Forums Audio Forums >> Frequently Asked Questions >> YouTube video of Sarah playing known vinyl Message started by Rensselaer on 10/18/23 at 11:43:09 |
Title: YouTube video of Sarah playing known vinyl Post by Rensselaer on 10/18/23 at 11:43:09 It has been claimed that the very best SET’s are able to present simply-miked pure-analogue records so uncannily real that one can suspend their disbelief. If that is true, even if only a little, why is it then that every YouTube demonstration of the Sarah is of a digital source. I doubt that I am the only audiophile in the world who finds that digital sounds unreal (when compared to pure analogue). I would love to see a YouTube video (or two) by Decware playing a well-known tract from a pure-analogue vinyl record through the Sarah into a pair of Altec A7’s, Tannoy Churchill’s or similar vintage high efficiency speakers, anyone else? |
Title: Re: YouTube video of Sarah playing known vinyl Post by CAJames on 10/18/23 at 13:47:07 FWIW here is a video of Sarah playing a simply miked, pure analog recording. |
Title: Re: YouTube video of Sarah playing known vinyl Post by Rensselaer on 10/18/23 at 14:47:14 Thanks. Sounds a bit harsh on my computer speakers, worse with Dragonfly USB DAC and Audeze ear clipped in ear headphones, no doubt due to the music recorded to digital through phone or similar and then back through tiny speakers, however, my own Youtube vids of my system doesn't sound that sharp ... Is there anyone in the UK, hopefully close to Norfolk, with a Decware amplifier with record playing front end that might be willing to allow me to audition it in person? |
Title: Re: YouTube video of Sarah playing known vinyl Post by GroovySauce on 10/19/23 at 11:04:25 Having been in the Decware listening room and spending time listening to the Sarah300b I can assure you it's not harsh or sharp. Hope you can find a Sarah300b owner in the UK who is willing to make a new audio buddy! |
Title: Re: YouTube video of Sarah playing known vinyl Post by CAJames on 10/19/23 at 15:33:14 Quote:
How does it compare to the video of the original concert? Agree it would be great if you can find another Decware system to hear. I don't recall any other posters in the UK, but there are a few elsewhere on the continent if you are willing to travel. But I bought my Decware system "sight unheard" and think most others did as well. When I got it it far exceeded my expectations. Good luck in your journey. |
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