SPEAKER FORUMS >> MG944 >> My MG944's are here

Message started by Donnie on 04/13/11 at 01:21:43

Title: My MG944's are here
Post by Donnie on 04/13/11 at 01:21:43

I arrived home from work today to the sight of two boxes on my front porch. Wha-hoo!
It took every bit of my self control not to get my pocket knife out and cut them open on my front yard. So I drug the boxes in the garage and carefully extracted them from the extremely sturdy containers. I then carryed them into my "dedicated listening room" and hooked them up. As my ZDAC and Torii are shipping today and I have the patience of a 2 year old on Christmas Eve, I hooked them up to my old Onkyo reciever. I connected them with some cheap Audio Quest Type 4 cable that I had and turned it on.
Shit, no bass, I mean nothing. I thought to myself "these high end guys don't like anything under 100hz." I then remembered that it takes a while for speakers to warm up, so I went and made supper.
When I came back, wow, what a difference. They sound great. It just took a little while to find the little monkeys that are in charge of pounding out the bass.
A word about fit and finish, Excellent! I really can't say how nice they look. I'm pretty sure that my wife will now want to change everything in the room to match.
I really want to thank ZYGI, Steve and everyone else at Decware for making such nice, reasonably priced, quality products right here in the good ol' USA.
Tomorrow, ZDAC and Torii!!!

Title: Re:  My MG944's are here
Post by Lon on 04/13/11 at 02:14:47

Congrats! You're going to be having some real fun!

Title: Re:  My MG944's are here
Post by Chris K on 04/13/11 at 17:36:35

Donnie Play them Play them....lots. They get real nice after about couple hundred hours of play time.

Title: Re:  My MG944's are here
Post by Donnie on 05/11/11 at 00:59:46

I just noticed that I can't tell that sound is coming out of my MG's. It is just coming from someplace in front of me! If I couldn't see the wall I would swear that the North Mississippi Allstars were standing in my room. Amazing!

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