 15:29:20

Thank you Gilf ( ;D) and James. We are in business~  [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Lon on 02/27/24 at 16:32:12

So glad you are back up and running!

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/27/24 at 18:14:45

Thank you Lon! lovers since we were just kids. Cannot do without! All the best [smiley=icqlite20.png]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by Kamran on 02/27/24 at 19:43:30

Great development!

Happy listening to you both!

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 02/28/24 at 19:03:31

Thank You Kamran!  I guess a raccoon likes the same music that we do. Little bastard made a mess on our front deck. Dancing around like a maniac, was getting pretty late, maybe really pissed? We love this amp!  I take pics much more than hunting these days. Working on both again. This baby not very happy with that fly between the eyes. Guess if we had hooves..not happy either. A few summers ago behind home.  You and yours have great day Kamran [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/10/24 at 19:26:31

I ran across a NOS RCA 5u4G (1953) as one more extra to have. Works beautifully too! I spoke with the man selling it and he lowered the price even more. Was NOT expensive at all~ ALL good on replacement tubes now. [smiley=icqlite20.png] 52 degrees, cloudy and very windy today. Not too shabby for southern Montana. Have a great Sunday all~   Mike

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by safebelayer on 03/15/24 at 18:23:39


Rather than raise a public ruckus, please pm me. I have some recs for rectifier. Go boys in blue.

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by 1stwattlife on 03/15/24 at 18:59:43

Mike- do I recognize that wedding pic from the audiokarma forum years ago? I may be making it up in my head, but if not I think we may have corresponded before. would be a small world... just curious...

Title: Re: Rectifier Tube gave up.
Post by MikeinMontana on 03/16/24 at 23:00:59

No. I don't think I was ever on that before. The longest I have ever been on a forum is the Klipsch one. Since 1999. Shit, getting older than dirt. I think that has been it for forums. Except of course this one too. All the best man! You're in a good outfit! ~Decware~    Mike

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