SPEAKER FORUMS >> ERR /ERRx >> Err use nearfield

Message started by JazztoGo on 04/24/14 at 04:12:59

Title: Err use nearfield
Post by JazztoGo on 04/24/14 at 04:12:59

Hello everyone,  I have a question for err owners and if you are using them near your desk?  I have a torii mkiv and have been looking at getting these but i work mostly next to my desk and current setup they will be basically right next to me and not sure if its worth getting now later when I have a bigger room.  I currently have the traps and do love them just looking for more hahah.  thank you all for any input

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Lon on 04/24/14 at 11:40:40

I have used my ERRs in a neaer-field setup, not exactly "near my desk." I think, though not at all ideal, if you can get them about five to six feet apart, at leaset four feet out from a wall, and about five to six feet from your ears you can get some very satisfying sound.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by tom collins on 04/24/14 at 17:52:19

i agree with lon.  i think it would be overwhelming as you have described your situation.  mine are also well out in my room, truly holographic.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by JazztoGo on 04/25/14 at 00:22:28

hey all thank you for the input I really appreciate it.  

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by tom collins on 04/30/14 at 23:10:30

i went to the axpona show.  while i did not see any decware there, i did learn some interesting ideas for speaker setup in narrow rooms.  i had been disappointed with some bass bloatiness in my errs, an out of control sound.  many of the rooms there, some that sounded really good had the speakers right on the sidewalls and angled in to the listening seat at pretty extreme angles.  my room is 12.5 by 19, so i tried this.  really cleaned up the bass and the center image and depth did not deteriorate.  just a thought for others that may have those issues.  previously i had them about 1.5 feet from the walls.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Stefan on 08/16/15 at 01:05:52

I'm also using them near field in a tiny room (9 x 10 ft) and also had issues with bass bloat. I added 6 bass traps (4 stacked in the corners, 2 on the opposite wall) which got it to a level that I can now enjoy the ERRx to a very load level. If you go to concert level the floor starts to vibrate, guess there is only so much you can do in a small room.
Overall they sound fantastic and have a great sound stage in that small room, I enjoy them way more than my head phones.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Archie on 08/17/15 at 17:31:26

I wonder if some kind of isolation platforms under the ERRs might help with the bass bloat?  Especially with the floor resonance?

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Stefan on 08/20/15 at 05:18:27

Good idea, I'll give that a try.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Stefan on 09/10/15 at 05:02:54

Bob recommended to put foam in the bass outlets on the bottom of the speakers, after I did that on both speaker on all sides it really got the bass under control and I can hear bass heavy music now without boom!

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Charnwood on 03/06/16 at 18:57:07

I have mine sitting on Something Solid Missing Link Feet. These are isolation feet and pretty well remove any trace of resonance from my suspended wooden floor. I have the Something Solid Little Link Feet, a small version of the Missing Link foot, sitting under my CD player and the difference they make to that device is staggering. Both items highly recommended particularly since they are not costly. They are available from Deco Audio here in the UK.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by Elgordito on 09/04/17 at 05:38:42

How do you think the bass would be with just the foam and no corner traps. I have a 10 x 11 room and think hard on the errx.

Title: Re: Err use nearfield
Post by MusicMelt on 04/30/24 at 18:09:30

Hi Stefon,

I’m considering the EERx for a 11.25'  x 14.5'x 7.91' room (or a much larger room).

I’m impressed that you were able to make the EERx sound good in such a small room.

May I ask what kind of bass traps you used?

Did you use other sound treatments as well?


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